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Topics - John666

Pages: [1]
Support / IMDB Plugin
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:41:02 pm »
I have just updated to IMDB Plugin and noticed that it is not updating individual episodes, even if you go into the specific episode first.

Has anyone else come across this or is it just me?

Development / script not working with Series Updates
« on: January 15, 2012, 08:37:21 pm »
Hi, is anyone else having trouble updating Series information from

It appears to go through the process of downloading etc. until it gets to the 'Downloading' section and the crashes out adding a second URL the same as the first but ending with 'episodes'.

Once the second URL is entered it seems to go nowhere because that is what it checks first.

I had a quick look at the IMDb site and there does appear to be some changes to the way the Series information is displayed.

Is there a fix for this on the way or any suggestions how to get arround it please?

Support / Exporting Release Dates for Episodes
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:15:47 am »
Hi, is there any way of exporting the 'Release Date' associated with each episode? All I seem to be able to get is the Release Date for the series.

I have looked through the list of available fields and it doesn’t seem to be mentioned under episode data and the ‘rdate’ field produces nothing.

Development / Sorting using a Custom Field during export.
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:23:31 pm »
In the %OPTIONS% section at the beginning of the template files there is an entry for ‘sortby=’. My question is… How do I sort on a custom field?

I have tried everything I can think of but all that happens is the output is sorted by some other method, I assume the ID.

Is this possible or have I been wasting my time trying?

Feature Suggestions / UK Date Errors
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:12:56 pm »
Hi, I have found that there seems to be a lot of problems with dates and date conversions.
I assume this is because I am in the UK and we always seem to do things differently here.

Examples of this are:
   I cannot 'duplicate' a record after the 12 of the month, I have to do them before or change my system date first.
   If I change the date in the 'Date Added' field it switches the month and daye before the 13 of the month.
   When I do a filter by date I have to remember to use the american format to make it work properly.

There are more of these but I can't think of them right now.

Thank you in advance.

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