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Messages - raldo

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Development / Re: PvdImport image selection
« on: September 16, 2009, 01:06:17 pm »
the only way PvdImport currenly communicates with PVD.

Let me clarify something here: PvdImport only uses the Pvd database to retrieve information. This also true for cover art retrieval.

This means that there is an SQL statement in PvdImport which the user cannot see. It basically retrieves the first image blob from the DB and saves it where the user has indicated in the PvdImport configuration.

I basically need some way of determining the index into the image table to where the desired image is stored. Does this info exist somewhere?

Support / Re: Title field and multiple files for a movie...
« on: September 16, 2009, 01:00:18 pm »
I used to think having the disc number in Name mattered, but eventually decided it was better to do without. I want multiple files stacked anyway, and when they are, I want Name to be the title alone. It has no bearing on the order they're played in. I rarely unstack them, and when I do, I can use Filename to tell them apart. I suppose an expression could be used to get the disc number from the filename, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble.
How do you make sure that the movie is played in the correct order? By sorting for Name, and then Filename?

But maybe I'm missing something here. What do you mean by "PVD would then act as a filename parser for MC"?
The regular expressions in PVD work very well in picking out the movie from the filename.


Is it possible to have PVD list the names with "The" first instead of ",The" after?

Support / Title field and multiple files for a movie...
« on: September 16, 2009, 10:06:21 am »
I've been experimenting a bit with importing the PVD Title field to the Name field in JRiver Mediacenter using PvdImport.

If I could get this to work, PVD would then act as a filename parser for MC which would be really great.

However, there is a snag here: When a movie consists of several files; cd1, cd2, etc, I'm having some problems determine which Title (PVD) I should assign to which Name (MC).

Currenly the PVD filename field is just a list of all the files that comprise a movie. Thus I'm looking for a good way of determining and assigning the MC Name field with additional CDx information. Any ideas?

Development / Re: PvdImport image selection
« on: September 16, 2009, 08:44:20 am »
Do you need a solution using SQL (there is one) or export plugin (no way to retrieve a particular poster, but image types are distinguished)?

If it's possible to do this via SQL, then that would definitely be the best solution since that is the only way PvdImport currenly communicates with PVD.

Is there some kind of record in the database, perhaps, that keep track of "selected  images"? In my DB, I've only got one image per movie, so this hasn't been an issue for me...

Support / Re: time resolution, dateadded and moddate..
« on: September 14, 2009, 12:28:08 pm »
In JRiver Mediacenter, movies metadata now populates automatically when I import new movies in MC.

Not for me! I assume you mean in an as yet unreleased version of PvdImport? ;)

That is correct :) I'll release something later on this evening for you to test. Keep your eyes open :)

Support / time resolution, dateadded and moddate..
« on: September 13, 2009, 11:44:57 pm »

thanks for your changes wrt. to time resolution. It seems to work quite well!

In JRiver Mediacenter, movies metadata now populates automatically when I import new movies in MC.

Support / Series, season and episode poster/cover art
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:04:16 pm »
I've used to download descriptions for TV series episodes. It works quite well togetcher with JRMC and PvdImport.

What about cover art for series, season and episodes? I see no separate entry in the .pvd database file for such info...

Feature Suggestions / Re: Folder Monitoring?
« on: August 21, 2009, 10:54:35 am »
Once you've written it, it won't be any more complex for the rest of us. ;D
Yeah, well, as you understand from the JRiver forums, I'm kinda busy with other things nowadays. I'm also in the process of moving/changing jobs, so I simply don't have time.

Feature Suggestions / Re: Folder Monitoring?
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:55:54 am »
You can write a general purpose plugin (like twitter plugin) for this task.

Getting things up and running is already quite complex (3 applications need to be installed including an sql server).

Feature Suggestions / Re: Folder Monitoring?
« on: August 20, 2009, 04:50:26 pm »
I was thinking of triggering the file scan, say, every N seconds. Where you could configure "N".

This would go quite nicely together with the JRiver MC PvdImport plugin.

Feature Suggestions / Folder Monitoring?
« on: August 20, 2009, 03:12:23 pm »
I'd like to see an option for automatic folder monitoring in PVD, perhaps combined with Silent Mode.

Support / Re: VIDEO_TS folder ?
« on: August 13, 2009, 08:40:01 pm »
Do your regex inclulde (?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*)\\VIDEO_TS\\.*\..*?

Is Smart DVD/BD detection set?

This works now; I had moved the DVD files one level down in the structure, into [movie name]\video_ts\[].ifo and I forgot to mention that the movie was already *in* pvd with the original path. I.e: There is no "file path change" notifications for DVDs. Is this a bug?

I'm actually testing because of Badger's trouble with DVDs as explained in this thread in the MC forum:

Support / Re: VIDEO_TS folder ?
« on: August 13, 2009, 04:44:52 pm »
What do you mean with "does not register"?
Well, a .ifo file located under [moviename]\VIDEO_TS\ is not picked up by PVD, it's ignored.

Support / VIDEO_TS folder ?
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:28:04 am »

There is a problem where PVD doesn't register the .ifo file for a DVD when it is located under [moviename]\VIDEO_TS\[].ifo

In PVD there are some regular expressions that seem to deal with this, yet, this doesn't seem to work...

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

I don't really know, because I haven't seen errors like these...

What about some kind of error log?

Errors resulting from http problems (server glitches, file no longer exists, record no longer exists) -> error log?
Option to bookmark unresolved items vs. disambiguation dialogs -> seems like a good idea.

The following movies are regarded as one movie by scanner:

\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\Dr. Dolittle.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\Dr. No.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\G.I. Jane.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\L.A. Confidential.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\Mr. Deeds.avi
\\Server\Videos\Spillefilm.dummy\U.S. Marshals.avi

Any way around this?

If this were simply a matter of deferring necessary user interaction to the end of the batch, with no deferral of the download once an ambiguity is resolved by the user, I wouldn't be too concerned about such things. But I still have questions. How would the program handle error conditions?
I really don't think this would be appropriate for large batches. I doesn't make sense to run an overnight update of 500 with the idea the user will be willing and able to resolve an interminable number of ambiguities in the morning.

Yeah, well, I'm sure there are some issues that I haven't thought of but I, and I am sure many others, would very much want such functionality.

It is if adds unnecessary complexity, invites confusion about it's proper use, and/or increases the risk of error.

Why would it do any of these things?

I'm just saying that when not using silent mode, the code shall wait until after alternatives have been mined, pose all the questions to the user, and then do the data download.

This shouldn't necessarily change the code structure much.

For me, such a change in progress would be gold, both for a few files and for many files. I think this would be good for new users to.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy this as a valid problem definition. If 80% of items are updated in Silent Mode, then your concern only applies to situations where hundreds of items are being updated at a time.
I'd say the definition of the problem is valid because it holds as long as more than one file needs to be disambiguated, no matter how many files there are altogether.

For most users, this is only encountered when initially building a database. It's not worth the development effort to add a feature that's merely a one-time convenience for most users. Especially if would be at odds with the normal, everyday use of the program. 

It's not at odds with any use of the program.

If the problem originates in the fact nowhere near 80% of items are being updated in Silent Mode, then there must be something else wrong. Maybe the file scanner is not configured properly, or further refinements to that function are required. Maybe there should be a option to download the top x posters so you don't have to choose (instead, you could view the actual posters, select the one to display, and/or delete the ones you don't want). And then there's the situation I mentioned before—where the user can't resolve the ambiguity either. Deferring the action risks obscuring the issue from the user. For example, it there's no poster, there's no poster. I would rather know this immediately, so I have the option of finding one by other means while the update continues to run, or bookmark it for doing so later. These are things I may not be able to do while running a routine such as you describe. And even if I could, that would just make the whole process more problematic and confusing.

I'm not suggesting auto selection of posters or whatnot.

Can you elaborate on the conditions that result in you having an intolerable number of items requiring user interaction?

I described this in the first post.

If I am a new user and select all my 500 movies for update, I'd rather do the selections with as little as possible timegap inbetween each movie.

If I am an experienced user and I add, say, 10 movies, I'd prefer not to wait between, say, 2 disambiguations.

I'm just saying that silent mode doesn't solve the problem of separating user interaction from datamining (other than for the small subset of file/poster lookups that return only one result).

After one run of silent mode, I still have to do a rerun without silent mode. For each item that is looked up, it takes a long time between each dialog popup, which I find awkward...

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