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Feature Suggestions / Re: Vote: Features for 0.9.9
« on: May 01, 2009, 08:36:48 am »
There is no possibility to distinguish these programmatically without building some kind of dictionary.

This is why I thought a simple "switch" that would cause the first word of the name (as stored) to be moved to the end (for displaying) would probably be the best solution. Once we have a generalized multiple record edit function (and perhaps Advanced Search for people), most of these people could be selected by Birthplace and other criteria, and the switch set. Then those who have westernized their name (John Woo) or are just better known "backwards" (Akira Kurosawa) can be unset.

Something to consider for the "Develop Asian markets" TODO list. ;)

Feature Suggestions / Re: Vote: Features for 0.9.9
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:41:46 am »
Welcome to the forum, abowloffire.

1. I don't see any way to do this automatically, so I suppose what's needed is something like a checkbox field in the people record for reversing the order. Is that the sort of thing you have in mind?

2. If you want multiple columns in Excel to go into one field, just concatenate them and import the result. You can create as many custom rating fields as you like. I believe the rating field type is a ten-star field like the standard rating fields, so you may need to convert your ratings to a 10-point scale.

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 29, 2009, 05:15:31 am »
While the version may very well be important, your troubles may have had more to do with a bug in the recent update to, reported here. If your connection is working, leave it alone—the problem is it cannot be changed it using Connect to server.

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 27, 2009, 11:16:46 pm »
It looks as if embedded client is used by PVD because fbembed.dll cannot be deleted.

You may have a point. I'm able to delete that with PVD running (connected to server).

I run Firebird as a service now, but until I figured out how to use it, I ran it as an application. Doing so provided a notification tool that would allow me to see if a connection I attempted was successful. If you're not already doing that, it might help you trouble-shoot.

What version of Firebird are you using? I don't know why there would be any problem using 2.1.2, but I'm using 2.0.5—because the embedded version used by PVD is 2.0.3.

I know nothing about Maestro, but this caught my eye:

With the trial version of Firebird Maestro I was able to find the option for indicating connecting to an embedded database, and then I was able to connect just fine.

Is it possible you have Maestro configured to connect to the database via Firebird embedded, instead of the server?

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:21:54 pm »
Connect with [computer name:|ip address:]path (i.e., computer name or ip address are optional). All three ways work for me. So I don't understand why your last attempt would not work, unless...

You haven't acknowledged the possibility I've suggested several times. If PVD is connecting to your database via Firebird embedded—because that's how it was previously loaded—you have to "disconnect" by switching to another database (or by creating a new one). Then Connect to server, entering the path to your original database.

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 27, 2009, 08:05:11 pm »
Is this the problem?

if I want to switch connection methods...I have to disconnect/close the database by opening another, then open/connect the original database.

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:07:15 pm »
I should have mentioned... not only was I able to connect to the server from PVD, I was able to do so simultaneously with FlySpeed SQL Query. So I doubt PVD is locking the database. Are you sure you're not having the same difficulty I had—trying to connect PVD once the database is already connected directly?

Development / Re: Pvd locks the Firebird database...
« on: April 24, 2009, 07:23:40 pm »
I think it is easy enough for the majority of users.

True—It works for me! ;)

Once Firebird server is running as a service and and you've "connected to server," it's done—it will do so automatically on startup. The only thing that gave me a bit of trouble was it's so seamless, it's impossible to tell whether it's connected to the server or directly. If that mattered—and it probably doesn't—I can include my computer name or IP address in the connection string, and then that will appear in the title bar. Also, if I want to switch connection methods—and this too seems pointless—I have to disconnect/close the database by opening another, then open/connect the original database.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: April 24, 2009, 05:30:52 am »
Oh, do I have to???

Yes. All appointments here are for life. Nostra's new picture should offer a clue as to what happens to those who do not cooperate.

Development / Re: Export to CSV or xml with custom fields
« on: April 23, 2009, 06:42:48 pm »
...or that there is not a space after the colon in the custom field name?

Development / Re: Export to CSV or xml with custom fields
« on: April 20, 2009, 08:25:57 pm »
In 0.9.9.x, standard fields are accessed using {%value=[field name]}, custom fields with {%value=[custom field name] custom="true"}, where [custom field name] is exactly as specified in preferences—with spaces and no quotes...

{%value=IMDB rating}
{%value=Which HD : custom="true"}

You find most standard field names used in the "Sample" template.

Development / Re: SQL statement for MC Plugin
« on: April 18, 2009, 12:00:46 am »
By the way, doing some progress on the plugin. The issue I'm struggling with now is "how do you communicate between MC and PvdImport which album do you want to updated".

It hadn't occurred to me that might be an issue. Why wouldn't one want all records updated?

Mind you, several users have requested "access" to menus and right click context menus from plugins.

For what purpose?

As I wrote previously in the MC forums, It's cumbersome and will need instructions.

Is this being discussed somewhere in the MC Forums that I'm unaware of? Maybe that's why I'm lost. :-\

BTW, nostra hasn't yet responded to the issues I described Strange event with "Release" field, but I'm a little bit concerned about the possibility queries to the PVD database somehow changes the database. What do you think?

Development / Re: SQL statement for MC Plugin
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:28:41 am »
No—but I suppose that's not surprising. So when the credits order is lost, it will be the user's fault. That'll go over well. Are you mentioning this because you haven't figured out how to number the results? If so, then this would be when the non-programmer (me) says, "What could possibly be so difficult about numbering the results?!" ;D

Support / Re: "No movies found"..... ?
« on: April 15, 2009, 04:21:30 am »
I'll see if I get re-banninated.

If you do, please post your log so we can see what's causing it.

Development / SQL statement for MC Plugin
« on: April 12, 2009, 06:33:48 pm »
I'm taking this conversation public, where maybe someone will have mercy on us... :-\

Code: [Select]
WHERE ("ctype" = Y) AND ("mid" = X)

I can add CAREER."role" to get the role as well, but I don't see how to number the rows (i.e., so the end result can be something like 1. [actor] - [role]). We need to do this because MC can't handle ordered lists.

Code: [Select]
  PEOPLE Inner Join
  CAREER On (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid")
  CAREER."ctype" = 0 And
  CAREER."mid" = 111

There is no easy way of numbering result rows in Firebird.
I do not really understand:
-first one column only needed to be retrieved, now 3 columns are needed???
-normally there is no need of numbering rows as this task is usually accomplished by the database client library and/or programmatically while analyzing results

Sorry—I'd didn't mean to confuse the matter with my very first attempt at a SQL statement. And this is for raldo's plugin, so I don't know for sure exactly what is required. But to accommodate credits in regular alphabetically-sorted list fields in MC's flat database, I believe we need to import two fields. Using Actors as an example, that would be [name] in Actors and "1. [actor] - [role]" in Actor Credits. Then Actors can be used to search and filter movies by actor, and Actor Credits can be used to properly display credits in a movie information context. I realized my query would produce three columns when one is required. I assumed Raldo would know how to concatenate them.

Judging from a screenshot raldo provided, it appears he is using SQL statements directly in a field mapping. That implies to me there is no opportunity to do anything programmatically. In researching this, I see there is a technique for ranking results within a query, but we don't seem to have anything to rank. Can the ordering of the credits somehow be included in the query, or not—because it's just an index and not a field?

Is there a way to concatenate fields in a query, or is that also something normally done programmatically?
In Firebird SQL, concatenation is denoted by a "||", so now we have...

Code: [Select]
  PEOPLE."name" || ' - ' || CAREER."role"
  PEOPLE Inner Join
  CAREER On (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid")
  CAREER."ctype" = 0 And
  CAREER."mid" = X

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: April 12, 2009, 12:25:09 am »
A revised script for versions only has been posted here.

Hopefully, Aimhere will be willing to maintain both versions of the script. :-\

Scripts and Templates / AdultDVDEmpire script for
« on: April 11, 2009, 09:08:39 pm »
Corrected script in attachment. Only for version

This seems like too minor a change to require two different script versions. Is it not possible to have the script check the program version, and skip the wait statement if it is not

Support / Re: "No movies found"..... ?
« on: April 11, 2009, 08:33:12 pm »
Welcome to the forum, pinch.

As you probably read above, this is a result of your IP address being banned by Google. It seems the ban is normally lifted within 24 hours. I assumed the error (repeating GET requests) that causes this had being fixed in—it's not happening to me (yet). But I don't use it regularly—I only just tested it now. Do you still have a log (it's replaced each time the program is started) that might indicate exactly what caused the ban?

Scripts and Templates / Re: Some questions regarding export plugins...
« on: April 09, 2009, 06:27:56 pm »
The data integrity we are talking about is "Does the imported meta data correspond to the video I have?"

Thanks for elaborating, patch. Just to clarify, my idea of "data integrity" also includes the existence/seen status, consistent titles for foreign films, the updating of all items to the same state, adding missing information "manually" using Web search to find alternate sources, replacing posters of inadequate/consistent quality, comparing questionable data to alternate sources, etc. In many respects, data integrity in this respect can be determined from MC as well as it can from PVD—but it can't be readily corrected. Trying to manage this process from MC, even if one has a much looser idea of "data integrity," would be a frustrating experience.

you still need to review the results and make corrections where appropriate.

So I agree with this—in a much broader sense. I can assess the results almost instantly when they are "in my face" immediately after a download/update. And corrections can be made quickly and efficiently when all the necessary tools are at hand. Often a human judgement is necessary to select the right tool—change a setting and run the plugin again, use an alternate source, use Web search, make a manual correction, search and compare to other records, etc.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Some questions regarding export plugins...
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:48:30 am »
If that's the design premise, it's hard to imagine how your plugin will further the development of PVD.
Why? You could still use PVD in the way you've always used it and prune the data. And then use an MC plugin for import. The difference would be that more people would use PVD.

You probably don't agree with it, but I do have a very clear premise. My experience as an MC and PVD user tells me it is very unlikely there will ever be a satisfactory solution for getting video meta data that is "built-in" to MC. J River might implement something, but it is likely to be simplistic and limited. It may satisfy casual users who don't care for more. I see no point in catering to them, however—they don't care!

The rest of us don't want to be restricted to one source of data, and want to be able to combine that data in any way we choose. That can require careful management of configuration settings and workflow which would be very difficult to control via a plugin. Yes, I know I could still do this and just use the plugin to import the results. But then why have the capability of controlling PVD from the plugin at all—for the users who have "simple" configurations requiring little maintenance? If that's the case, they should have no trouble running PVD.

I'm not really ignoring the "casual user" of MC. I just believe if one wants any control over the collection of meta data for video, they are better off using PVD directly. By "better off," I mean in ease of use, efficiency, ability to solve problems, and maintaining data integrity. I'm very much interested in more people using PVD. It's my hope a plugin that makes importing data from PVD much more user friendly would provide the incentive many MC users need. Once they try PVD, I believe they will discover for themselves this is the case. Also, I think the plugin will gain acceptance more readily if users understand PVD is doing the job of collecting and maintaining the meta data, and the plugin is just a rock-solid, one-click (once configured) tool for importing the results.

But all this seems rather moot...

I think I'll just add COM server to my TODO list for 1.1. I am pretty sure that it is the most recent version I will be able to concentrate on such things like controlling PVD from another App. Please use a simpler approach until then.

Version 1.1 has to be at least a year away, so I hope you don't plan on waiting. I realize you probably want to do it your way, regardless of my opinion. But might the "simpler approach" be something like what I suggest, and still be something you can build on later? If so, you might consider a successful "phase 1" plugin might generate enough interest to make things happen faster.

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