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Topics - Maziel

Pages: [1]
Feature Suggestions / Request: DVD/BluRay and Cost options
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:32:23 am »
Hello there.

I've just recently stumbled across your program as I was looking for a way to catalogue my DVD and BluRay collection, as well as possibly my CD collection.

I buy everything and thus don't use half of the programs options which revolve around the playing the media from the drive etc.

As I have been playing with this program it has come to my attention that there were no option to choose if my movie was on DVD or BluRay.

My suggestion would be to have an icon at the top right corner (near the option of 'seen/wish' is.

You could have a few options:
[] DVD
[] BluRay
[] CD
[] HDD

The last option could be Hard Disc Drive and if ticked, all the options at the bottom which revolve around linking to your media on your own drive could be enabled. If you don't choose the last option, instead opting to only choose DVD, BluRay or CD, then the bottom media linking section could be disabled.

That's my first suggestion.


My second suggestion is a Cost option.

I would like to be able to input the cost of each of these items that I have bought. Granted, these days with so many pirates out there, many people may not even want to use this type of option, but I actually buy everything and would like to record a cost of the product I am entering into the catalogue.

The third suggestion is a Total Cost of your collection, what I have spent on the entire collection.
The cost could be sub-grouped into total DVD cost, total BluRay cost, and total CD cost. ...Then a grand total of them all.


My last suggestion fits in to the options idea above would be to allow us to create our own option. For example, if I am a comic book collector I could add an option of 'Comic'.

Then the list would be something like:



If there are ways to do any of the above mentioned already, please let me know as I must have over looked them.

Thank you for your time in creating this program. :)

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