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Messages - Pacifist

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Development / Re: Proxomitron - next https solution for PVD
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:45:07 pm »
Where you have copied the Proxomitron program folder. You have it in Program Files or in Program Files (x86) or elsewhere on your computer partitions. I have copies in Program Files and in Program Files (x86) as well as on other partitions of the computer and I have not had any problems starting Proxomitron program. However, you can also try running the Proxomitron program with " Compatibility Troubleshooting " . Maybe this will solve your problem.
Does not work. Unfortunately... I registered in the "Host" file, I run the Proximatron on behalf of the administrator... It does not help.
Unfortunately, as experiments have shown, access to the local service ( is denied at the OS level. We'll have to reinstall it.

Development / Re: Proxomitron - next https solution for PVD
« on: November 18, 2021, 06:05:26 pm »
Installed windows 10 and now the proximatron does not want to work. All scripts that need it end up with HTTP /1.1 404 not found. Help me please!!!  ??? ??? ???

Support / Re: IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] new site layout script
« on: October 16, 2021, 08:13:41 am »
As for Neil's Valley of Tears_Sh'at series, all the same url addresses are visible in the Bing search, because the code for the url address was written in such a way that no different url links to other web pages for that series were displayed. Now I changed the Bing url address to search for results because the old Bing url address did not want to download the search results, but reported an error that it did not find the search results. This was probably a block for the Banned IP address, because I already have a similar experience with websites, where there is a captcha, which did not allow the transfer of information. Now I've added numbering to search results and make it easier to check the correct url.

IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS]_RC3a1, IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS](series)_RCa1 and IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS](episodes)_RCa1 script is added.

Support / Re: IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] new site layout script
« on: October 09, 2021, 09:41:59 am »
IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS]_RC3a, IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS](series)_RCa and IMDB_[EN] [HTTPS](episodes)_RCa scripts are now available.

Sorry!!! Error! Error! Error!
After choosing from the found films, an ERROR pops up !!!  :-[ :-[ :-[
P.S. Search window when importing information for serials (!pic2.jpg)???? Thank You!!!!

Support / Re: IMDB_[EN][HTTPS] new site layout script
« on: October 03, 2021, 08:55:45 am »
If you do not manually enter the address of the series, then the PVD hangs, you can only see how the windows for connecting to IMDB appear, and then disappear. And so it will be until you turn off the program through the task manager (10, 20.... minutes). Checked on the TV series "Private Eyes" (2016).

Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« on: September 19, 2021, 07:35:29 am »
IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

IMDB Movie(episodelist) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

Another thing, you first use IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script.
Then I recommend that due to the possible increase in the number of seasons of one series and also the temporary freezing of the PVD program, only then use the IMDB Movie(episodelist) script to transfer the information of a particular series.

Both scripts only work with the Proxomitron program.

IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script is attached.

Hooray! Finally! Thank you very much!!!  :)

Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« on: August 14, 2021, 02:51:53 pm »
Thanks, Ivek!

Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« on: August 14, 2021, 09:27:23 am »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

See screenshot for memo IMDb Movies Url custom box.

Screenshots are attached.

What is it?  ;)
P.S. What are the other Amadeus subclauses? Wildly curious! ;) How much time do you spend adding information to one movie? (If anything, then this is a rhetorical question.) :-[


Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« on: August 08, 2021, 02:37:56 pm »
"The IMDbMoviesUrl custom field now also has a link to the OMDb API website."
Where is this "custom field" located? Can I have a screen, please!  :-[  ??? :-[

Support / Re: IMDb
« on: August 07, 2021, 12:27:14 pm »
the script "Imdb_Movie (list of episodes).psf" completely stopped importing information about the number of seasons and episodes (!pic1.jpg). Is it possible to fix this and pass this function to some other script, please? For example "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf".

Support / Re: What happened with my topic?
« on: July 23, 2021, 09:47:35 am »

Thanks!!! But:
movie Nomad (, problems
1) genres
2) budget
3) whether it is possible to control the "COMMENTS" line (on / off). Often this only duplicates the "DESCRIPTION".
P.S. we are waiting for a new version of the script "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (episodes) .psf" and "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) .psf"  ;)
Thank you very much!!!

Support / Re: What happened with my topic?
« on: July 18, 2021, 01:49:17 pm »
I was also surprised that your topic is gone. I apologize to everyone if I may have accidentally deleted the topic, but as far as I can remember for yesterday, I didn’t do it.

This is not currently in the test script, but will be added to the final version. IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _Test script test version added.
problems importing information for the movie "" (and some others) (script: IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] _Test)
year, Category, Country, Studio, MPAA,

Talk / Re: Personal Video Database alternate Forum
« on: May 11, 2021, 09:24:26 am »
I cann't register. Here is a message that has been hanging for 3 days ( "Your account is still awaiting admin approval"  ???

Talk / Re: news
« on: May 08, 2021, 10:52:16 am »
good news!!!! Thanks

Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« on: March 27, 2021, 01:20:45 pm »
Is it possible to create an on/off button for the "localhost" function and display it on the PVD panel?

Support / Re: IMDb
« on: January 26, 2021, 07:28:46 am »
3. Which script loaded that "- 3D version (14.6GB)..." content into comments field from your picture above? It looks very strange to me. Into comments field should be loaded user comments from IMDb.

Thanks for responses on 1, 2, and 4.

I fill in the "COMMENTS" field with my own information (for example, if I have several versions of a film: 2D or 3D, Theatrical or Directors cuts, for serials it is the number of seasons that I already have). Therefore, I also need control over the filling of this field.

Support / Re: IMDb
« on: January 25, 2021, 07:57:05 am »
1. I know nothing about scripting, just using common sense. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put all scripts into one script, Ivek already told us that - some because they need proxomitron, some for other (coding, as I understood) reasons. We discussed all that very recently. What is needed is to read, read and read before asking. Then, one can say, I've read a lot on the forum, but couldn't find an answer for...
1. Very sorry. As for viewing previous messages, as I already wrote, I have to use a translator, so I can hardly track what is being discussed on the forum. Especially until June 2020. And therefore, my requests may repeat what was discussed in your thread earlier. Excuse me.
2.The "CATEGORY" field is not filled in for films (for example, The Place "", Skyscraper "", Roma "" etc.) nor for serials. Although all items are specially marked in the script properties.
3. There is no item to control the "COMMENTS" field in the script properties. It's somewhere in the script itself. I have to make sure every time that the information I need is not lost when the program is updated.
4. With the message that Nostra is dead, maybe I got excited. Now I looked through the messages from Djek-ural again and did not find any records about it there. But, anyway, after 2015 Nostra completely abandoned the program. And after him the rest of the moderators-programmers left. Only thanks to Djek-ural the program was supported in the Russian thread of the forum.

Thank you.

Support / Re: IMDb
« on: January 24, 2021, 12:13:44 pm »
how to close the loading of information in the "COMMENTS" field for IMDB scripts??

Support / Re: IMDb
« on: January 24, 2021, 09:13:18 am »
Why didn't you try from the beginning as written above? Why don't you mention "Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a).psf" and "Imdb Movie(episodelist).psf" scripts? From 1-4 you will get list of episodes with these 2 scripts. No other scripts will get you list of episodes 5-5a will get you series info. 6-7a will get you each episode detailed info if you want that , as it's all written above.
1) "Imdb Movie (episodelist) (a) .psf" doesn't download anything at all. Only "Imdb Movie (episodelist) .psf" works.
2) All this boring conversation I started and continue with only one goal. Here, only you and Ivek understand something about scripting. Is it really impossible to create ONE script to download information about a sitcom? I am satisfied with the amount of information that is obtained using "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series)". Can I edit it so that it downloads the "seasons" + "episodes" list as well (as shown in fig. "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) + Imdb Movie (episodelist).jpg")? Do you really like to turn on / off the "" setting? Best regards and thanks for your patience. :-[
P.S. by the way, the scripts "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS]" and "IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series)" stopped filling the "CATEGORY" field.   ;)

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