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Topics - KJPVDB

Pages: [1]
Support / Moviemeterplugin
« on: January 21, 2012, 02:00:04 pm »
Hi, me again about the Moviemeter-plugin ;D When I try to use the plugin, via the Import-menu, normally you might get a list of similar titles to choose from. Now, with every movie, that menu only gives 1 item, saying: |</span> (so no title(s) displayed). When you choose it, it doesn't download the data. Programme just continues.

Support / Moviemeter-plugin movie description
« on: December 14, 2011, 01:44:35 pm »

When I use the Moviemeter-plugin to get a Dutch film description, the description text in the normal PVDB userview starts with <span itemprop="description"> and ends with </span>.

This is also the case for Genre and Actors, e.g.:
Genre:          <span itemprop="genre">Drama<, span>

Actors:          <span itemprop="actors">Chris Evans</span>   
                      <span itemprop="actors">Michael Biehn</span>   
                      <span itemprop="actors">Vinessa Shaw</span>

Is that fixable?

Support / [SOLVED] French movie titles
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:21:28 pm »
Hi, I was trying to add the L' prefix to the ignore-list for alphabetising the movie titles (as in: L'Appartement, L'Empire de Loups, etcetera. But it doesn't have an effect. Does anyone have a workaround, for instance using asci code or something?

(Of course, one obvious way is to just write the title as Appartement, L')

Support / [SOLVED] Actors not importing with imdb.dll
« on: June 27, 2010, 11:02:44 am »

I noticed the actors are missing in my most recent imdb-imports. Maybe they changed something?


Pages: [1]