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Messages - seabass

Pages: [1]
Scripts and Templates / Re: (Movies)
« on: June 05, 2012, 03:23:30 pm »
just corrected a minor bug with the "original title" in the actual Zelu script

..but would love to test the new scripts of meriator, has been a while since he finished it. Could someone put it in the downloadsection or here for testing?

Support / Re: Zelluloid Plugin
« on: October 05, 2011, 05:17:25 pm »
Fixed the Zelluloid Script and sent a Copy to nostra should be version then...
have fun.

Feature Suggestions / auto remove from Wishlist when added
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:29:59 pm »
Would be great to remove the whishlist check mark automaticly when a movie from the wishlist is deteced over the harddrive scan.



Support / Re: reset database
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:56:40 am »
I think I found the mistake (human failior ::) ) it was the dubble click in the movie selection box --> see Video (Watch it with IE if it doesnt work)  When I single click it and there is no check mark but just a green background, it does not happen (as far as I tried it it in some tests).

Support / Re: reset database
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:54:37 pm »
I always select one movie with the plugin. For me it looks, like there is something wrong with the overwriting previleges for the plugins. I noticed that it happens when the title that I look for is slightly different from the title in the internet database. Then a new entry is created in the PVD that consists of all the information that could be retrieved from the internet database, the only thing missing is the file path to the movie, thats how i can distinguish the duplicates.

But rebuilding a database is a lot of work.

I know and thats the reason why i waited for so long to attaque this problem :)

Support / [SOLVED] reset database
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:00:43 pm »
Hey all,

first of all im verry thankfull for all your work on this great vid database.

For now 2 Years I upgraded from serveral old versions and with the time my database became kind of buged til now I ignored these little issues cause I thought it might be a genereal bug that will be fixed in future version.
But as nobody else beside me, seems to have this bug it must be my database file that is kind of corrupted.

A long time ago I already adressed my problem but no solution was found.
When ever I add new movies with the automatic import filters ofdb, zelluloid or strange things happen. When the Import prosssess starts everything is fine and I see the import progress in the bottom line of pvd. But then strange things happen. Without anny notable logic the number of films that have to be imported rises. These aditonal imports are usually duplicates or empty movie names. As it does not happen with a new database I suppose that there is something corrupted in my database.

So I give it a nother try know. Here is what I plan to do.

1. Export all stored Movies (about 1000) to an Excel file
2. Create a new database
3. Import the data
4. Be Happy

Now my problems: How can I keep my screenshots and movie posters?

Thanks in advanced.

PS: Or is there a way to export the values of the firebird database to a backup table an reimport it in to a new database with the firebird tools?

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: August 08, 2009, 03:03:06 pm »
--> updated zelluloid script in the script section of the forum enjoy.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (Movies)
« on: August 05, 2009, 02:34:06 am »
I send it to you.. admin@... oh.. it persisted in my outbox sorry ;) now it should be in your inbox (hopefully).
I didnt want to upload it on a third party server thats why I send it to you.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (Movies)
« on: August 05, 2009, 01:27:01 am »
Hey Nostra,

I fixed the Zelluloid Script and made the movie proposition section of the skript more clear, would be nice if you could upload it. I have sent it to you.
Hope I didnt do it too wrong, cause im really not into programing :)


Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: July 21, 2009, 09:38:11 pm »
as Nostra already sad the zelluloid plugin is buggy ... what means dont use it or repare it an post a new workin version here.

...the Problem with the ofdb plugin can in most cases be solved by giving the right filename for ex. in stead of "The Others" better "Others, The" OFDB doesn't like "Der/Die/Das ...ect." in the begining of the Moviename.
or if it does not work with the import plugin search for the movie manualy in OFDB copy the URL to the feeld URL in you movie database entry and rerun the import.. that should work ;)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Condensed Movie Skin
« on: July 14, 2009, 09:13:49 pm »
Dont know if anybody noticed it but at least in the german version of the PVD the "PVD Condenced" skin for the datasheet doesn't seem to display the "seen" checkbox at the right place, I see the checkbox but I dont see the legend.

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: July 03, 2009, 07:11:28 pm »
I send you a second file.. wasnt sure about the first one, the second one is for sure from the data folder of my portable PVD

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: July 03, 2009, 06:56:04 pm »
I sent you the file..

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 30, 2009, 12:59:32 am »
Ok you are right with the zelluloid script sorry for that ;) it does also not work in my 9.9.4 version either.

But the problem with the dubble entrys after using OFDB import plugin did obviously not exist in the version 9.9.4 and it occures always wenn the original title differs from the searchterm (created by the filename), then the script runs twice, you have to confirm a second time the poster and a second entry is created with the original title in the headline.
For example the movie "Gib dem Affen Zucker" original title "Innamorato pazzo". If I use PVD 9.9.4, the original title and the german title creats each only one entry in the PVD.
If I use PVD 9.9.11, "Gib dem Affen Zucker" creates two entrys ("Gib dem Affen Zucker" and "Innamorato pazzo") but if I use "Innamorato pazzo" only one entry is created.

So sadly none of the german import filters is working right now correctly.. if I had the expertise I would try to fix it myself because PVD ist still the best video managment tool I ever found ::) but I dont have it and so I count on some body in this forum.

Thx in advance
...And MUCHAS GRACIAS AGAIN Nostra and for all the time you spend for creating this great software. the way Im using the portable version of PVD 9.9.11 if that matters.

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:31:41 pm »
ok I see there are enough export templates but I think its not going to work properly because of my sequels with episodes.. and the reimport  :(

But I think I could locate at least one problem there seems to be a problem with communication between scripts and PVD. PVD doesnt tell the omport scripts that the title of the movie does alredy exist or that the movie was successfully added.
I noticed, that if the filename differs a little from the original name of the movie in the internet database, the script writes a second entry with the exact movie name of the Iinternet database (same problem like Patch has).
And if I change the import script in the "Scan folders for new movies" function to the zelluloid script I get the error, that I have at least to submit a title or original title (I sent a bug report).
That problem would also explain the loop which I expirienced.. the zelluloid plugin doesnt get a feedback that the movie was added successfully and runs again and again and again  ::)

..its a pretty simple guess but I dont have a clue of databases so you have to decide if that could be the problem

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 28, 2009, 05:50:40 pm »
so why isnt it happening with a new database..  ???  dont like to requerry all the information and Picutures for a new database over the Internet there any possiblity to export the hole database including pictures and reimport them into a new database? I looked over the Export formats but I could find one that matches the requirements.
...or does somebody have an idea how to fix the database?


Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 27, 2009, 02:15:14 am »
I forgot.. during the freeze PVD consumes the performance of one of my processors upto 100%

Support / Re: PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 27, 2009, 02:11:44 am »
I dont get any error messages PVD just freezes, I can edit movies manualy without any problem, the only other problem I noticed was that during the standard import over Amazon(de) Poster Plugin I was questioned two times to ad a movie and in the end PVD added the movie twice in to the database but only one entry had a path to the file location and the OFDb description. I think it happened because I didnt check the boxes in the first turn and just confirmed the poster with a dubble click.

... I send you the database via mail.

Support / PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:47:29 am »
I switched from v.9.9.4 to 9.9.11 (winxp)

When I use my old database (about 550 mov) and try to ad some movie information with the zelluloid import plugin my pvd doesnt react anymore and I have to kill it over the task manager. Does anybody have a idea what could cause the problem?!
Or could anybody explain to me how I can fix the database? ...At least I am pretty shure that the database is causing the problem because when I create a new one and ad a movie there are no prob. with the zelluloid plugin.

Support / Re: Scan folders/file scanner confusion
« on: July 22, 2008, 10:43:55 pm »
Master databases worry me...

First of all sorry for my bad english..
I don’t know if I my suggestion is to primitive, but wouldn’t it be the easiest way to solve all the problems if you would create a simple importfilter which can access a normal pvd databasefile then you just have to include somewhere in the preferences the option to enter a filepath to the central pvd file on the server and choose this plugin for standard import and you would always have 100% accuracy.

..or if a pvd file cant be accessed on a server because of the restrictions of firebird just put an exported csv file and a folder with the pictures there.

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