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Topics - junk_struc

Pages: [1]
Support / FanArt
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:56:16 pm »

Was curious if anyone collects fanart from or with pvd?  Is this possible with pvd automagically? 

I am not too fussy about what image I get for most of the movies so something quite automatic would be best.  Obviously, if something exists that gives me choices for some series or movies I care about would be good, but a silent mode would be best for most.

I am not in a rush at the moment as I use Jriver MediaCenter and it doesn't let me use them easily at the moment so curious if it is something in the pipeline for pvd. 

Do I need to step outside pvd temporarily for this task (thinking that with the imdb address I have a good starting point).  Should I instead try to modify the existing scripts (not sure if I am up to the task)?


Support / TV Show Episode Genre
« on: March 09, 2011, 09:27:35 pm »
Is there a way to easily (automatically) get the Genre of each TV Series applied to each episode?  
(At the moment, importing into Jriver MC means I get no genre information for TV shows as each episode in PVD currently has no genre information)


Support / .TAG File format for Netgear
« on: February 15, 2011, 03:27:50 am »

My brother just bought a Netgear NeoTV 550.  This is a DLNA renderer that reads your NAS drive etc for movies.  It primarily gets its metadata from a .tag file near the movie file.  The meta data needs to be created externally as the provided tool is a bit lame and I have suggested PVD. 

I was wondering if anyone has looked into if PVD can do it and/or what it would take for PVD to have this export option.  From what I gather the .tag format is supposed to be a standard iso format (id3v2.4.0) and can contain an image in the tag.  see for some discussion.

Inclusion of this format may be a good way of expanding PVD's user base as there are probably a quite few users out there and there don't seem to be many choices for them that create .tag files (mymovies and mcm??)



Talk / Is there a PVD but for books?
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:03:14 am »

Really not the right forum etc, but hoping that those that love the virtues of PVD can point me towards the equivalent for ebooks.  Something that can scrape names for author and name, something that can access metadata if it exists, handle a lot of different formats, scrape photos and other background and reviews from amazon or similar.

If there are no suggestions, does anyone think I could shoehorn books into PVD or have thought about something similar (I would probably then use pvdimport to get it into jriver as I do for movies).

Nostra, ever thought of a book version?


Support / Can't install v18
« on: February 28, 2010, 07:12:05 am »
I tried running the v18 installer but it throws message that it has detected a version of pvd currently running.  but there is nothing running, nothing shows in task manager.  also tried stopping firebird service with no luck.

any suggestions?



[edit: w7 32bit, currently v17, also using pvdimport with mc and thus have firebird server (whichever is latest version??)]

Support / Minor Bug (with TVDB?)
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:05:08 am »
If I add a new movie manually and ask it to search using TVDB, the data is largely incomplete, i.e. will miss seasons and not all episodes within a season.

if i only add the name with no look up at that point, and then select import from tvdb from the main menu it all works.

so not really a problem, just thought i would let you know (using v16 but i think i have some entries from 14 with same)


[now not 100% sure as it may just be that I had the filter on.  thus when i typed in Wire, looking form The Wire, only the episodes with Wire in them showed up. beginner error.  is there an option to change this behaviour so that tv series will show all episodes]

Support / File Scanner Causes Crash
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:06:35 am »


Just upgraded to (from 14 was it?) and file scanner causes an error message.

A window pops up with viddb.exe in the title... "An error occured in the application" and I have the choice to continue or restart. continue lets me return to pvd and it seems to function ok.  however, file scanning hasn't.

using w7 32 bit.  also have pvdimport installed so using the connect to server option if that makes a difference.  not sure if i did anything else abnormal.

any other information i can give you??  haven't tried to reinstall yet.



Feature Suggestions / Rottentomatoes Scraper
« on: January 12, 2010, 01:50:06 am »


Thought I would put in a vote for a rottentomatoes scraper?  Really only interested in the RT % rather than getting a lot of information from the site.

I would then hope to be able to get that from PVD to JRiver MC via PVDImport.


PS: read somewhere that there is a better site for rating other than RT, but can't remember what it is was.  If you know of a better site, that would also be fine.

Support / Can I import from MyMovies
« on: November 11, 2009, 12:06:43 pm »


I am just new to J River and have imported most of my media into mymovies.  it was quite a bit of effort to get everything pretty much correct (very poor naming of directories/files) and don't want to redo it.  Can pvd use the mymovies.xml files as a starting point?


PS Without meaning to be rude on the Pvd forum, has anyone used both mymovies and Jriver and subsequently moved to pvd and j river with no regrets?

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