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Topics - nostra

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Changelogs /
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:22:31 pm »
FeatureFile scanner can parse imdb ids
FixedIssues with character encoding and plugins and scripts
FixedSetting Seen Date would not update the Seen state
FixedDoubleClick in Fields did not select word under cursor
FixedMinor fixes and improvements

Changelogs /
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:54:56 pm »

FeatureA possibility to add values instead of replacing in Mass Editor
FeatureOption: Update record on link click
FeatureOption: Best match selection after timeout
Improved-checkurl switch to enable URL comparison while checking for record existence
Changed.jpeg is now accepted in image selection dialogs
ChangedAdded Finnish and Greek translations
FixedGrouping by "Borrower"
FixedPVD started on disconnected monitors
Fixed"Ignore case" option sometimes produced duplicate list values
FixedClearing date fields for people
FixedSome minor search fixes
FixedScreenshots were not visible after automatic creation
FixedIssue with apostrophes in database path
FixedFixed some issues with handling errors in plugins


Changelogs / Release Candidate
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:11:56 pm »
This is a release candidate. If this version does not contain any major issues, then I will replace the current 0.9. with it as an official stable release and stop 0.9.x support.

It is recommended, to create an extra backup of your database, before updating an existing PVD installation!

FeatureHidden Parameter "SilentForceFirstResult" to make PVD always get the first best result in silent mode
ImprovedFFMPEG automatic Screenshot maker
ImprovedPlugins can return "none" from ProcException to suppress Error Messages
ImprovedWhen openning an old database: URLs will be normalized. Duplicate URLs will be automatically removed.
ImprovedNew "AddAwardEx2" function in Script Engine enables scripts to provide URL for Awards
ImprovedRecord identification using URLs
ChangedMediaInfo and FFMPEG libraries updated
ChangedAdded french translation
FixedAddImageURL fixed in script engine
FixedCovers were not saved
FixedMultiple search issues
FixedMultiple UI issues
FixedMultiple translation issues
FixedLots of minor fixes


Changelogs / Beta
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:58:29 pm »
Probably the last beta.

Please, always backup your database, before updating an existing PVD installation!


FeatureFilter by credits
FeatureField label click switches field in Mass Editor
FeatureScripts can now create UI elements, use Ini files, Lists and Streams
ImprovedSearch performance
ImprovedImport/Export Plugins have now access to multiple additional functions in the main application
ImprovedEdit button for Advanced search
Improved"All" filter searches in custom fields
ImprovedDatabase file handling
ChangedFiles in Path field are clickable
ChangedAdded ukrainian translation
FixedChanging name/title did not work
FixedDifferent minor fixes


Changelogs / Beta
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:34:01 am »
Some Christmas fixes :)

Please, always backup your database, before updating an existing PVD installation!


ImprovedUI is fully translatable (English, Russian and German languages are already available)
ChangedSome minor UI changes
FixedRecords were not filtered when loading saved tabs with filters
FixedDouble Click on posters and Covers
FixedPredefined date filters
FixedExternal images were not loaded when relative paths were changed
FixedError when handling duplicate records
FixedA couple of issues with copying and pasting records
FixedImporting information for people
FixedSome backwards compatibility issues


Changelogs / Beta
« on: November 21, 2011, 01:20:04 am »
One more update with a couple of fixes right away.

It is very important to backup your real database, before trying this version!


ImprovedExternal files import
ChangedOne more Firebird upgrade
FixedError when copying movies with screenshots
FixedLoading wide toolbar configurations
FixedConnecting to older databases


Changelogs / 1.0.2 Beta
« on: November 19, 2011, 12:52:38 am »
Finally, I have freed up my time schedule for the beloved PVD!

It is very important to backup your real database, before trying this version!


FeatureAutomatically import external subtitles (if language is detectable from filename), audio streams and posters
FeatureCopy & Paste Records
FeatureCopy and Paste images from clipboard
FeatureOption: select first search result
ImprovedToolbar tabs:
Left-click toggles toolbar
Double-click replaces everything with the selected toolbar
Right click shows a popup with all actions of the toolbar (if possible)
If a toolbar does not fit, it is placed on the next row
The second "dynamic" row can only contain one toolbar
ImprovedHTTP Client
ImprovedDuplicate check when adding records
ImprovedShow number of selected records in Mass Editor + Confirmation when changing more than 10 entries
ImprovedNew firebird version
ChangedNew ffmpeg version
Changed"Disc inserted dialog" is not shown if minimized
ChangedFile Path Field is now an expandable Memo
ChangedSystem dlls are installed into PVD folder
FixedOnly set automatic id to visible movies
FixedA couple of issues with date fields
FixedDo not ask to delete files if there are no video files assigned
FixedBrowse button executed the action twice
FixedUnable to change title
FixedMany other minor fixes and improvements


Changelogs / Beta
« on: December 04, 2010, 02:07:38 am »
The next version 1 test release is here.
Tabs are improved dramatically, there are a couple of new settings and a bunch  of fixes.

I do not recommend using this build with your real database!


Feature"Collapsed" toolbar mode when no tabs selected
FeatureCustomizable tabs on toolbar
FeatureNew options in "Appearance": sort lists, execute plugin on selection
FeatureSaving tabs, filters, searches, sorting and grouping
FixedSome issues with high DPI
FixedFull screen mode
FixedSomee isuues with window painting with disabled Aero
FixedPlugin selection was reseted after switching the mode
FixedSome minor fixes


Changelogs / Technology Preview
« on: November 11, 2010, 12:04:19 am »
Here is the current state of version 1 development.

This is version is for demonstration purposes only! Many things from my long TODO list still need to be done and there are probably lots of bugs to be fixed. Feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions about this new PVD version.

I do not recommend using this build with your real database!


FeatureGrid View
FeatureAdvanced search for people
FeatureSaving advanced searches
FeatureTotally restructured main toolbar and main menu
FeatureNMM on toolbar
FeatureEpisode adition/changing episode/season number on toolbar
FeatureNew custom field type: date
FeatureSearch keyword is selected in memo fields when found
FeatureMME for all fields for movies and people on toolbar
FeatureDelete associated files
FeatureMove files to folder
FeatureOrganize video files
FixedSetting custom rating in view mode
FixedLast Modified was sometimes not set
FixedSearching for a date in text fields
Lots of other small fixes and improvements


Support / MOVED: Is there a PVD but for books?
« on: November 09, 2010, 06:16:35 pm »

Support / MOVED: Export to XBMC
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:19:38 pm »

Changelogs /
« on: April 28, 2010, 12:59:19 am »
Improvedadded hungarian translation
Fixedfiltering by keyword containing backslah cause PVD to crash
Fixednew records were not automatically selected
Fixedscreenshots section

Changelogs /
« on: April 25, 2010, 01:51:52 am »
FeatureSkins: separate stars and buttons for each skin
FeatureSkins: height attribute for rows
FeatureSkins: height attribute for spacer
FeatureSkins: maxvalue, precision attributes for ratings
FeatureSkins: allow rating without stars
FixedSkins: automatic width calculation
FixedSkins: Collapsed/expanded states did not save after changing the skin
FixedSkins: Offsets in custom section
FeatureExport: Configurable duration format
FixedExport: resizing images
FixedExporting photos
FeatureScript Engine: GetFieldValueXML, GetSeriesFieldValueXML
ImprovedRound seconds to the full minute when showing duration in minutes
ImprovedDefault colors and underline options for all controls
ChangedBudget and Box Offcie fields can contain bigger values
Fixedgrouping by composers and writers
FixedBigger toolbar icons support
FixedClearing date fields
FixedCreating a database having international characters in path

Development / Creating own skins (or editing existing ones)
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:51:58 pm »
Please refer to this manual:

Changelogs /
« on: March 30, 2010, 01:09:16 am »
FeatureIgnore list for update check
FeatureSkins: attribute valsperline="x"
FeatureSkins: text alignment in memos
FeatureAdded Refresh skin action and Update action
FeatureExport plugin: main movie values in episode templates, special values (imdb id, video width and height)
ChangedMedia type and count detection
ChangedAdded slovenian translation
FixedAudio fields  import
FixedRecord preview hint in full screen view
FixedPainting very long pathes (> 6000 characters)
FixedFont settings for multiline fields
FixedFind movies removed from HDD in Tree mode
FixedDownload thread timeout when downloading large files
FixedSetting people awards with same event
FixedSet ID function

Changelogs /
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:13:58 am »
FixedFiltering by ID (><)
FixedAll words start with caps with Unicode characters
FixedImport from UTF8 CSV files

Changelogs /
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:14:28 am »
FeatureScript engine functions: function GetAppPath : String; function GetDBPath : String;
ImprovedAutospan columns in updates selection list
ImprovedSave window size and column sizes for Updates Dialog
ChangedGrouping by ID
Changed>, <, >=, <= for ID in Advanced search
ChangedAll updates are shown when checking manually (not installed as well)
Changedffmpeg version updated
FixedIMDB plugins
FixedHints for Toolbar buttons
FixedReplace column in Preferences -> Folders
FixedDecimal separator was changing after editing an entry
FixedA couple of other minor fixes

Changelogs /
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:33:28 pm »
FeatureAutomatic updates
FeatureLetters in ID field like "AB125"
FeatureColor tags for hyperlinks in Memo fields
FeatureSkins: Transparency for posters
FeatureSkins: Separator tags
FeatureSkins: Collapsed lines to show
FeatureScript engine: A possibility for scripts to process download exceptions
FeatureScript engine: A possibility to define both titles/names when adding awards using scripts
FeatureScript engine: ConvertEncoding function for constants saved in ANSI
ImprovedCSV Import allow escaping using double quote chars
ImprovedTrying another search url for impawards
ImprovedEscape special chracters in Ignore regexps
ImprovedPreselect network path in FileTree
ImprovedUse latest Mediainfo
Improvedauto-screenshot maker from main menu
ImprovedScroll Tree on key press when needed.
ImprovedExtension indepenedent image handling
FixedAdding awards
FixedSome issues with scrolling information panes
FixedImage full view in Full Screen mode
FixedUpdate modified date when images are added/changed/removed
Fixed-readonly command line parameter
FixedA couple of Date/Time issues
FixedGrouping by cast
Fixed and ImprovedExport plugin
FixedSome UI fixes
FixedMany memory leaks removed
FixedMany miscellaneous fixes

Talk / Whisky
« on: January 07, 2010, 12:40:33 am »
I am finding myself enjoying whisky a lot for some time now and the wide variety of tastes does not seem to end  ;D

Trying to remember which bottles I already tried and the taste and nose was got me to write another little database - Whisky Catalog.

If there is some one here who likes whisky and wants to keep track of what was tasted and such, then feel free to get the app here:

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