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Topics - devilingrey

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This is an updated version of PK's web export tailored to PVD .9.9.21 with an easy to use tutorial.  I've updated some of the bugs from the last posting of this in 2009 and will continue to keep fixing bugs as time allows.  Hope you find this helpful.

I updated the sorting meathods so you can do multiple sorting, and click out of any of the sort options.

version 0.0.1 for PVD .9.9.21
date: 7.19.11


1. Download webscripts. from the forum
2. Download SaxonHE
3. Move ‘PVD to Web.ptm’ into “/Personal Video Database/plugins/templates/”

4. Move ‘PVD_Movies.xsl’ into “/SaxonHE9.3/bin/”

Pre-Website Setup

1. Download My version of PK’s MovieDB.7z from
   b. Modify Config Variables in
2. Copy the folder movies from movie_db_files.7z’ up to your server
   a. Verify you can get their by accessing the movies folder from a web browser
3. You will need a  database backend (phpmyadmin works great)
   a. Make sure you can login to your mysql backend
4. Make sure you can access the folder on your website with ftp/scp client (WinSCP)
5. Create a database (mine was xx_movies).  You can leave it empty

Export xml

1. Launch PVD, Open your database, make sure all movies visible.
Note: PVD uses system settings to format dates. The website template assumes sortable date format YYYY-MM-DD for date entries. If your regional settings are different, change them in Control Panel>Regional Settings temporarily.
2. Click Export, run ‘PVD to Web’
3. Select folder “/SaxonHE9.3/bin/”
4. Save filename as “movies.xml”

Run XSL Transform Script

Note: If you have older imdb data, you will have this garbage in the tagline fields of your data, simply replace "<div class="info-content">\r\n" with "" in movies.xml using your favorite txt ediror (notepad++)

1. Double Click saxon/bin/Transform.bat
   a. “This creates the PVD_Movies_Import.sql” file

Upload SQL file to your server

1. Upload “PVD_Movies_Import.sql” to your mysql database
2. Verify your sql content looks correct in the mysql database
3. Copy over images folder from /bin/images/ to /antexport/images/ on your remote installation server
Note: If you have run this before, make sure you clear the cache folder on the server!
Cache folder is in the main movies/cache/ directory
4. Run processperiod.php script file at
5. Goto Your Site!

Note: If you sort your movies by folders for quality type (i.e. 480p, 720p, 1080p) you can use the added feature of sorting by labeling your movies in PVD.
1. Open PVD, filter by 'path', type in 480p,
2. Select all movies and do a multiple file edit
3. Under Quality->Set to '480p'
4. Repeat for each movie type
Run/rerun .xml export

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