English > Scripts and Templates

Export template: HTML List (English + German)

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I'd like to contribute an export template. It generates a HTML-list (an unordered list with some details) and is formatted via style sheets (HTML and CSS both stored in one file). The print styles differ from screen styles: different margins, smaller font, white background, black font color, font face is changed to "Calibri" (in screen view it's "Helvetica"). If either of them is not installed on your PC, the style switches to "Verdana" or to the standard sans-serif font selected in your browser.
The styles are W3C-compliant and should render fine with any modern browser, with older ones it might look crappy or even be unreadable. I tested them with Firefox 3.6 and IE 7 only.
Hope, someone will like it...

The first template is in English, the second one is in German.

----> You'll find the newest templates here

Thanks! It's nice that the print style is included. Just curious...Is it possible for that to print each movie on a separate page?

Yes, print styles in general are a nice invention...  ;)
By the way, the print style already tells browsers to insert page-breaks only between list entries, so that a movie entry should not be split up over two pages if possible, but unfortunately only Opera implemented this CSS 2.0 standard feature till today.  ::)

But to print every movie on a new page is easy to achieve and works with most (up to date versions of) common browsers:
li.movie {page-break-after:always;}
should do the trick.

Perfect! You're now our official HTML exportmeister. Congrats. ;)

Great!!   :) So, there are some things I need for my new working position, here's my wishlist...  ;) ok, only one wish to start with: I would really like to be able to export the film duration in seconds. Other apps I tested or worked with for some while want to have the duration in seconds for CSV-fileimport. It is always nice to know that you have the possibility to switch back to your old application. It makes it so much easier (emotionally ;) ) to give Personal Video Database a try...


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