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Topics - Testing_Business

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Support / Importing Episodes
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:39:00 pm »
First of all I LOVE the program! Keep it free!

My issue is that I want to import episodes and series from an Excel file. Basically I have a list of files that are episodes of a Business Program that is not available on IMDB etc.

So I have created a list of names and paths. I also want to add a 'season/episode number' to the list of files eg season 1..2..3 episode 1...2...3.

How do I do this? I cannot find the episode field in the config of the excel plugin for importing? There is one for the text import plugin but it doesn't work properly and I don't know how the text should be formatted to allow only 3 fields (Title,path,Season/episode) to be imported.

I don't know if it is a requested feature, but a method of manually assigning an episode/season to an existing movie would be very useful. I believe at the moment you can only 'change' an existing season/episode number. Cut/Paste of a group of movies from the 'root' to a sub group of a season would also do the same thing!

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