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Messages - afrocuban

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 [21] 22 23
Feature Suggestions / Re: Generating log files after import
« on: April 28, 2013, 04:32:14 pm »
Rick, sorry but I was lost in translation somewhere.

Can you, please, clarify following:

Let's say there are 500 movies in my PVD database. I was going to update 100 of them.

How to get to know which movies weren't updated the first time in "Silent Mode on", of the subset of 100 movies I was updating?

Under III) It seems it was imdb's bug, that has been corrected now.

Under IV), partial workaround possible following procedure stated here, using and modifying Ivek's AllMovie.com_new script.

Still no luck with issues under I) and II)

Thanks Ivek.

The best results, however, will be achieved when nostra finds a way for a PVD's imdb plugin to log in to a site.

Then, I'd recommend to set these site preferences for IMDb, when logged in:

"Title display country" - Local country
"Title display language" - English,

for which imdb seems to has corrected earlier bug

That way, instead of original title, the English title will always be shown on the imdb, and imported to a PVD "Title" field, when there's no local country's release title for the movie on The original title will be imported to a "origtitle" field, in any case, when there is one stated on the main page.

Nostra, please let us know when you find a way for imdb plugin to log in.

Feature Suggestions / Generating log files after import/update
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:29:39 pm »
Instead of a need to press "OK" every single time it happened (and we don't know that easy for which movie it happened), wouldn't be appropriate if PVD could generate log file after mass updating/importing data from the internet (or any other mass/single updating/importing), for which movies data weren't updated/imported for a specific reason (no movies found, socket errors, etc), but to allow PVD continuous updating/importing. Log file with the specific error, as an option in Preferences, would be popped up after importing.

During updating/importing, dialogue boxes about errors would have time limited user response options to be chosen: "Continue" as the default action after 30 secs for example and "Cancel" to cancel the download.

Right now, we have to write down every single failed import during this process, which is not convenient.

I found a way to get this:

1. Import local title and original title from
2. Define custom field in PVD, for instance "English Title"
3. Set Ivek's AllMovie.com_new script in PVD->Preferences->Plugins, not to overwrite "Title"
4.  Modify Ivek's AllMovie.com_new script like this, for example, in order to import Title (which is always English title) to a custom field "English Title":
Code: [Select]
//~mfTitle~ or ~Title~

curPos := Pos('<title>', HTML) + Length('<title>');

//if Pos('- Trailers, Reviews, Synopsis, Showtimes and Cast - AllMovie</title>', HTML) > 0 then
// endPos := PosFrom('- Trailers, Reviews, Synopsis, Showtimes and Cast - AllMovie</title>', HTML, curPos)
// endPos := PosFrom('- Cast and Crew - AllMovie</title>', HTML, curPos);

if Pos('(', HTML) > 0 then
endPos := PosFrom('(', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr1 := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos);

AddFieldValue(mfTitle, TmpStr1); 
AddCustomFieldValueByName('English Title', TmpStr1);

5. Import data with modified Ivek's AllMovie.com_new script


6. Make a batch file IMDB+AllMovie to automate the process
7. If you don't want to import anythiing else except English Title from, then set up  Ivek's AllMovie.com_new script in Preferences, and modify it to import only English Title

Hope this helps.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Previewing movie URLs in skin
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:58:07 pm »
Thanks Ivek!

So, it means it's impossible to do such thing with predefined "url" field?

Scripts and Templates / Re: Previewing movie URLs in skin
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:18:07 pm »
For AllMovie_new script I found the way, defining custom field and the codes would be (for example):

Allmovie script:
Code: [Select]
//Get ~mfURL~ or ~URL~

endPos := Pos('"><span>overview</span></a>', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('href="/movie', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, BASE_URL + Copy(HTML, curPos + 6, endPos - curPos - 6));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '"></link>');

Code: [Select]
                <column space="0" halign="left" autosize="true" valign="top">
                    <caption>Other URLs: </caption>
                  <custom field="" linkcolor1="$338900"/>

Still, the OP question stands if it's possible to import urls in "url" field in such way.

Scripts and Templates / Previewing movie URLs in skin
« on: April 27, 2013, 01:14:53 pm »
Instead of: for "url" field,

is it possible for users to present link in PVD skin like this:


without changing IMDb plugin, but only by creating some syntax in skin's xml?

Same question for Ivek for his Allmovie_new script (

Talk / Re: Forum board feature suggestion
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:34:55 pm » thank you!

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Feature Suggestions / Re: List and Info Panel Splits
« on: April 26, 2013, 04:58:40 pm »
"Like this post"  ;D

As I can see it, more "the things happen" in a browser-like PVD UI, wider the users acceptance of it.

My 2c:
1. "Clicking the link opens the target in the current panel-no movie list changed (that's how we know where we came from)/Clicking opens the target in a split panel-movie list panel splits if people are clicked".
2. Clicking on any url not redirecting to PVD database, splits panel, loads default browser in another panel with the target site

Feature Suggestions / Re: How to set scrollabale area of the skin
« on: April 26, 2013, 09:33:38 am »
what seems to be required is a scroll control that can be applied to a section of the skin.

But what would be more straightforward and useful to more users is a splitter for the Panel.

A split List would be very useful too.

It's another panel to display the person record last selected in the movie panel. In other words, clicking on a person link in a movie record would show their record in a panel below the movie panel, rather than switching to People View. Imagine that being the bottom split (or vertical left and right, obj. by afrocuban) of the movie panel rather than a separate panel.

Or if split, would show movies in the top and people in the bottom split (or vertical left and right, obj. by afrocuban).

Language barriers bridged. Bumped, so to say  ;D

I'd move couple of these posts to a Feature suggestions board...

Talk / Re: Forum board feature suggestion
« on: April 26, 2013, 02:37:13 am »
For whom?  ???

Talk / Forum board feature suggestion
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:14:12 pm »
Is it possible by design to add some kind of "Like this post", "This post annoys me" buttons to posts, like for example in the picture attahed?

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Feature Suggestions / Re: How to set scrollabale area of the skin
« on: April 25, 2013, 09:53:32 pm »
Thank you so much for the kind of answer I needed!  ;)

Support / Re: Manuals
« on: April 25, 2013, 08:33:54 pm »
It's worthy enough to wait. Thanks!

In the meantime, would you please consider to answer to this?

Feature Suggestions / Re: How to set scrollabale area of the skin
« on: April 25, 2013, 02:04:57 pm »
I'll try to clarify as much as possible, considernig language barriers.

1. I set up skin with collapsed attributes so to all data are fit to screen, so therefore there's no scroll bar on the right side of the skin. [b=]which is shown in picture 0.jpg attached in this post.[/b].

2. When expand some field, amount of data exceeds the size of the screen, so therefore, scroll bar on the right side of the skin appears. When scrolling it is inconvenient for preview (movie title, tabs, screenshots and posters become totally or partly invisible - out of the screen) when reachin the bottom of the expanded skin)

3. So, is it possible when expand some field and amount of data exceeds the size of the screen, with some xml tag to invoke scroll bar to appear in some <section> I'd define - for instance the one a Ifaked in pictur 3.jpg above?

[EDIT]Notice differences between picture 2 and 3. When "IMDb Plot" field is expanded and data doesn't fit the screen,  scroll bar normally appears on the right side of the skin in picture 2. In picture 3, when same field is expanded, scroll bar would appear only in <section> where the field resides, and there wouldn't be scroll bar on the right side of the whole skin

4. If 3. is'not possible by design, is it possible to put iframes in PVD classic skin for instance ? How? What is tag? [EDIT] Is it possibble to create PVD skin to look like svenne's HTML Frame export file?


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Feature Suggestions / Re: How to set scrollabale area of the skin
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:39:55 am »
I do use collapse attributes as you can see in the pictures attached.

My question is just regarding the case when those fields get expanded. I find it much more convenient then to be able to scroll certain areas/sections of the skin.

So, my OP application still stands. Any ideas?

Feature Suggestions / List and Info Panel Splits
« on: April 25, 2013, 02:35:03 am »
[Mod] This topic became a feature request at reply #7. Moved at OP's suggestion.

Currently I'm working on improving my own tabbed skin. It is shown in picture 1.jpg

I don't know anything about xml, but I cope with it using PVD manual and common sense.

When amount of data exceeds the size of the screen, scroll bar appears on the right side of the skin, of course. When scrolling in this case, it is not convenient for preview, which is shown in picture 2.jpg (movie title, tabs, screenshots and posters become totally or partly invisible - out of the screen).

So, considering PVD Skin Engine Manual, is it possible to set up (invoke?) scroll bars in the <section> container(s), so to get results (scroll bar and scrollabale area) as faked in the picture 3.jpg? Is it possible, further more, to put the part of xml file (section container), or additional xml file into iframe, maybe?

Something like: "<iframe src="Scrollable_Area.xml" autosize="true" halighn="center"><p>PVD doesn't support iFrames, unfortunately</p></iframe>?


Any suggestion would be more than appreciated!

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Support / Re: Manuals
« on: April 25, 2013, 12:56:34 am »
What I found it might be helpful was to indicate default values, so it would be easier to decide whether or not to implement particular functions.

I'll check the manual for places where default values can/should be documented.

Any thoughts on this, yet?

Changelogs / Re: Release Candidate
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:14:55 pm »
Removed pvdtotray.dll long time ago, sam thing again. Using Win7, used WinXP, same thing again with 1.x versions. No such problem with v.9x. (Both versions installed, neither portable)

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