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Messages - dee2000

Pages: [1]
Development / Force browser client to refresh
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:55:54 pm »
I used Kroozbox along with my PS3 and has been working great. However, when I add or delete movie, PS3 is not detecting until I manually refresh. Is there a switch or paramer to force client browser to fresh every time?  Thank you in advance.

Support / Re: Dynamic SQL error when the title is Chinese
« on: December 06, 2009, 08:45:07 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. I did some test last night and able to determine it only happen with certain chinese word in movie name.
for example: the following name worked: 白银帝国, 絕命派对,  荒村客栈
The following name got error: 阴阳师, 魔术男, 親愛的
I am guessing it's certain word is causing the error. I am running Vista with default regional setting. I did not do anything extra in the regional setting. Again, 70% of the movies with chinese letter added fine, just some that get the error.
Thank you.

Support / Re: Dynamic SQL error when the title is Chinese
« on: December 05, 2009, 08:25:57 pm »
Just started using PVD with latest build and seeing the same problem when adding movie in chinese title (chinese folder name and chinese file name). Just curious if there's a fix to this issue?  Thank you

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