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Topics - stelzi76

Pages: [1]
Support / Can't Import From AMC
« on: August 22, 2009, 10:05:54 am »
I used AMC before I tried PVD. Now I tried to import my AMC Database into PVD, but the Plugin didn't import it! In my AMC Database are about 1500 Movies. To test the Import
I had diveded the Database in smaller Databases. One "Test"-Database has only 10 Movies but when I start the Import there is in the last line of PVD only the Message "Importiere Einträge. Bitte warten..." (Importing. Please wait...). I wait up to half an hour, but nothing happens. When I restart PVD sometimes there is after the Import one Movie, most of Time no Movie imported.
When I configure AMC Import Plugin and "disable" "description" and "comment", there are more Movies imported, but most of Time no Movies too.
Is there any Limitation of Importing (Image Size, Description Size etc.)?

My System: Vista Premium
PVD Version

Pages: [1]