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Messages - Ivek23

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Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:11:42 am »
But when I look at this, it seems rather silly. If Ivek would just concede my Description and Review are much prettier than his, we could do away with this confusing option.

Description and Review to be only this
Code: [Select]
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Review', TmpStr2 + #13 + '—' + TmpStr3);
and this
Code: [Select]
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, TmpStr2 + #13 + '—' + TmpStr3);
Remove about this one part
Code: [Select]
if RICK_CA then
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Review', '  ~~  ' + TmpStr4 + '  ~~  ' + #13 + TmpStr2 + #13 + ' - ' + TmpStr5 );

and this
Code: [Select]
if RICK_CA then
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, '  ~~  ' + TmpStr4 + '  ~~  ' + #13 + TmpStr2 + #13 + ' - ' + TmpStr3 );

If the Releases link is not wanted, mfFeatures can be disabled in  Overwrite fields..., so it's not necessary for that.

I agree, but 'procedure ParseDVDRelease' drop in the script like this
Code: [Select]
procedure ParseDVDReleases(HTML : String);
 curPos, EndPos : Integer;
 TmpStr : String;
 Name, Role, Years, Disc, URL : String;
 curPos := Pos('<div class="tabset-content main-tab-pane">', HTML);
 if curPos < 1 then

  TmpStr := '';
  EndPos := curPos;
  EndPos := PosFrom('<td class="first">', HTML, curPos);
  curPos := PosFrom('<span>', HTML, EndPos) + 6;
  EndPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
  Disc := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));  
  EndPos := curPos;
  curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos);
  while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('</table>', HTML, EndPos)) do begin
   EndPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, curPos);
   URL := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
   curPos := EndPos + 2;
   EndPos := PosFrom('</a>', HTML, curPos);
   Name := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
   curPos := PosFrom('>', HTML, EndPos);
   if curPos > 0 then begin
    curPos := curPos + 2;
    EndPos := PosFrom('</div>', HTML, curPos);
   //modified by 07/11/2011 to remove unwanted tag
    Role := Copy(Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos + 13, EndPos - curPos - 13)), 20, EndPos - curPos - 19);
   end else begin
    Role := '';  
    curPos := EndPos;

  EndPos := curPos;
  EndPos := PosFrom('<td>', HTML, curPos);
  curPos := PosFrom('<td>', HTML, EndPos) + 4;
  EndPos := PosFrom('</td>', HTML, curPos);
  Years := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));
 //modified by 07/19/2011 to include only 'Name' in link
   if TmpStr <> '' then
    TmpStr := TmpStr + #13;
   if URL <> '' then
    TmpStr := TmpStr + '<link url="' + URL + '">';
   TmpStr := TmpStr + Name + '</link>';
   if Role <> '' then
    TmpStr := TmpStr + '  •  ' + Role;
   if Years  <> '' then
    TmpStr := TmpStr + '  •  ' +  Years;

   if curPos > 0 then
    curPos := PosFrom('', HTML, curPos)

  AddCustomFieldValueByName('DVDs RoviLink', TmpStr);
if anyone would like details for the 'Releases' page.

I'm also curious why you need to save a custom Title. Is that because you use mfTitle for titles translated to you native language

Not quite so, but the particular movie title is title written in the original title as it is my movie title.
Example of what I mean by that:
My movie title is A Fistful Of Dynamite (A Fistful of Dynamite Australia (imdb display title) / UK / USA (alternative title)), original movie title is Giu la testa (1971).

With a similar code would also have movie title also recovered in the "Review or Releases".

Sorry, I don't understand. Do we need to make further changes? :o

Only if the location was just a "Review" or "Releases" as was the case for the "Cast & Crew".

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: August 01, 2011, 10:28:28 pm »
Sorry for the ranting.

The following code
Code: [Select]
//modified by 07/10/2011
//modified by Ivek23 08/01/2011
curPos := Pos('<title>', HTML) + Length('<title>');
endPos := PosFrom('- Cast, Reviews, Summary, and Awards - AllRovi</title>', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr1 := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)

if TmpStr1 <> '' then

AddFieldValue(mfTitle, TmpStr1);  
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Title', TmpStr1);

if TmpStr1 <> 'title' then
LogMessage('No Title available')

curPos := Pos('<title>', HTML) + Length('<title>');
endPos := PosFrom('- Cast and Crew - AllRovi</title>', HTML, curPos);
TmpStr3 := Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos)

if TmpStr3 <> '' then

AddFieldValue(mfTitle, TmpStr3);  
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Title', TmpStr3);

is added back to the movie title in the custom field and "Rovi rating" again returns to its place in the rating box. With a similar code would also have movie title also recovered in the "Review or Releases".

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 31, 2011, 09:00:38 pm »
This one is not true with this code

But that's not an official part of the script yet, is it?  

It is true that this part of the revised code, since the earlier part of his code, which was transferred there last theme is the "more" button.

So I'd have to go in and replace that section every time a new version was released, yes?
Unfortunately yes, because otherwise you script will not work exactly right.

 I also don't like that it puts "Similarity" among the themes.
Yes, all the theme, which they have written there are also transferred, as well as in the "Similarity" button are there links to Movies.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 31, 2011, 08:12:01 pm »
First, in cases where there's a "More" button for themes, the script seems to be getting the first theme under "More" but not any others listed below it.  A step in the right direction, though!

This one
but not any others listed below it
is not true for example 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) pass this
Similarity, High School Life, Love Triangles, Opposites Attract, Schemes and Ruses, Cliques, New Kid in Town, Sibling Relationships
in this code
Code: [Select]
//Themes (Category)
 //modified by 07/09/2011
  TmpStr1 :='';
  TmpStr2 :='';
 TmpStr1 := HTMLValues(HTML,
'data-typeOp=', '</div>',
'">', '</button>',
', ', endPos);
 TmpStr2 := HTMLValues(HTML,
'<div class=''morebox''>', 'div></div>',
'''>', '</div>',
', ', endPos);
 if TmpStr2 = '' then
  TmpStr := TmpStr1
  TmpStr := TmpStr1 + ', ' + TmpStr2;
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, 'More, ', '', true, true, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' A ', ' a ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' An ', ' an ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' And ', ' and ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' & ', ' and ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' By ', ' by ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' For ', ' for ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' From ', ' from ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' In ', ' in ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' Into ', ' into ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' Of ', ' of ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' On ', ' on ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' Over ', ' over ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' The ', ' the ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' To ', ' to ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' Under ', ' under ', true, false, true);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' With ', ' with ', true, false, true);

 if GET_THEMES then
AddFieldValue(mfCategory, TmpStr);
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Themes', TmpStr)
However, in the custom field with the same code like this
Similarity, High School Life, Love Triangles, Opposites Attract, Schemes and Ruses, Schemes and Ruses, Cliques, New Kid in Town, Sibling Relationships
underline is doubled.

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:24:08 pm »
I think it would be easier if the script handled old URLs automatically. ;)
Yeah, I know it would be easier, but for now, this solution may be a good, until Nostra finds time to help solve the problem about this.

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 31, 2011, 01:10:39 pm »
Test of my old AllMovie Url, I'm at the end of which the ID number add suffix "/", for example:  and came to the result that the AllRovi script looking for info and data transfer with AllRovi pages without having to script use search results function and then show window with titles of movies.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 31, 2011, 12:39:08 pm »
1. )
Code: [Select]
 //modified by 07/30/2011 to add custom field
 endPos := topPos;
 TmpStr := HTMLValues(HTML,
'<dt>genres</dt>', '</dd>',
'">', '</a></li>',
',  ', endPos);
 AddFieldValue(mfGenre, TmpStr)
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Genres', TmpStr)
This code does not work for me - does not transfer data info.

2. )
Code: [Select]
 //modified by 07/30/2011 to add custom field

 TmpStr := HTMLValues(HTML,
'<dt>genres</dt>', '</dd>',
'">', '</a></li>',
',  ', endPos);
 AddFieldValue(mfGenre, TmpStr)
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Genres', TmpStr)
While this works for me - the correct data transfer standard info box in the custom field is doubling the first word (example: Drama, Drama, Romance).

3. )
Code: [Select]
 //modified by 07/30/2011 to add custom field
 TmpStr := HTMLValues2(HTML,
'<dt>genres</dt>', '</dd>',
'<li>', '</li>',
',  ', EndPos);
 AddFieldValue(mfGenre, TmpStr)
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Genres', TmpStr)
This is working properly - the correct data transfer standard info box and in the custom field (example: Drama, Romance).

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 31, 2011, 10:06:06 am »
Google cache - can be a peaceful goodbye to him because all the old AllMovie URL redirects to the new AllRovi site (almost all of the URL).

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 30, 2011, 08:51:08 pm »

This movie 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) also has a button "more" there, now that this is already correct, it would not be bad to add the option is what is hidden under the "more" button.

It should be Synopsis move the location of the AMG ID,
Code: [Select]
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('AMG WID', HTMLValues(HTML,
                             '<dt>AMG ID</dt>', '</dd>',
                '<pre>', '</pre>',
                ', ', EndPos));

//modified by Ivek23 and 07/09/2011
 curPos := PosFrom('<span>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr5 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>', '</span>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<span>by', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
 if RICK_CA then
TmpStr3 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>by ', '</span>', True, curPos)
TmpStr3 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>', '</span>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<strong>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</strong>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr4 := TextBetween(HTML, '<strong>', '</strong>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<p>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</p>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
 TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' -- ', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr1, ' --- ', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '--', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, #13#13#13#13, #13#10#13#10, True, True, False);
 TmpStr2 := RemoveTagsEx(TmpStr1);

 if TmpStr4 = 'synopsis' then
if RICK_CA then
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, TmpStr2 + #13 + '—' + TmpStr3)
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, '  ~~  ' + TmpStr4 + '  ~~  ' + #13 + TmpStr2 + #13 + ' - ' + TmpStr3 )          
LogMessage('No Synopsis available');

it will be fine, because I have done so (as well as original AllMovie script Description was at the end) and I have no problems in the functioning of the script and when the later will not more problems.

Edit: .... Description was at the end above procedure ParseSearchResults).

Do it like this as described here, and you'll see what happens then (btw: the previous version of the script before THIS change what you do, make a copy of your script and save it to a new folder,if anything it would be okay as it should be that you got a copy of the script is still available).

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 30, 2011, 08:06:36 pm »
Still having the above issue with the Characteristics field on a select few movies, though.
What are the problems then there.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:26:01 pm »
That did the trick in the vast majority of cases, but the problem still pops up on rare occasions (Bounty Huntress 2, for example).

Try this code
Code: [Select]
//Themes (Category)
 //modified by 07/09/2011
 //modified by Ivek23 07/30/2011
 TmpStr := HTMLValues(HTML,
'data-typeOp=', '</div>',
'">', '</button>',
', ', EndPos);

if GET_THEMES then
AddFieldValue(mfCategory, TmpStr);
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Themesr', TmpStr)

This movie 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) also has a button "more" there, now that this is already correct, it would not be bad to add the option is what is hidden under the "more" button.

It should be Synopsis move the location of the AMG ID,
Code: [Select]
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('AMG WID', HTMLValues(HTML,
                             '<dt>AMG ID</dt>', '</dd>',
                '<pre>', '</pre>',
                ', ', EndPos));

//modified by Ivek23 and 07/09/2011
 curPos := PosFrom('<span>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr5 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>', '</span>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<span>by', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</span>', HTML, curPos);
 if RICK_CA then
TmpStr3 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>by ', '</span>', True, curPos)
TmpStr3 := TextBetween(HTML, '<span>', '</span>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<strong>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</strong>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr4 := TextBetween(HTML, '<strong>', '</strong>', True, curPos);

 curPos := PosFrom('<p>', HTML, curPos);
 endPos := PosFrom('</p>', HTML, curPos);
 TmpStr := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
 TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, ' -- ', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr2 := StringReplace(TmpStr1, ' --- ', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr := StringReplace(TmpStr2, '--', '—', True, True, False);
 TmpStr1 := StringReplace(TmpStr, #13#13#13#13, #13#10#13#10, True, True, False);
 TmpStr2 := RemoveTagsEx(TmpStr1);

 if TmpStr4 = 'synopsis' then
if RICK_CA then
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, TmpStr2 + #13 + '—' + TmpStr3)
AddFieldValue(mfDescription, '  ~~  ' + TmpStr4 + '  ~~  ' + #13 + TmpStr2 + #13 + ' - ' + TmpStr3 )          
LogMessage('No Synopsis available');

it will be fine, because I have done so (as well as original AllMovie script Description was at the end) and I have no problems in the functioning of the script and when the later will not more problems.

Edit: .... Description was at the end above procedure ParseSearchResults).

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:14:10 am »
It seems that the same happens as in the google cache, because if you add in the search engine AllRovi URL is functioning normally, because when you add in the search engine old AllMovie URL does not work and displays the error mentioned above.
I strongly suspect that the server does not currently work, the more it is likely that this is really standing in the background for Rovi Corporation (this is their policy to completely forget the old, which blocks the old AllMovie URLs with a specific tool that does not appear any more old AllMovie web pages.
But I hope to be wrong in this.

Apparently I was wrong. Looks like a temporary server did not work, because now works again.

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:07:40 pm »
Is someone else has noticed that the Google cache with some movies about a week before work OK as needed, now Google cache is now properly no longer works as it should be working.

Considering it's a cache, I would expect it to eventually be updated to recognize these pages are no longer "valid"—they've been redirected to new pages at Rovi.

Thanks for the reply.

We were unable to get the robots.txt document to display this page.
The gateway to the live web is not available. Please try again later.

...I guess Rovi might have done something to the site that stops this from working, or it's a temporary server problem.

Will see ...

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 28, 2011, 06:55:43 pm »
For Moods here is code:

Code: [Select]
 //modified by 07/09/2011
 TmpStr := HTMLValues(HTML,
'<h3>characteristics</h3>', '<div class="promo-frame">',
'>- ', '</div>',
', ', EndPos);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Characteristics', TmpStr);

//Added by 07/26/2011 to pull 'Attributes' from 'Characteristics'
 TmpStr1 := ''
 if Pos('High Artistic Quality', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'High Artistic Quality';
 if Pos('High Budget', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'High Budget';
 if Pos('High Historical Importance', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'High Historical Importance';
 if Pos('High Production Values', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'High Production Values';
 if Pos('Low Artistic Quality', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'Low Artistic Quality';
 if Pos('Low Budget', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'Low Budget';
 if Pos('Low Production Values', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'Low Production Values';
 if Pos('Cult Film', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'Cult Film';
 if Pos('Sleeper', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr1 := TmpStr1 + ', ' + 'Sleeper';
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Attributes', TmpStr1);

//Added by Ivek23 07/28/2011 to pull 'Moods' from 'Characteristics'
 TmpStr2 := ''
 if Pos('A Good Cry', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'A Good Cry';
 if Pos('A World of Its Own', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'A World of Its Own';
 if Pos('Abandon All Hope', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Abandon All Hope';
 if Pos('Adrenaline Rush', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Adrenaline Rush';
 if Pos('Angsty', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Angsty';
 if Pos('Bad Taste', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Bad Taste';
 if Pos('Blood and Gore', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Blood and Gore';
 if Pos('Button Pushers', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Button Pushers';
 if Pos('Carnal Knowledge', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Carnal Knowledge';
 if Pos('Comedy on the Edge', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Comedy on the Edge';
 if Pos('Estrogen Shot', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Estrogen Shot';
 if Pos('Eyepoppers', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Eyepoppers';
 if Pos('Fantastic Reality', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Fantastic Reality';
 if Pos('Flames of Passion', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Flames of Passion';
 if Pos('Food for Thought', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Food for Thought';
 if Pos('For Love of Country', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'For Love of Country';
 if Pos('Gutbusters', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Gutbusters';
 if Pos('Head Trips', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Head Trips';
 if Pos('High on Emotion', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'High on Emotion';
 if Pos('In a Minor Key', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'In a Minor Key';
 if Pos('In the Mood for Love', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'In the Mood for Love';
 if Pos('Just for Fun', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Just for Fun';
 if Pos('Just for Laughs', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Just for Laughs';
 if Pos('Just for Laughs', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Just for Laughs';
 if Pos('Memory Lane', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Memory Lane';
 if Pos('Mindbenders', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Mindbenders';
 if Pos('Mood Enhancers', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Mood Enhancers';
 if Pos('Nail-biters', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Nail-biters';
 if Pos('Off the Beaten Path', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Off the Beaten Path';
 if Pos('Only Human', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Only Human';
 if Pos('Other Dimensions', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Other Dimensions';
 if Pos('Pick-Me-Ups', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Pick-Me-Ups';
 if Pos('Slow Burn', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Slow Burn';
 if Pos('Spellbinders', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Spellbinders';
 if Pos('Strictly Speaking', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Strictly Speaking';
 if Pos('Thrill Rides', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Thrill Rides';
 if Pos('Tough Guys', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Tough Guys';
 if Pos('Trashy', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Trashy';
 if Pos('Triumph of the Geeks', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Triumph of the Geeks';
 if Pos('Triumph of the Spirit', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Triumph of the Spirit';
 if Pos('Uncomfortable Viewing', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Uncomfortable Viewing';
 if Pos('Unloveables', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Unloveables';
 if Pos('Young and Old Alike', TmpStr) > 0 then TmpStr2 := TmpStr2 + ', ' + 'Young and Old Alike';
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('Moods', TmpStr2);

Support / Re: AllMovie disappeared, appeared!
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:17:40 am »
Is someone else has noticed that the Google cache with some movies about a week before work OK as needed, now Google cache is now properly no longer works as it should be working.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 28, 2011, 05:14:48 am »
AllMovie fans will find the attached list of links interesting. Remove the TXT extension and open it in a browser. Now if I could only get the script to save these instead of just the terms... :-\
Thank you for this
Version 10 attached (and to top post). Changes:

• added GET_DURATION option to write 'Run time' to mfDuration
• added Ivek's 'Rovi Awards' link
• added 'Attributes' (values pulled from 'Characteristics')
and this

Could I interest you in AllMovie Mood Links instead?
Why not, it would be interesting looking at Moods field.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 26, 2011, 09:52:47 am »
That might be possible for Moods as well. The following 41 values are used in my database. I wonder if that's all of them. Do you have the same list? (Check any record in edit mode.)

Code: [Select]
A Good Cry
A World of Its Own
Abandon All Hope
Adrenaline Rush
Bad Taste
Blood and Gore
Button Pushers
Carnal Knowledge
Comedy on the Edge
Estrogen Shot
Fantastic Reality
Flames of Passion
Food for Thought
For Love of Country
Head Trips
High on Emotion
In a Minor Key
In the Mood for Love
Just for Fun
Just for Laughs
Memory Lane
Mood Enhancers
Off the Beaten Path
Only Human
Other Dimensions
Slow Burn
Strictly Speaking
Tough Guys
Triumph of the Geeks
Triumph of the Spirit
Uncomfortable Viewing
Young and Old Alike

Code: [Select]
A Good Cry
A World of Its Own
Abandon All Hope
Adrenaline Rush
Blood and Gore
Comedy on the Edge
Estrogen Shot
Fantastic Reality
Flames of Passion
Food for Thought
For Love of Country
Head Trips
In a Minor Key
In the Mood for Love
Just for Fun
Memory Lane
Off the Beaten Path
Only Human
Other Dimensions
Slow Burn
Strictly Speaking
Tough Guys
Triumph of the Geeks
Triumph of the Spirit
Young and Old Alike
The same list, but only 32 values ​​on the list because I have a small list of movie in the database.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 26, 2011, 06:24:04 am »
Switch turns the idea to me, but I did not even find how to do this to the Characteristics additional import those word concepts in Attributes custom field, which were in AllMovie the Attributes category.

Scripts and Templates / Re: AllRovi movie script
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:55:23 am »
I do not understand what was meant by this.

It means nothing. I was expressing surprise we have run out of things to do. ;)

OK, unfortunate that currently there is not anything new to do with the script.

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