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Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Miguelh1020 on June 05, 2024, 12:21:08 am »
Is there a way to get all the tags/plot keywords from IMDB?
I changed a number in the script to get all of them but because of the way IMDB displays the plot keywords, the links to show "50 moreAll" is added as the last tag.
Can I get the rest of the tags somehow?
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on May 30, 2024, 03:34:25 pm »
Thank you for all of these!


I'm using the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.psf and it seems to be working perfectly  8)

Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Miguelh1020 on May 28, 2024, 06:39:28 pm »
I'm using the new IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_TEST_2b.psf and it seems to be working perfectly  8)
Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by Ivek23 on May 28, 2024, 11:09:57 am »
In the link below you can find Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for afrocuban user.,4134.msg22066.html#msg22066
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on May 28, 2024, 11:07:18 am »
Here are the Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS] script versions for the Afrocuban user, where the information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field is correctly transferred.

Added Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]1 a_(afrocuban), Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [HTTPS]2 a_(afrocuban) scripts for several seasons of the series and Imdb Movie(episodelist) (a) [ HTTPS] 1sea_(afrocuban) script for one season of a certain series.
Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by Ivek23 on May 27, 2024, 08:00:38 pm »
Hello and sorry for the delay, Ivek. I was away.

No problem.

Did you mean something like this screenshot, or th epart of the code?

The screenshot is enough for me to see and edit the correct custom field for you.

Please attach a picture for " Number of Episodes/Seasons: " where you still have the old visible information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field so that I can easily arrange the transfer of the information to the Seasons-Episodes custom field.

I will add the scripts tomorrow, they are ready, I just need to check some details.
Talk / Re: news
« Last post by Ivek23 on May 27, 2024, 09:28:00 am »
Thanks to anybody who made it possible, and Ivek as well, of course!

Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by afrocuban on May 26, 2024, 04:26:21 pm »
Hello and sorry for the delay, Ivek. I was away.

Did you mean something like this screenshot, or th epart of the code?
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by afrocuban on May 26, 2024, 04:08:38 pm »
Thank you for all of these!
Talk / Re: news
« Last post by afrocuban on May 26, 2024, 03:55:07 pm »
Thanks to anybody who made it possible, and Ivek as well, of course!
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