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Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 15, 2009, 05:57:31 am »
It already does this without any changes, so in your example c:moviesmovienamemovie_5.1_en.nfo would be created. You can lso specify smth like nearfiles="..foldername%t%-%o(%y%)%.nfo" in the latest version of the plugin.

hi Nostra
i was not thinking about a fixed naming standard but using the actual file name and path of the movie from where it is saved on the hard drive. (using info scanned from hard drive)

what i am thinking is having an option for using data from file import.
Where it imports movie details (.avi, iso etc) from harddrive.
This writes a entry to (labeled) file path: eg c:\movie\mymovie.avi
This contains path where file was imported from and filename.
What i am thinking is then being able to use this info to export files into the directory where the files are physically stored.
(All this happens now)

something like nearfiles="%p%%f%.nfo"
where  %p% = path to where files are stored and %f% = file name

so if i have 3 movies stored in:

PVD does a scan folders on hard drive.
Populates "file path:" entries info with the 3 entries above.

i can then export into the directory where the files are stored.

so when i export.
good_movie1.nfo and poster.jpg gets saved to  c:\movies\movie1\ folder
chic_flic.nfo and poster.jpg gets saved to  c:\movies\movie2\ folder and poster.jpg gets saved to  c:\movies\movie2\ folder

just need options in nearfiles to reference file path: (path and filename)

 :) Hope my ramblings make sense :)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:05:30 am »
Could you remind me what the problem was?

Hi nostra,
I'm not getting data returned with credits tag.

In main.ptm file I have
Code: [Select]
{%value=credits template="credits.tpl"}
Also tried
Code: [Select]
In credits.tpl i have;
Code: [Select]

It seems %value=credits is being recognised but not processed. ie. nothing gets returned.
I checked the log file. Nothing there to indicate problems.

I am using pvd version and export plugin version

Edit removed - text - i think install corrupt - more testing needed. :)

pls pls help :)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:36:07 am »
Hi Deazo.
I'll try to explain how it works and then you can modify to suit.
Also - it will only extract info that exists in PVD so make sure fields are populated.
Also download notepad++ - It makes working with text files much much easier.

Anything that does NOT have something that looks like {%value=something} will not be populated
<trailer></trailer> will not have data entered into it.

Main template file is XBMC2.ptm
Code: [Select]
replace="<->"  <=== Leaves only imdb No (as per xbmc format)
filter="XML Files|*.nfo" <==== Did this to force recognition of .nfo
imagenameformat="%t%%ext%" <==== Exports posters as titlename.jpg
nearfiles="d:_test%t%.nfo"   <==== Exports individual .nfo files. I found I needed to have a file pathe here: eg c:xbmc
NB: You Need to change this path to suit where you want to save your files to.

Code: [Select]

In the main body, i tried to match best I could, but couldn't find all the fields. eg both plot (detailed  and plot summary don't seem to exist in PVD. So I reused some fields.

Code: [Select]
<title>{%value=title}</title>  <==== Imports title
    <rating>{%value=rating}</rating> <==== Imports IMDB rating
<outline>{%value=tagline}</outline>  <==== Outline uses PVD tagline
<plot>{%value=description}</plot> <==== Plot uses PVD description
{%value=tags template="tags.tpl" maxvalues="3"} <==== This calls the file tags.tpl and  limits the No of tags to 3
<thumb>{%value=poster}</thumb> <==== Path to poster. Found poster image had to be in same directory for xbmc to find it.
<id>{%value=url}</id> <==== This is the url in PVD. Needs some work to limit it to only imdb No.
{%value=actors template="actors.tpl" maxvalues="3" params="full"} <==== calls file actors.tpl and limits the No presented to 3
{%value=Credits template="credits.tpl"}  <==== This doesn't work.

I tried best as I could to match what is exported from xbmc.
If you have other fields that need to be populated or what I am populating could be changed, let me know and I'll try to fix it up. :)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 14, 2009, 06:18:21 am »
Here is mkii.
You can export multiple .nfo files (way cool)

NB: Mappings are not complete.

There are a couple of issues.
"nearfiles"  parameter needs a path hard coded in or it fails to export images.
Without hardcoding "nearfiles" path, it saves either to where pvd is installed or if you saved a file
without nearfiles, it remembers the location.

Preferences/Folders --> Specify a path.
does not seem to have an effect on where files are saved with nearfiles.
(Perhaps Nostra can add a nearfiles path option) ;)

I can't get credits to work - no matter how hard i try :(

pls pls some request for Nostra ;)
Can we add file path option:
so if "file path" is populated, the exported .nfo/xml can be named the file name.
eg. if you have a movie in c:\movies\moviename\movie_5.1_en.iso
nearfiles=%filename%.nfo will create a file called "movie_5.1_en.nfo"
If you wanted to be super clever it could save the files to the path :) :)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:14:15 am »
From what I have gathered, it seems that XBMC is quite rigid and has its own restricted fields. I also think their search options are not that great. That's why I would still love to use PVD as the brain and XBMC as the face...

xbmc is highly customisable, has web front ends is open source and has huge support base.
so big that its really hard to find info on what you want (theres so much). it has web interface and db support (don't know about for firebird though). i though about web interface to pvd (firebird) server running in backend, (should be possible) but for the limited amount of stuff i stream it is probably not worth it. I may get around to it if i ever have time (or ask script kiddies in xbmc forums to have a go)  ;)   i mostly use pvd as movie catalogue/ filing system so i know where everything is. xbmc is pretty much used just to watch stuff. (this doesn't include music. i use xbmc library extensively to filter music)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:00:11 am »
Thanks for the update, CAD.

It seems you forgot to include your attachments. I'm curious about the XBMC export sample, although I suppose it may not tell me more than the wiki entry. I'm wondering if the information in XBMC is at all customizable, or can you only use the fields they provide (obviously you can choose whether or not to populate them). Can you, for example, create a custom field, and then fill it with anything you like from PVD? The main reason I'm wondering is to understand whether the template you're creating will be a general solution for all XBMC users, or something each will have to modify for their own use.

It sounds like you're almost there. You have the nearfiles function now. Hopefully nostra can help you with the other issues. Maybe deazo can beta test for you. Wink

doh - damn work proxies suck. had to zip it up as well.....

xbmc is open source so i guess that library stuff is customisable. i havn't pulled apart the scrapers. I think they are kinda like the way that nostra does it. compiled .dll type files. Can't say for certain as i haven't investigated / had no need. Maybe when i have more time/kids move out of home....

i have just been trying to do (as close as i can) map of xbmc requirements (from an export from xbmc) to what i can get out of pvd  so xbmc has no need to access internet and i can semi automate .nfo creation. also i am not interested in having xbmc have all movie info/cast people/ etc etc. ( i know others do) For movies - I have a bunch on my hard drive and want a quick reminder of what they are about so i can decide if i want to watch them or not. usually after watching - they are deleted.
I will get around to tv shows... but i use xbmc library as a watched/not watched list. I generally know what a tv series is about so i don't need to d/l info about it. just need an episode list. xbmc wll create an episode list in the library. When playing an episode from xbmc, it disappears from the list after watching it. I always know what episode im up to as they disappear after watching.= less having to remember stuff for me :)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export to XBMC
« on: September 10, 2009, 05:32:39 am »
hi - sorry been away.
template is mostly finished i think. havn't worked on it for while so not sure where i am up to.
i was waiting for Nostra to do some fixes. (nearfile) so I can save images to same directory.
Need to pull apart what nostra has done now and try and figure out how it works  ;).

Also need to figure out how to make credits work
see if someone can help with this bit (may be fixed in new version??)

For peoples interest in how xbmc works and what im trying to do....
xbmc will scrape imdb, etc based on folder name (and/or file name??) (but definitely folder name)
If there is a .nfo file in the directory it will scrape that first.
if the .nfo has info required it will use that info.
it will also search .nfo for an imdb url and d/l missing info from that url.
So you can have a .nfo file full of crap with an imdb url and the scraper will find the url and d/l info based on that.
All this data is saved in a local sql database.

The problem (i have) with xbmc is that the scrapes are reeeaaally sloooow, the folder names need to be precise, saving/backing up database info is a bit of a pain. Not really an issue with pc based xbmc as you can use keyboard for data entry, but i'm using xbox to run xbmc

(Not really a big deal - but a matter of principle :) )...I don't want to have to maintain d/l the same data twice for different apps.

So what i am trying to achieve is:
Add movie into pvd, dl any required info from online sources. I can then export movie as a .nfo+image. These files can live in the movie directory. When xbmc does its library update. It will read the .nfo file first as a default and update its internal library with this info. (No need to do second d/l stuff from i/net).
The alternative is to have xbmc do the scrape from imdb and then import this info into pvd ( havn't even started on how to make this happen)

if you want to see fields xbmc is storing, do a individual export (export per movie). This will create a .nfo+images into the directory that movie is stored in. (.nfo file is xml). You can pull this apart to see what is required.

Anyway. attached what i have done so far.
Also included is an example of what xbmc will export. (I imported from xbmc and then exported to folder)

Things that i know are broken (in this version :) )

nearfiles needs too be fixed/checked to save images into same directory that .nfo file is generated.
associated xml entry inside .nfo file needs to be written correctly
I don't know how to make credits work (yet :) )

[attachment deleted by admin]

Scripts and Templates / Exporting credits
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:10:00 am »
Sorry to be a pain.....
i have a couple more things i need to figure out and need help. pls ....

No 1.
im trying to export credits.
Code: [Select]
is not returning a result.

What I am trying to achieve is
containing <writers> <composers> <producers>
From what ive read, grouptemplate would be best option to achieve this, but i don't understand how it works.
i've been trying to find an example without success.
NB i can't even get {%value=credits} from main.ptm to return data.

Can someone pls pls provide an example of grouptemplate i can use and how "credits" works.

No 2.
Under tools/plugins/IMDB - Configure button. There is custom field for top 250 rank:
What is this? How does it work? - i would like to export top250 value as well, if possible pls.

Also when exporting. plugin seems to put linefeeds in. Is there a way so this doesn't happen??
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
Code: [Select]
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Blank line
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Blank line
<title>10,000 BC</title>

Actor export


   <name>Steven Strait</name>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Blank line
   <name>Camilla Belle</name>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Blank line
   <name>Cliff Curtis</name>

:) :) Sorry to be such a pain and ask so many questions. :) :)

tks again

Scripts and Templates / Re: trouble using template
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:57:06 am »
Thanks Nostra - You're awesome  :D

This works a treat when you know what variables go where  ;)
for benefit of others I have:
Code: [Select]
{%value=tags template="tags.tpl" maxvalues="3"}
In main export plugin.
Code: [Select]
%HEAD%<tag>%HEAD%{%value},%FOOT%</tag>%FOOT%in the called .tpl file.

output looks like:
Code: [Select]
<tag>Rancher,Marshal,New Mexico,</tag>

Scripts and Templates / Re: trouble using template
« on: August 20, 2009, 07:25:56 am »
sorry to be a nuff nuff  ;)
i'm trying to limit the no of tags being returned.
this value doesn't have multiple params. I can't find how to pass this to tpl file.

in ptm file i have
{%value=tags template="tags.tpl" maxvalues="3"}
in tags.tpl file i have
Code: [Select]
<tag>{%value=tags}</tag>nb. i have tried %params=tags, %value=tag, %value=tag, tag, tags, %tags etc.

output from this is
Code: [Select]
<tag>{%value=tag}</tag><tag>{%value=tag}</tag><tag>{%value=tag}</tag>pls pls hlp. :)

Also would it be possible to have "maxvalues=<value>" understandable under main .ptm file without calling template. Then we can limit no of entries directly from there without having to create a template for every section where we only want to limit the no of entries.
Code: [Select]
<director>{%value=directors maxvalues=2}</director> or
<tags>{%value=tags maxvalues=5}</tags>

Scripts and Templates / Re: trouble using template
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:01:00 am »
Yay - this works. :)

Note. For others who have struggled (like me) the options in tpl does not require the "s"

so my .ptm file contains:
Code: [Select]
{%value=actors template="actors.tpl" maxvalues="3" params="full"}
and the actors.tpl file contains:
Code: [Select]
NB: the NO "S" in %param :D

Scripts and Templates / Re: trouble using template
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:10:11 am »
{%value=actors template="tplactors.tpl param="full"}
didn't work.

In my .ptm file I have
Code: [Select]
{%value=actors template="tplactors.tpl" maxvalues="3" param="full"}

maxvalues works (limits no of entries to 3) IF param="full" is not included, but i don't get any data.
output file looks like:
Code: [Select]


actors.tpl contains:
Code: [Select]

what am i doing wrong :(

Scripts and Templates / trouble using XML template
« on: August 17, 2009, 06:54:20 am »
im having trouble creating a template. Hoping soemone can help :)

i have changed latest xml export plugin to call a template file as per
if i call the param option, pvd crashes.

XML.ptm contains:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
{%value=52 template="tpl\actors.tpl param="full"}

in tpl\actors.tpl contains:
Code: [Select]

if i remove param="full" setting then xml output looks like:

any ideas :) anyone :)


Scripts and Templates / Re: imagepath=
« on: August 13, 2009, 01:41:43 am »
Can you save the xml in the same directory as the posters?
yes but i need to remove "nearfiles=" first, choose a location to save to then renable nearfiles statement to have poster save in root and xml NOT have imagepath statement added. poster is still savedin images/ subdir.
i don't get to choose a save location when i have "nearfiles="
suggests you need them all in the same directory.
correct :) and xml not have imagepath path added. so
<thumb>{%value=poster}</thumb> will output <thumb>movietitile.jpg</thumb>
not <thumb>images/movietitile.jpg</thumb>

I'll fix the issue with imagepath in the next plugin update
Cool :)

to help with debugging (maybe) :)
i don't know how "nearfiles=" is suppossed to work, but if i have
nearfiles=".nfo" i get xml with a filename of .nfo
if i have nearfiles=".jpg" i get xml with a filename of .jpg (nothing infront of the . )
if i have nearfiles=movies.xml" i get xml file saved with a filename of movies.xml

My next question after this is going to be - can I save as separate xml files named to movie title. :)
something like nearfiles="%t%.xml" to export titlename.xml and poster

just so you know what i am want to do....
i want to select a bunch of movies and export separate xml files and poster named by title.

Scripts and Templates / Re: imagepath=
« on: August 12, 2009, 05:56:01 am »
thanks dude - imagenameformat="[format]" like a treat.
this saves poster with filename of title.jpg but oinly if i have imagepath=" <something>"
i can save this into a subdirectory i guess, but then i have to manully move them = pain.

i have a cpl of things i can't workout.
i can't figure out how to save poster to the same place as exported xml
i have to have imagepath="<some text> or it won't save the poster.
if  I remove imagepath statement it doesn't save.

Also i don't understand what nearfiles=".[extension]" is for or how it works.
if i add this with an extension lile "nearfiles=".jpg" it doesn't prompt me to save the entry, but if I look in my save directory, i have a file called ".jpg" that contains xml data i am trying to export.

Scripts and Templates / "imagepath" statement
« on: August 11, 2009, 08:03:40 am »
Hi - Great program.
I'm trying to export posters to the root directory of where im saving xml.


I have tried removing this but no posters get saved. Also tried setting it to imagepath="". Posters dont get saved
I can set it to imagepath=" " (space) but xml <tag>{%value=poster}</tag> then has a space at the front of it.
I can set it to imagepath="extension", this saves poster as extensionimage_blah_blah.jpg but also creates a directory called extension

Also -  is it possible to save the poster as titlename. Set something like imagename="{%value=title}.{%value=imageextension}" under options so to save image as title.jpg. When doing export it sets the outputted jpg name to title (or whatever other options u want.)

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