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Support / Feedback
« on: September 06, 2009, 11:08:34 pm »
I was about to create my own database using Open Office but I found your program and like it a lot.  Much better than anything I would have come up with.  After using it a few weeks I though I'd give some feedback.

1. Editing multiple movies fails if you select too many.  Actually it seems to do the edit but the edit box doesn't close after updating.  I don't know what the threshold is for the number of movies I can select and edit together.  I just know that if I select too many it has problems.

2. The list of fields to search on needs to be sorted.  Kind of hard to find the field name I want to search on.

3. Can't search on MPAA rating or am I not seeing it in the list (see #2)

4. Can't seem to search for empty fields.  For example, I want to find all movies where the Media Location is blank.  Is there a trick to search for empty fields?

5. Can't ever find posters from or  IMPawards works OK.

6. Is there a way to set the default poster site so I don't have to remember to change it after each relauch?

7. I notice there is no Edit menu with the usual Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, etc.

Overall it's a great tool.  Keep up the good work.

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