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Topics - Ungrimmer

Pages: [1]
Support / IMDB doesn't download pics
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:00:06 pm »

I'm using 9.18 and the IMDB plugin doesn't download images. I have it checked on in the preferences and the latest version of the plugin is installed. I know the images are only for a placeholder but i find it very usefull.

Thank you in advance.

Greets Ungrimmer.

Support / IMBD plugin not retrieving poster from site.
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:50:14 pm »
Hello PVD-users,

This problem started a week ago. The IMBD-plugin isn't getting any pictures/posters from imbd. I tested it with "the princess and the frog". And there are certainly pictures for that movie. All the other information gets trough just fine.

Maybe a little change on anyone else got this same problem?



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