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Topics - thesappho

Pages: [1]
First of thanks for creating such a great application.
I recently downloaded and installed.
I don't know (i couldn't find at least) if such a function is present:
* importing multiple movies at once, details as follows;
    I have a seperate HDD for movies and multiple DVDs which contains multiple movies (i am sure most of people have likely setup).

Problem1: There're 200+ movies in the hdd. When i select import main title and point to folder it only imports one movie
Solution1: Now that i realized that from preferences and folders it imports all movies one by one.
OK i solved my first problem :)

Now here's the remaining problem:
Problem2: I've given numbers for all my DVDs. For example DVD #1 contains Matrix movies (The MAtrix, Matrix Reloaded...). Is there an option to scan DVDs (just like the Folders option in Problem1 :)) find movies in the DVD and Label them?
So that when I double click a movie it will show corresponding DVD # :)

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