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Topics - Elrique64

Pages: [1]
Support / Trying to get file structure
« on: December 05, 2013, 01:47:24 am »
I want to get a folder/file structure where I have each title in a separate folder within the Organize Video Files function. 



I've tried putting the %title% in the target folder line and it does this:


In other words it is moving the files into a folder called %title% instead of making a folder of the title name and moving the file into that folder.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated


Support / Just updated to
« on: November 14, 2013, 01:38:50 am »
And have a few issues I would like to mention.

1)  When you import videos/movies/seasons (episodes) into the program it sometimes hangs up when going out to IMDB to get the information.  This hang can sometimes resolve itself, but some times requires exiting the program an restarting.  The database and the video files all reside on the same external (USB3.0) drive.

2) When using the Organize Video Files function the program redid the entire directory structure and lost several movie series' connections I had done with directories.  (Harry Potter, Species, Resident Evil)  I had them in separate directories named for the movie series, and program moved them all into the main directory.  Is this typical?

3) I put in "Play" in the toolbar, it wasn't there before.  It's not available anywhere else in toolbars as a quick play.  (A place to put it could be in the corner with the trash can, the add, edit, accept and cancel buttons?)

4) How do you import a whole series without having to go through adding the episodes one at a time after getting the IMDB entries into the database?  I have to go through and add the link from the file to the database one episode at a time and for some tv series this is rather a lengthy process.  (Dr. Who (600+ episodes) Star Trek: TNG (200+ episodes) etc.)

5) I would like to have episode names as part of the file names for TV series.  What is the variable I need to put in to the Episode file name format line?  (Currently has %seriesname%.s%season%.e%epnum%)  I have tried pname, oname, ptitle and otitle.  none of them work and just add the extra text to the file name.  I am trying to add %title% this time around.  %title% works it appears.

6) When I use the Organize Video Files function after it completes it gives a report of the number of files it's dealt with and the number of errors encountered.  Where can I see the listing of the errors?  I can't fix something if I can't find where it's broken.

All in all this program works very well.  I'm impressed with the amount of data it stores for each movie and the way I can find follow ups or followings for any movies I have in my system.  I just find some issues.


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