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Messages - Jabberwocky

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 23, 2016, 06:27:31 pm »

As written above, I post now scripts all. Perhaps someone in the same situation as me, I was helped that I want to pass on.

It will certainly be better solutions, but for me past it.

Little explanation:

The scripts run  in a batchfile. Selectable under Plugins.
With one click all images are loaded into the proper position.

In the Info.txt, I have described my initial situation, several scenen and multiple images in a folder.
Explanation of scripts from execution and setting and naming examples.

This info is in German and English (which as I said working with translated)

Thanks to you,

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 23, 2016, 12:08:11 pm »
Hallo again,

I thank you for the work and your Patience!!!


Properly Ivek the parts I missed. Logically, I knew the running, but the defination in the script was my problem.

Thanks to your help, I could change the script ready.
I'll keep my scripts when they are clean and run post here.
Perhaps they also help other users.

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 23, 2016, 11:30:27 am »
Hello pelisdb,

I overlooked your script (same sript name) apologize.

Your script is what I wanted.

My problem was I do not know where and how the Different types of images (posters, Thumbnail, front ...) defining.

z.B.  Basename := Copy(Path, 1, LastPos('.',Path)-1);
      nameposter := Basename+'_Poster.jpg';
      LogMessage('Poster: '+nameposter);

and Partial calling

z.B.   if FileExists(nameposter) then
       LogMessage('FILE EXISTS: '+nameposter);
   //nameposter :=  StringReplace(nameposter, ' ', '%20', true, false, true);
       AddImageURL(itPoster, nameposter);
       //Result := PATH;
      end else begin
      LogMessage('Poster Image not found.');

I understand the logic of the script, but with the programming language, there are problems'm learning.
If I have a template that at about that fits what I would like to do, I can change it.

As in your script the case I was able to change the different image types in the right position to load it now.
Thank you for your help, you have facilitates my work.

Nice Weekend,

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:42:38 pm »

as I wrote above, the two script run optimally. I explain myself badly.

My film folder looks like this: AnyMovie.mp4
                                          AnyMovie_Poster.jpg (Big Picture)
                                          AnyMovie_Thumbnail.jpg (screenshots)
                                          AnyMovie_Snap1.jpg (A snapshot snap1, Snap2 ...)
                                          AnyMovie_Front.jpg (Not Always)
                                          AnyMovie_Back.jpg (Not Always)
                                          AnyMovie_Cover.jpg (Not Always)

With the script "posterswithsamename_en" I can only upload the poster if his name: AnyMovie.jpg

But my pictures are made, the moviename and an appendix: _Poster       

therefore I need a change in the script, I understand the function in the script that the path is copied from the movie, then the file extension from AnyMovie.mp4 in AnyMovie.jpg is change,
and if this file exists is played section in the poster.

The position (poster or screenshot), I could change the script.
What I need is the function in the script not only the file extension is changed but also the Notes (as _Poster.jpg) to the path is copied added, and since I do not get ahead.

Point me to the end as follows:

1. Copy file path
2. Remove the leaves file extension
3. merge path+ _Poster
4. Insert file extension .jpg
5. Seeking file
6. if found
7. then save in Section Posters

@Ivek: The "re-read file information" option I know, but I do not want that all images you see in the Poster Section.

@pelisdb: No. I do not want a script multiple images loading, I want to with Relevant script the right image in the right section.
                e.g. Script_Poster Selects file AnyMovie_Poster.jpg and Stores in Section posters.

Hope the explanation is better. Working with a translator my English is not the best.

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 21, 2016, 03:52:24 pm »

I write again maybe it was overlooked,

A question about the script "posterswithsamename_en" the setting is so one jpg file is made with the same movie name. Could it so change: 

MovieName_Poster.jpg or


the original script I give this time as an annex to

Thanks for your work

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 17, 2016, 09:06:39 pm »
Thanks Ivek,

good guidance have all changed so and it is going very well.
I also learned again what it.

A question about the script "posterswithsamename_en" the setting is so one jpg file is made with the same movie name. Could it so change: 

MovieName_Poster.jpg or


Thanks for your work

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Re: Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 16, 2016, 11:32:42 am »
Ok thanks, will wait.

regards Jabberwocky

Support / Help wanted at Script -postersfolderjpg_en-
« on: September 15, 2016, 03:46:28 pm »
Hi Ivek, thanks for the welcome.

Until now I have mostly alone fought my way in the scripts.

Now I have two scripts "postersfolderjpg_en" and "posterswithsamename_en" found work great. But here have a problem, this would script "postersfolderjpg_en" change, that it in the position "Front Cover" or "Disc Cover" invites cover.

Have it as far modified the cover properly settles into the "Front Cover" position, but the script hangs when I stopt to cancel click the script and the cover is displayed.

I read in the script help, which without the command "function GetCoverType: smallint;" is automatically imported into front covers.

Question One: Why is this script hanging?

Question Two: What changes should I make where the command "function GetCoverType: smallint;"

Thanks for your help

regards Jabberwocky

Talk / Hallo, I'm new here
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:06:29 pm »
At first, sorry for my english.
A Thanks to the program, PVD is great to handle, and a thank you to the people who work here. I have been working about 8 or 9 years with the program'm very satisfied. Also on this page I was often helped. I have gotten Me now and wanted to say hello and thanks to all.
regards Jabberwocky

Pages: [1]