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Messages - svenne

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Support / Re: duration of the film (when exported) is not rounded
« on: April 02, 2010, 03:56:53 am »
Thanks for your immediate answers. Not only a nice app, but fast support, too...

So, if it is MediaInfo, that is used to fetch the length of an AVI- or MKV-file (did I understand that right?), then MediaInfo gets the seconds, too. Perhaps it behaves different with different file types? Didn't try it with VOBs till now, cause I'm still quite new to PVD... Within PVD the duration must be stored to its full extend, cause it is displayed as 01:48:43, for example (in preferences "Use minutes for duration field" must be unchecked to see this, of course). Sometimes audio streams are longer than the video stream, and even that is recognised and the duration reported seems to always represent the duration of the longest stream. I love that!  :) And I'd love to be able to export it...  ;)

Great!!   :) So, there are some things I need for my new working position, here's my wishlist...  ;) ok, only one wish to start with: I would really like to be able to export the film duration in seconds. Other apps I tested or worked with for some while want to have the duration in seconds for CSV-fileimport. It is always nice to know that you have the possibility to switch back to your old application. It makes it so much easier (emotionally ;) ) to give Personal Video Database a try...

Support / Re: Date fields can't be cleared
« on: April 02, 2010, 12:06:48 am »
Yes and no. With "seen date" that makes sense, I really didn't think about it...

Just tried and it worked fine, the field could be cleared manually after clearing the seen flag (it did not clear automatically after removing the seen flag, though). I tried it a second time on the same movie and it didn't work anymore...   :( Restarted PVD and it still did not change (seen flag was cleared, but the seen date was still there and undeletable). Then suddenly it worked, then again it didn't... Seems somewhat unpredictable to me.

Yes, print styles in general are a nice invention...  ;)
By the way, the print style already tells browsers to insert page-breaks only between list entries, so that a movie entry should not be split up over two pages if possible, but unfortunately only Opera implemented this CSS 2.0 standard feature till today.  ::)

But to print every movie on a new page is easy to achieve and works with most (up to date versions of) common browsers: {page-break-after:always;}
should do the trick.

Support / Re: Sorting is culture-insensitive
« on: April 01, 2010, 03:25:25 pm »
So I'm looking foward to version 1.0...  :)
Thanks in advance and thanks a lot in general for Personal Video Database!

Scripts and Templates / Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: April 01, 2010, 03:18:03 pm »
I'd like to contribute an export template. It generates a HTML-list (an unordered list with some details) and is formatted via style sheets (HTML and CSS both stored in one file). The print styles differ from screen styles: different margins, smaller font, white background, black font color, font face is changed to "Calibri" (in screen view it's "Helvetica"). If either of them is not installed on your PC, the style switches to "Verdana" or to the standard sans-serif font selected in your browser.
The styles are W3C-compliant and should render fine with any modern browser, with older ones it might look crappy or even be unreadable. I tested them with Firefox 3.6 and IE 7 only.
Hope, someone will like it...

The first template is in English, the second one is in German.

----> You'll find the newest templates here

Support / duration of the film (when exported) is not rounded
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:30:46 pm »
There is a minor(!) issue when displaying in minutes or exporting via template: {%value=length}
The seconds are just cut off instead of being rounded. The shortest short film in my database is 54 seconds, what becomes a runtime of 0 minutes.
Maybe it would even be a good idea to always round to the next full minute (01:22:12 = 73 minutes). That seems to be the common practice for DVD-covers and throughout the net.
By the way, is there a possibility to to get the duration in seconds or as hh:mm:ss when exporting via {%value=length}?
(I'm running v0.9.9.18, WinXP)

Support / Date fields can't be cleared
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:23:36 pm »
Just a minor bug and not a big deal to solve I hope: if you once enter a date into the field "Release date", you can change it afterwards, but you can never delete/clear it anymore. Same with "Seen date".
(version, WinXP)

Support / Re: Sorting is culture-insensitive
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:19:25 pm »
First of all: great work, great application. Still has some minor flaws and glitches of course, but it's the only app of this kind that can do (almost) everything I ever wanted. Should sound like a huge compliment!  ;)

Still there is this very annoying issue with its sort order (I'm using v., WinXP), still sorting upper and lower case chars and chars with accents in a strange manner (simply by codepoint order).

There also is a second thread on this:

Of course, Firebird was to blame for the unwanted behavior, but with Firebird 2.1 things might have changed. I searched this forum, didn't find anyone mention it, so perhaps no one knows?

As it seems to me (just after doing some forum research. Hope, I'm not wrong...), all text is stored as UNICODE_FSS within the database? As this is superseded by now, it should be (or already was?) changed to UTF8. Then you can advise Firebird to use four different collations: UCS_BASIC (sorting by code-point order), UNICODE (using the Unicode Collation Algorithm, which really should do the job the best way possible), UTF-8 (completely case insensitive collation), and with Firebird 2.5 there will be UNICODE_CI_AI (totally ignoring case and accents, treating "A" as "a", "Ü" as "u", "è" as "e", and so on).

I'm referring to this page:

The Unicode Collation Algorithm:
To cite Wikipedia: "Multilingual ordering... When lists of names or words need to be ordered, but the context does not define a particular single language or alphabet, the Unicode Collation Algorithm provides a way to put them in sequence."
Sounds good to me.  :)
In detail:

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