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Topics - goddert

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Support / Advanced Search - Conditions
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:19:28 am »

I have some problems using the Advanced Search. I did create a test database with three movies

- one movie with German and English language
- one movie with Italian language
- one movie with German and Italian language

All movies:

If I try to define some condition in the advanced search they didn't work as I expected.

First screenshot is with the conditions to select only movies with German AND Italian language but PVD doesn't show any movie at all. I expected it would show the one movie which has Italian and German language.

Second screenshot is a select to NOT show movies with German language. PVD shows all movies instead of the one movie which has only Italian as language as I expected.

Any guess where are my faults defining the conditions?  :-\

Thanks in advance

PS: System is XPSP3 with PVD beta

Support / File Scanner - concatenation
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:30:44 pm »

I have a question regarding the File Scanner. I did a forum search but didn't find an answer (or didn't use the right terms)

These are my regular expression and they are working very well for most of my movies
^.*\\(?P<origtitle>.*) - S(?P<season>\d\d)E(?P<episode>\d\d) - (?P<eptitle>.*) \[\d+p\d+\]
^.*\\(?P<origtitle>.*) - (?P<title>.*) \[\d+p\d+\]
^.*\\(?P<origtitle>.*) \[\d+p\d+\]

But a lot of my movies exist in two versions (two languages).
Origtitle - Title1 [1080p23].mkv
Origtitle - Title2 [1080p23].mkv

In PVD: Same original title (origtitle) but different titles (every one in its own language). I think this is a very consistent and canonical way.
When I now start a scan the File Scanner tries to concatenate the two movies he finds as one movie (the first it finds) and set this as the new path for the first movie. (see screenshot)

I didn't find an option to switch off this behaviour.
Any ideas?

Thanks  :)

Support / SQL error -104 token unknown
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:38:05 am »

I tried the advanced search on a custom field (checkbox).

The Advanced Search box offers the following values (only -1 - take a look at the first screenshot).

If I press Ok PVD presents the following message box with the error described in the subject. I tested it with a new created database.

Looking in the firebird FAQ I found the following advice. Maybe it can help to resolve the mystery.

This is Beta

I didn't find an already reported bug for this error in the forum. If I shall deliver further information tell me.


developing a skin with tabs I found a probable Bug with the text alignment in tabs (description and comments).
Included I have a very simple skin with two tabs. The first tab presents a misalignment of the text. The second tab however presents a correct formatting of the text. The misalignment doesn't vanish neither with a refresh nor with a restart of PVD. The same misalignment (same column width) PVD shows regulary with normal skins without tabs during daily operation (usually in the description field), but it is more casual and not easily reproducable. In the sample skin however it is always present.

The sample skin contains nearly all borders of sections and columns to reveal the structure.


Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <skinname>PVD Bug 2</skinname>
    <description>Skin with bug in tabs</description>
    <section space="15">
        <column valign="top" space="15" width="35%">
            <border shape="none"/>
              <column valign="top" halign="center">
                <section space="5">
                  <border shape="none"/>
                    <column space="5">
                      <poster autosize="true"/>

        <column valign="top" halign="center">
              <column valign="center" halign="left">
                <section permanent="true">
                    <column valign="top" halign="left">
              <column valign="center" halign="left">


I have some problems with a probable bug in the skin templates (xml). The bug occurs using comments in xml.
Putting comments before markup (not inside!) changes the behaviour of the tags in the visualization.
Until now I found one example with the tag videostreamlabel and another with the tag videodatalabel. Putting a comment before the former tag the comment changes its alignment in the visualization. Putting a comment before the latter one makes vanish completely the data which should be shown.

Included you find a working example and a not working example to compare the effect.
(Tip: delete first comment and see the effect then delete the second comment and see the second effect)

It would be nice if someone could verify this.


Example (not working - comments at wrong place)
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <skinname>PVD Midnight bug</skinname>
        <description>Color skin</description>
        <!-- section with filepath, (quality, duration, size, mediatype, medialabel, medialocation), videostreamdata, audiostreamdata, subtitle and feature rows -->
<!-- row with videostreamdata column -->
<!-- column with videostreamdata expandable section -->
<!-- expandable section with videostreamdata rows -->
<!-- row with videostreamlabel and videodatalabel columns -->
<!-- don't comment here; corrupts alignment of label -->
<!-- don't comment here; makes vanish data -->
<fieldlabel field="videocodec"></fieldlabel>

Example (working - no comments at wrong place)
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <skinname>PVD Midnight nobug</skinname>
        <description>Color skin</description>
        <!-- section with filepath, (quality, duration, size, mediatype, medialabel, medialocation), videostreamdata, audiostreamdata, subtitle and feature rows -->
<!-- row with videostreamdata column -->
<!-- column with videostreamdata expandable section -->
<!-- expandable section with videostreamdata rows -->
<!-- row with videostreamlabel and videodatalabel columns -->
<fieldlabel field="videocodec"></fieldlabel>

Support / Forum - accessibility
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:35:51 am »
Sorry, I didn't know where to put this topic and I didn't want it to be gone lost in the group Talk.

Is it possibile that the forum isn't reachable for a dedicated IP-range (maybe antispam measures)?

Since some weeks I have problems reaching the forum with my home provider. First I thought there was in course some maintenance because the page presented itself with an error:
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /hp/as/ad/zm/www/forum_en/Sources/Subs-Db-mysql.php on line 132

Now for three days I didn't reach the page at all but I checked that the page was up for others, the RSS-feed was/is working well and I saw a lot of forum traffic nevertheless the page was down for me. Currently I'm writing from another IP-Range. (No, I've no problems reaching other pages)

Could you please verify this?


Development / SQL - Package - Import media data
« on: January 19, 2012, 10:27:12 am »

attached you'll find a link to a package of scripts and SQL-procedures which I developed to read video, audio and subtitle information from movie files and import these information into PVD with help of the database interface.

Motivation of this package was the current limitations of the mediainfo.dll and ffmpeg bundled with PVD.
Unfortunately ffmpeg doesn't read always the correct informations from a movie file (it isn't neither its scope). Also mediainfo.dll (being an older version) doesn't get always the correct info. For various reasons in the end I approached the problem using the database interface.

The package mainly uses SQL-procedures, mediainfo (command line version), awk and some script.
It is possible to process a great number of movie files in one run (I tested it with more than thousand files) and update the database.

I don't know whether someone is interested but I wanted to share it anyway. If you are, I invite you to read the included Readme.txt. Additionally all procedures and scripts are well documented.

Obviously if anyone has questions I'm here to answer them.


Link to Mediainfo Import  package:

Scripts and Templates / Movieplayer Script Update
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:30:54 am »

attached you'll find an update of the current version of the script movieplayer (script for an Italian movie webpage).
It has been done a major review of the code and introduced the preview in case of a search list. Also now the complete cast the page offers in a separate page can be downloaded. Additionally one has the possibility to get either the short description (trama) or the review (recensione) of the movie (I wish we had the possibility to get both of them - the first in the description the other in the comments field :).

You'll find four options in the beginning of the script (near line 130) GET_REVIEW, GET_CAST, GET_POSTER and GET_MOVIE. The first one to decide whether download the short description or the review. The other ones to decide whether to download the cast, poster and/or the movie details. I integrated these options as I only prefer to download the review and the description and wanted to avoid PVD visiting all other subpages. But others may have different priorities.

Due to lack of time I did test it only with a couple of movies but obviously if anyone notices bugs I'll try to fix them. In this case I ask to name also the movie with which it happens that I can test.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / File scanner - Find and Replace table - extension
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:46:36 am »

I decided to put this request under feature suggestions as I think it could be useful for others and because I didn't find a satisfying workaround.

In the preferences for the file scanner exists the table "Find and replace". Currently, as I understood, this table replaces strings/characters in the file name before PDV it uses in the regular expressions and compares it to the various fields like origtitle, title, ecc.

A common problem is that the original title may contain special characters like '?', ':' etc., characters which are not allowed in filenames. Currently using the "Find and Replace" one must find a particular replace character for every not allowed special character. E.g. '?'<-'@' and ':'<-'%' to replace these in filenames with the corrisponding special character in the original title. E.g. "Wo is Fred@.mkv" becomes "Who is Fred?" ecc. This is a bit tedious and creates particular strange filenames. Unfortunately the presence of those special characters inside the various fields like origtitle, eptitle ecc. doesn't allow circumventing them in the usual regular expressions in the file scanner dialog.
If the table mentioned above allowed both directions of replacing we could replace special characters, e.g., in original title (obviously only in memory and not in the field itself) before comparing it to the filename. This way one could define a set of special characters which would be replaced with ONE other character or better with nothing. It would avoid curious filenames and a n->1 mapping of a replace string in a useful direction. E.g. (\?|:) would be replaced with "" (nothing). In the example above "Who is Fred?" would become "Who is Fred.mkv". I think a more elegant solution for a cumbersome problem.

If I missed something or one has a nice solution for the special character problem in original titles please tell me.



Support / Skin - color of cursor changes
« on: November 25, 2011, 10:27:50 am »
Hi all,

I have a little problem with my skin (it's a selfcreated one).

The problem is that in edit mode the cursor in some fields takes on the color of a section which I don't where to look for (in the xml or application). The background however has the color configured by the skin (section). The only problem is the "unknown" color doesn't match very well with the background color and therefore the cursor is nearly invisible.

To make everyone clearer what's the problem I attached two screenshots where you can see the behaviour.

In the first one the cursor is black and the background is bright so no problem.

In the second one instead the cursor has a "dirty" green and the background is a dark magenta and so you can't see it. On the screenshot the cursor is after the word MKV. If you look further you see that also the border around the fields in edit mode have this same "dirty" green.

My question is how I can change this unwanted color? I would be thankful for any suggestion. If it is a help I can upload the xml of the skin.

Thank you very much

OS: XP/Windows 7

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