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Topics - Marioo

Pages: [1]
Support / No movies found :(
« on: November 28, 2012, 05:51:41 pm »
When I want to add a new movie, I always get the message: "No movies found :(". I use IMDB plugin and two days ago everything worked. I have version.

Support / Problem with Actors
« on: July 28, 2009, 08:39:32 am »
Hi, I have a big problem with the latest version (
of Your great application (all plugins was updated to the newest
versions). My database was created in older version
and now it's doesn't work correctly. Please check the video to look
at my problem (attachment) and then read some helpful facts:

- video contain one of many, many examples
- the problem isn't systematic, some records looks correctly after
  my modification, but some looks like at the video
- before I put the "+" in the translated name, field "actor" contain
  4 records, after there is now 6 records - where come from 2
  additional records (which automatically incorrectly modify
  some other records - ex. Tomasz Karolak wasn't play any role in
  Ryś, but the record was changed and the correct actor which
  play a role "Garnitur" in Ryś movie was disappear
- look at the "actors" field in movie: before I click on the "Rafal
  Królikowski" this record was at the 1st place on the list, but when
  I clicked on the "Tomasz Karolak", modify this and then back -
  "Rafal Królikowski" was complitely disappear from database

Of course, when i modify some other records, another records was

Attachments: video with my problem, database created in version
    version and before any modifications
        (please, have you try check this)

Sorry for my english, I hope the problem from my description
is clear for you.

Video with my problem:

Pages: [1]