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Topics - seabass

Pages: [1]
Feature Suggestions / auto remove from Wishlist when added
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:29:59 pm »
Would be great to remove the whishlist check mark automaticly when a movie from the wishlist is deteced over the harddrive scan.



Support / [SOLVED] reset database
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:00:43 pm »
Hey all,

first of all im verry thankfull for all your work on this great vid database.

For now 2 Years I upgraded from serveral old versions and with the time my database became kind of buged til now I ignored these little issues cause I thought it might be a genereal bug that will be fixed in future version.
But as nobody else beside me, seems to have this bug it must be my database file that is kind of corrupted.

A long time ago I already adressed my problem but no solution was found.
When ever I add new movies with the automatic import filters ofdb, zelluloid or strange things happen. When the Import prosssess starts everything is fine and I see the import progress in the bottom line of pvd. But then strange things happen. Without anny notable logic the number of films that have to be imported rises. These aditonal imports are usually duplicates or empty movie names. As it does not happen with a new database I suppose that there is something corrupted in my database.

So I give it a nother try know. Here is what I plan to do.

1. Export all stored Movies (about 1000) to an Excel file
2. Create a new database
3. Import the data
4. Be Happy

Now my problems: How can I keep my screenshots and movie posters?

Thanks in advanced.

PS: Or is there a way to export the values of the firebird database to a backup table an reimport it in to a new database with the firebird tools?

Support / PVD crashes during zelluloid import filter
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:47:29 am »
I switched from v.9.9.4 to 9.9.11 (winxp)

When I use my old database (about 550 mov) and try to ad some movie information with the zelluloid import plugin my pvd doesnt react anymore and I have to kill it over the task manager. Does anybody have a idea what could cause the problem?!
Or could anybody explain to me how I can fix the database? ...At least I am pretty shure that the database is causing the problem because when I create a new one and ad a movie there are no prob. with the zelluloid plugin.

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