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Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 15, 2009, 05:55:09 pm »
The script is attached to the first message of this topic. It is named allmovie.psf. Copy it to your Scripts folder, overwriting the old one.

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 14, 2009, 06:53:44 am »
Nostra can speak for himself, but I don't think there's anything to be concerned about. In the short term, it may reduce traffic here, but it's a necessary and positive step in the development of the user community. When this was proposed and discussed privately, I expressed these concerns and more. With no disagreement or resistance on any side (that I could detect), nostra and I were given full administrator rights for the wiki, and it was agreed the full content of the wiki belongs to nostra. So if there ever is an issue (e.g., cwdean can no longer host/support it), the whole thing could be moved here or elsewhere.

That being said, I still think we need to do what we can to make the experience of using the two sites as seamless as possible. I think there are more challenges because the SMF and TikiWiki systems are quite different, than because it's a different site. Even if the software is similar and hosted by the same site, forums and wikis—even if well integrated—are quite different in nature and therefore "dilute" one-another. Perhaps a good illustration of this is the SMF Online Manual. Yes, it's nice how that ("docs") is integrated with the forum ("community") and has the same look and feel. But there's no concealing the fact they are two separate systems.

There's virtually no user administration functions happening at either site, so there's no administrative need for a common login. And only those who wish to contribute need to register. It would be helpful for user recognition of one another, however, if everyone used the same user name on both sites. Maybe all that's required is a request that users registering at the wiki site use their PVD username—although I don't see a way to do that. Are you listening, cwdean or Starlock or whatever your name is?  ;D

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 13, 2009, 10:12:42 am »
Thanks! It turned out to be a little more complicated, but I figured it out...

I forgot to mention TmpStr is used between the two parts (in the Box Office section). Eventually, I figured out how to declare and use TmpStr2. Then, because I wanted it to be "Rated X for... .", it had to be conditional on a rating existing. So I'm using global variables and conditional statements—wow.  ::)

Is a date function available? I would like to be able to save the current date in a custom Date updated field.

Now that I'm running out of new things to add, I'm eyeing the Similar Works section (under Plot Synopsis). Is it possible to grab that list and add the movies to PVD's Connections (as a separate section, I suppose)—or is that beyond the scope of a script?

P.S. I have not tested this code

That's okay. You can test the script when it's finished. ;D

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 13, 2009, 03:12:03 am »
I'm modifying the script to handle additional data elements for custom fields. That's coming along quite nicely, but I need a little help. As a measure of my profound coding-lameness, I'm unable to introduce a simple variable to add two data elements together.

I would like to combine MPAA (e.g., "R") and MPAA Reasons (e.g., "language and sexual references") into the same way it's expressed on IMDb (e.g., "Rated R for language and sexual references.")

So MPAA is retrieved with...
Code: [Select]
 EndPos := PosFrom('style="width: 86px;', HTML, EndPos); //if no countries found set EndPos to the right position
 curPos := PosFrom('">', HTML, EndPos) + 2;
 EndPos := PosFrom('</td>', HTML, curPos);
 AddFieldValue(mfMPAA, Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos));

...and I'm adding MPAA reasons to a custom field with...
Code: [Select]
//MPAA Reasons
 AddCustomFieldValueByName('MPAA', HTMLValues(HTML,
              '<span>MPAA Reasons</span>', '</table>',
'<li>', '</li>',
', ', EndPos));

How can I modify this to combine the two and put the result into mfMPAA?

I realize this is a trivial thing—there are very few cases where the data won't already have come from IMDb—but I'll be able to use the same technique for other things.

Support / Re: Help Index
« on: March 12, 2009, 10:27:56 pm »
Maybe we'll have a wiki, manual or help file some day.

PVD Wiki is now online!

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 12, 2009, 09:50:25 pm »
WOW! You've done a fantastic job of getting the Wiki started. Thanks!

I can't think of anything to add to your introduction (OMG, I'm speechless?!). So, I'll just reiterate—this is all about building a strong social community in support of our common interest. I hope others will appreciate you are offering them not only a very useful reference, but a way to participate. I enjoy testing and trouble-shooting, but writing doesn't come easily. I can see from what you've done, however, writing or editing a wiki topic is an excellent way of walking through an issue or procedure. And it leaves something that others can easily benefit from—and improve.

I've noticed you've borrowed some of my posts for the Wiki—I encourage you to do so. And please feel free to clean them up to make them more readable and consistent with the writing style you've established. Maybe if I see more of those, I'll be encouraged to do so myself. Over time, I'd like to see everything in the Help Index covered in the Wiki.

A note to new users: I'm sure you will find the Wiki a very useful introduction and source of help for using PVD. But I also appreciate that when you have a problem or are stuck on something, 41 pages of information may not be what you need. Sometimes, having too much information or too many options (something PVD is particularly good at) is the cause of your difficulty. Please do not let the existence of the Wiki deter you from asking questions here.

Enough talk—let's get to work. The first order of business: Replace that ugly logo/banner! ;)  We're obviously in dire need of assistance from someone with some (any?) artistic ability. I like the idea of using the distinctive PVD splash screen, but I can't figure out it might be employed as a banner (i.e., shorter and wider).

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 12, 2009, 12:15:58 am »
I've noticed the rating returned by these scripts is often one less than it should be. It seems the problem is the rating is obtained from the "alternative name" of the star image, but (for reasons I can't fathom) this is incorrect. You could get the correct rating directly from the star image file name. That's st_rN.gif, where N = 1 to 9, representing 1 to 5 stars in 1/2 star increments. In other words, the rating = N + 1.

Just for the record, I see this has been fixed. I probably noticed before, but never got around to updating my existing ratings. It seems, too, allmovies has fixed the data that caused the problem in the first place.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 11, 2009, 10:32:13 pm »
Could you post titles of the movies that produce each type of error?

I've edited my original post.

There are still some problems when searching for movie titles with prefixes.

The search results I've seen are so consistently useless, it seems to go beyond prefixes. But allmovies searches (including those done directly on the website) have always been strange—so maybe this is one thing that hasn't changed.  ::)

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 11, 2009, 07:24:58 am »
Thanks for the quick re-write. These may be the problems you know about, but I'll list here what I find anyway:

1. If there is no poster, the script throws up an error dialog with no error message in it. According to the movie I tested, they use the relative "<img src="/img/noimage200.png"..., rather than a complete url: Watchmen

[Edit:] Looking at this again, I wonder if 2, 3 and 4 are all the same issue—Genre and Director are not saved or saved in the wrong field if AKA data exists. If I turn AKA off in Overwrite fields, BTW, it still doesn't get Genre or Director if AKA exists. This seems consistent: Underground, Tin Drum

2. Sometimes Genre is saved in AKA: Body of Lies I don't see any difference in the source between those that work and those that don't.

3. AKA and Themes (Categories) are not saved.

4. Sometimes Director is saved, sometimes not: Body of Lies, Watchmen I don't see any difference in the source between those that work and those that don't.

5. Year, Actors, Country, Studio, MPAA, Tags, Description, Review and Duration seem to work correctly.

6. Got this error on Box office: Blade Runner

conversion error from string "27,580,111/ 1992 Rerelease: $3,740,330"
Overflow occurred during data type conversion.
Error Code: 14

Support / Re: File Scanner
« on: March 02, 2009, 03:25:07 am »
I forgot what I reported at the beginning of this topic...

When adding new episode files to existing series, the existing title and year are removed. Title is changed to "#S.E" and Year to "-1."

It also doesn't work if the series does not already exist. I don't know of any other circumstance where might see Episode title being passed from the filename. What do you mean by "<epititle> works here"?

I tried a few more things with the replace expressions issue:

I created a new database, using the same configuration file. The same errors occurred.

I removed the configuration file, forcing the program to create a new default configuration on startup. The same errors occurred with both the new database created in the previous test, and my regular database.

The first error doesn't always happen at the same time. Once I was able to change an expression's position in the list and close and reopen the Preferences dialog without the error happening. Then I tried to make another change, and the error happened immediately. The second error seems more consistent.

Support / Re: File Scanner
« on: March 02, 2009, 12:25:01 am »
I suspect that is a problem with the replace function

Wouldn't that be the (?i).?((?<!\b).){0,5}Rip replacement at work?

Yes, it appears epititle doesn't work.

I found a bug while playing with the replacement function...

Attempting to change the order of any of the replace expressions using the up/down arrows results in the error:

Unexpected exception:
The source tree must contain the source node. (C:\Program Files\Virtual Treeview\Source\VirtualTrees.pas, line 26510)

The program becomes completely unresponsive—it has to be killed.

I was able to remove an expression, but adding one results in the error (after saving and reopening Preferences):

Unexpected exception:
List index out of bounds (8 )

On restarting the program, it's apparent the configuration file is corrupted, as settings are not recognized. I recovered by replacing the FindExps= line with one from backup.

Support / Re: Sorting is culture-insensitive
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:26:39 am »
Hmmm. Reads like an explanation of why there is no good solution. And it hasn't been updated since 2004.

Here's a 0.9.9.x workaround for the the truly desperate: Create a custom "index" (numeric) field. Export titles to Excel, sort them the way you want them, and number the result in a new column. Import the list back into the database to populate the index. Now the list can be sorted by index. New movies, of course, will not be "indexed," but will at least appear at the top of the list where they won't be missed. This is a lousy solution for any database having movies added to it regularly, but not so bad for collections that don't change much. If gaps are left in the index sequence (i.e., use 10, 20, 30..., rather than 1, 2, 3...), new movies could be "manually" added to the index. The same thing can be done in using the movie Number field—if it is not already being used.

Oops! Found a bug in (which I'll report here in case any wants to try the above): The following error occurs when any filters are set and the list is sorted by a custom field, or vice versa.

Unexpected exception:
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -206
Column unknown
At line 1, column 659
Column does not belong to referenced table
Error Code: 249

Support / Re: File Scanner
« on: February 21, 2009, 09:51:36 pm »
There is everything you need to know about regex

Yes, perhaps it will serve well as our regex guru. :)  It made my brain hurt the first time I looked, but now I see I can use it to figure things out fairly quickly. For example...

"S" & "E" need to be upper or lower case.

(?i) turns on case insensitivity mode.

Would also like to use more of the path information

That can be done by matching the "\" (i.e., that which denotes a directory). But the backslash is the escape character used to designate special characters—so it's matched with "\\". Note that is used multiple times in the default expressions for handling movies. The ^.*\\ in my expression means "match any number of any characters from the start of the string to '\'". So my guess is the required expression might be something like this:


?P<title>, ?P<season>

Recognizing the PVD field names, I understood what these were doing—but not how. Now I understand that which is inside "()" is a "group" which is "captured." ?P<name> names a group, which would otherwise just be numbered from left to right. This obviously determines how data is passed back to the program.

Nostra, are any fields other than title, season, episode and eptitle supported. For example, can I make an expressions to capture things like year, director, rating from filenames?

[Edit] Oops, I see year in one of them. Maybe more to the point: Can any fields be used, or just the ones you've provided for?

Support / Re: File Scanner
« on: February 21, 2009, 11:10:08 am »
(?i)^.*\\(?P<title>.*)(s|\b)(?P<season>[0-9]{1})(?P<episode>[0-9]{2}) works.

This regex stuff is going to make my head explode. I found this by trial and error, so I still don't have a clue what most of this means. I started with one of the default expressions, in which I guessed "[0-9]{1,3}" meant match "1 to 3 digits." So I changed that to "match 1 digit for season and then 2 digits for episode."

Now I'm going to lose sleep dreaming about all the ways this won't work. Series with more than 9 seasons, seasons with more than 99 episodes, another 3-digit number later in the filename, the "201" not delimited the way it is...

Who's going to be our regex guru? :-\

Support / Re: Help Index
« on: February 15, 2009, 08:09:37 pm »
That should ensure it continues to grow and evolve with PVD.

I hope it also encourages users to participate in the forum. Preparing this demonstrated finding the best answer to a topical question is not always easy to do. Much of what I have included is still far from what one would expect to find in a wiki or manual. But that's just the nature of the thing. Those of us who participate regularly obviously enjoy tinkering with the software, sharing ideas and helping others with problems. Hopefully, this will encourage others to participate by reducing frustration and the feeling being forced to ask "stupid" questions due to a lack of instruction. Maybe we'll have a wiki, manual or help file some day. But I hope this will always be a community where anyone can jump in and ask, "How do I do this?"

Feature Suggestions / Outstanding feature requests
« on: February 15, 2009, 07:55:24 am »
Please check here before making a suggestion that may have already been made. Do add your own comments to existing suggestions—it never hurts to add a "Me too!"

Ever wonder what happened to a feature request? They can take a long time to get scheduled into development. Nostra has his mysterious TODO list, but he'd have to be crazy to let us see that—we'd nag even more! So I've made a few lists in an effort to establish the current status of user suggestions. My hope is this will help users decide what they might patiently look forward to, as well as to let go of expectations unlikely to materialize. :)

BTW, Here is a list of new features that have been added to version 0.9.9.

First—the results of Vote: Features for 0.9.9. They are listed below as "Feature - #votes (%total)" with the status indicated as implemented, outstanding, or postponed.

Customizable views - 80 (16.6%)

Grid view - 50 (10.4%)

Sorting and grouping custom fields - 46 (9.6%)

Printing - 43 (8.9%)

Customizable toolbar - 39 (8.1%)

Copy and Paste records from one DB to another - 33 (6.9%)

Retrieve multiple posters - 25 (5.2%)

Customizable file scanner - 24 (5%)

Read only version of PVD - 24 (5%)

Append database function - 22 (4.6%)

Automatic screenshot making - 22 (4.6%)

Client-Server support - 20 (4.2%)

Tag export/import (like ID3 for mp3) - 20 (4.2%)

Customizable Hotkeys - 18 (3.7%)

The following are feature requests where nostra has indicated in some way (e.g., "added to my TODO list") the feature might be included in 0.9.9. These requests—and nostra's responses to them—took place over a long period of time. Logistics and priorities change, so, again, I hope nostra might indicate the current status of these requests. Despite its length :o the list is not complete, and I may have misunderstood some requests and/or nostra's response.

It would be nice if the scan folders routine dealt with new episodes of series already in the database.

Would it be possible to implement a function to rename the files like the name in the database?
Planned for version 1

TV Series - is it possible to have a record for each season [rather than a blank page]? 
Drag and drop - it would be nice to drag and drop a file onto a record to add or update file link and details.

Preferences vs. settings: "Plugin settings" on the Tools-Import menu linking to the plugins page of preferences; "Template settings" on the Tools-Export menu linking to the template configuration dialog; "Tree view node settings" on the list panel context menu and view menu.
Planned for version 1

Thank you for this great description of [panel or pop-up]. I'll do my best to implement smth. like this in 0.9.9.

"Date added" field is already planned for people.
It seems that I'll have to add Advanced search as well so you will be able to do the same thing as with movies.
Planned for version 1

I would like to use paths like "...\movies\movie001\movie001.avi", or "db\covers\" something like this. Is this possible using variables like %cd% or something?

These little mouse over information cards are great! I'd really like it if there were like three different size options for them (i.e., small, medium and large).

Turns out [filter episodes] doesn't work if the episodes filter is on. If I'm displaying only episodes, search will not find an episode.

How about an Eject after read finished with DVD option?

Could you add support for

I'll add Reviews to the allmovie script if you still need it after the first beta is released.

Automatic screenshot making.

Save image to file to save to the filename "[Title] ([image number]).jpg" so multiple images can be saved

make it possible to add words to be removed when importing titles with the file scanner.

can the program be started using a switch, for instance one that let you start the program in fullscreen pointing at a movie you named in the switch?

Handling playlists in File scanner and New Movie Master is a good idea.

Downloading screenshots is planned for 0.9.9.

I find myself often wishing there were back and forward navigation buttons—like in a browser.

Advanced Search is going to be so useful, I hope you've included the ability to save searches and map them into custom toolbar buttons.
Planned for version 1

is it possible merge two databases?
Planned for version 1

I'll vote for [IMDb number of votes], and please add the Top 250 rank (that appears right after the vote count).
And since both these change over time, this would be another good reason to make available the date the movie was last updated by a download.

I would like the ability to SPLIT a database, or more to the point, the ability to select a number of records (via clicking, search, or whatever) and save them directly to a new database.
Planned for version 1

It is planned to improve [filmography movie link behaviour] and add some options in 0.9.9.

I often wish I could cut & paste an image URL or the image itself from a website to PVD.
Planned for version 1

Feature Suggestions / New Features
« on: February 14, 2009, 10:29:58 pm »
This is a list of new features that have been added to version 0.9.9 as of release on February 8, 2010. It's purpose is just to provide a quick overview of where development stands. If you require more information, please check the Changelogs or use Search (relevant posts could be in a number of different forums). If you have a question or comment, please post to Support or Feature Suggestions. For features not yet implemented, see Outstanding feature requests.

  • Database: Client-Server Support
  • Database: Replace folders in file paths when playing
  • Database: Access Rights
  • Database: Password protect

  • Command line parameters: -readonly, -noconfig, -addmovie="title", -addfile="video_file_path", -selectmovie="title", -selectperson="name"

  • File Scanner: RegExp support and additional functionality
  • File Scanner: Customizable file extensions for all video file operations

  • Movies: Automatic screenshots (configure in Preferences)
  • Movies: Using ffmpeg for taking screenshots
  • Movies: Use first screenshot as poster option
  • Movies: Organize files by episodes (move multiple files from root record to separate episode records)
  • Movies: Video file information (now get information for multiple selected movies)
  • Movies: Date added and Date modified fields support time
  • Movies: Color tags for hyperlinks in memo fields

  • Custom fields: Additional types, sorting, grouping, filtering (advanced search)
  • New fields: Budget, box office, release date, aspect ratio, original language, multiple audio streams, date added (people)
  • New fields: Last modified (movies and persons)

  • Import: New plugin system - work progress UI; downloading multiple posters, movies or persons at once
  • Import: IMDb plugin option: download only one plot summary
  • Import: The TVDb plugin
  • Import: Download all found posters option
  • Import: A possibility for scripts to process download exceptions
  • Import: A possibility to define both titles/names when adding awards using scripts
  • Import: ConvertEncoding function for constants saved in ANSI

  • Export: Fields now accessed by name
  • Export: Replace options added - replacecase and replace
  • Export: Customizable naming format for exported images
  • Export: Export near video files

  • General: Movie Twitter
  • General: PVD Tray Icon
  • General: Automatic updates

  • Tools: Search-list-as-you-type (for movies/people)
  • Tools: Advanced search filters for Awards
  • Tools: Find movies removed from HDD
  • Tools: Reindex movies
  • Tools: Apply web search to all selected items

  • Appearance: Customizable Toolbar, Hotkeys and List font
  • Appearance: Customize behaviour of links (Preferences - Miscellaneous)
  • Appearance: Collapsed/Expanded state of fields now restored after program restart

  • Skins: Customizable colors, fonts, sizes and positions for all fields
  • Skins: Transparency for posters
  • Skins: Separator tags
  • Skins: Collapsed lines to show

  • Hotkey: Remove all posters/photos/screenshots/covers
  • Hotkey: Expand/Collapse all fields

  • Internet connection: Download thread timeout (advanced setting)

Support / Help Index Nominations
« on: February 14, 2009, 06:31:54 am »
If you see or receive a message you think would make a good addition to the Help Index, please "nominate" it. Do that by replying to the message and using the key phrase "help index" (e.g., "Thanks for the great explanation—it belongs in the help index!"). I'll periodically update the index based on a search for "help index."

And if the brilliant advice is to be found only in your head, please post a message—and nominate yourself! 8)

Support / Re: Help Index
« on: February 13, 2009, 11:20:38 pm »
Excellent post
This should be one of the pages in an online wiki or manual
In suppose the easiest way to start one is if you started an help index thread, maintained the first "Contents" page (with helpful suggestions from other forum users) then stuck it to the top of the support forum.

Thanks for the suggestion, patch. Now what? ;)

Support / Reserved
« on: February 13, 2009, 11:17:31 pm »
This message intentionally left blank. ;)

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