Personal Video Database

English => Support => Topic started by: sweety240181 on March 22, 2011, 11:20:36 am

Title: Help!!! Import from series and episodes
Post by: sweety240181 on March 22, 2011, 11:20:36 am

i need for the file scanner the right regex key.

The name of my files are all:

001 - Bezaubernde Jeannie - Lach nicht.avi

I'm from Germany the correct serie name is i dream of jeannie.
But my files are written in german.

Can someone help me and post the right key that the files are scanned as episodes and series?

Title: Re: Help!!! Import from series and episodes
Post by: on March 22, 2011, 08:22:41 pm
001 - Bezaubernde Jeannie - Lach nicht.avi

If they're all exactly that form, then this will work:

(?i)^.*\\(?P<episode>[0-9]{3}) - (?P<title>.*) - (?P<eptitle>.*)\..*