English > Development

Export Actors and there roles

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just quickly, excellent program dudes, has mass potential

My question is I'm editing the template for movie xml and i'm trying to include the roles for each actor as follows


I've played around with the coding for some time now and I just can't get it. Can anybody help me with providing me some examples so I can just learn from them.

You have to create an extra .tpl file for actors and write smth like this in the main template file:

--- Code: ---{%value=52 template="actors.tpl" param="full"}
--- End code ---

In the actors.tpl you write:

--- Code: ---%HEAD%<actor>%HEAD%
--- End code ---

Thanks nostra,

that helped perfectly.

Kind Regards

Your question seems to involve what would be required to export XML for import to XBMC (i.e., the actor/role format). It might be helpful if you could post what you've done to XBMC integration?

No problem rick.ca

I'll post a reply with all my workings in that particular form very soon.
All my work is based upon xbmc for xbox.

will it be a problem to post that kind of information and workings being its for the xbmc xbox version?

Kind Regards


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