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Imdb.com[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script or Imdb.com[EN][HTTPS]_Search script cannot find search results if there is already some other url link in the url field. In this case, I recommend using the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script for advanced search results. You can use the IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script to simply search results. Both scripts will work for you even if there is already another url link in the url field.

IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -b script and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_Search -a script is  attached.


--- Quote from: afrocuban on December 22, 2023, 08:17:14 pm ---I got some diagnose. Please check what is happening if any url is stored in the url field and running IMDb search after that:

--- Code: ---(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Compiling script: Imdb.com[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Script compiled successfully: Imdb.com[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv.psf
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'CURPOS' never used
[Hint] (501:2): Variable 'ENDPOS' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'TMP' never used
[Hint] (502:2): Variable 'SEARCHSTR' never used
[Hint] (499:10): Variable 'Result' never used
[Hint] (594:2): Variable 'DEBUG_POS1' never used
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Executing script binary
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Logging in...
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCodePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Search
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetDownloadURL - Mode: 0
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * DownloadURL:
http://www.filmaffinity.com/en/film220449.html || * Mode: 1
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetBaseURL
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Searching movie information for: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetCurrentMode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetCurrentMode: Normal
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParsePage - Normal Mode
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called ParseMoviePage
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieTitle
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle:
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieTitle =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Called GetMovieYear
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) GetMovieYear =>
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM)  * Provider data info retreived Ok in 2023-12-22 20:19:44| (~Updated~)
(12/22/2023 8:19:44 PM) Finish

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

Thanks for help and fix bug.


--- Quote from: NetworkShark on December 23, 2023, 09:39:46 am ---

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

--- End quote ---

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.



So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.


--- Quote from: Ivek23 on December 23, 2023, 09:51:09 am ---Thanks for help and fix bug.

--- End quote ---
I'm here to help! 8)

--- Quote from: afrocuban on December 23, 2023, 01:32:54 pm ---
--- Quote from: NetworkShark on December 23, 2023, 09:39:46 am ---

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

--- End quote ---

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.



So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.

--- End quote ---

Thank you afrocuban, you too!

I can't replicate the error, can you get the log?



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