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Messages - John666

Pages: 1 [2]
Development / Re: Sorting using a Custom Field during export.
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:12:29 pm »
If you're just using Barcode as a sort key, use Excel to append Title to Custom, and import that to Barcode.

Yes, I thought of that, but every time I enter a new record I would have to do the same thing and that would be very time consuming.

Is it a feature that is likely to be added to the new version?

Development / Re: Sorting using a Custom Field during export.
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:56:55 am »
Yes. Export the custom field (along with Title and Year to identify the record), then import it to Barcode.

Thanks, that will save me a lot of time.

Any suggestions on sorting by more than one field in templates?

What I am trying to do is first sort by the contents of the 'Barcode' field and then by 'Title'.

The reason for this is that I am using the Barcode field to group specific types of records but I want them to be sorted by title within the groups.

If I just sort by the barcode field the titles are out of order.

Feature Suggestions / Re: UK Date Errors
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:54:46 am »
Duplicate works fine when the time is removed.

I see what you mean about removing the time. It works fine without it.

What about adding/editing dates and filtering?

Feature Suggestions / Re: UK Date Errors
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:50:29 am »
Is the date format in UK not the same as in Europe??? As I have the German one working pretty well here...

I'm not sure what date format is used in Germany, in the UK it is DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

Development / Re: Sorting using a Custom Field during export.
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:14:06 am »
Thanks for letting me know. Is it something that will be implemented in the new release?

Just another thought... Is it possible to copy the information I have entered into the custom field over to a standard field, for example I don’t use the Barcode field.

I have over 1000 entries and it would take hours to go and modify all of them manually.

And, is it possible to sort by more than one field in templates, so that you have a primary and secondary sort in differing directions?

Development / Sorting using a Custom Field during export.
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:23:31 pm »
In the %OPTIONS% section at the beginning of the template files there is an entry for ‘sortby=’. My question is… How do I sort on a custom field?

I have tried everything I can think of but all that happens is the output is sorted by some other method, I assume the ID.

Is this possible or have I been wasting my time trying?

Feature Suggestions / UK Date Errors
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:12:56 pm »
Hi, I have found that there seems to be a lot of problems with dates and date conversions.
I assume this is because I am in the UK and we always seem to do things differently here.

Examples of this are:
   I cannot 'duplicate' a record after the 12 of the month, I have to do them before or change my system date first.
   If I change the date in the 'Date Added' field it switches the month and daye before the 13 of the month.
   When I do a filter by date I have to remember to use the american format to make it work properly.

There are more of these but I can't think of them right now.

Thank you in advance.

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