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Topics - Aslena

Pages: [1]
Support / play button
« on: December 15, 2010, 05:14:52 am »
I have PVD setup on my main PC (wired) and a couple of laptops (using 300 Mb wireless) that are connected to TV's I also have a Freenas server with all of my movies on it, and I'm running the firebird server on my main PC.

My problem is that on the laptops the "Play" button for the movies is greyed out part of the time even though the proper path to the movies is in the DB. It seems like PVD or Firebird is scanning to make sure the files are there every so often and during the scan the play button is greyed out (not really sure if this is what is happening).

Has anyone experienced this or know why it does this, and is there anything I can do about it?

Love the program so far other than this one issue

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