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Support / Re: IMDb
« Last post by Pacifist on March 09, 2024, 03:42:09 pm »
Is there any way to restore the addition of rewards? It takes a long time to fill it out manually  ??? ??? ???
Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 05, 2024, 07:39:38 pm »
Please attach a picture for " Number of Episodes/Seasons: " where you still have the old visible information in the Seasons-Episodes custom field so that I can easily arrange the transfer of the information to the Seasons-Episodes custom field.
Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 05, 2024, 08:09:10 am »
Thank you a ton Ivek.

Just a minor update: script now imports SxEx, instead of Air Date. Other fields work at first try.

Fixed transferring information to the IMDB_Series-year custom field. Also given is a memo IMDB_Series_year custom field where it is now visible which season and episode it is where you updated the information

Synopsis data download works the same as described below.

Code: [Select]
Synopsis data download fixed, so that it now also transfers information to the comment field and to the custom IMDB Synopsis memo field. The Summaries information is now transferred to the comment field. Summaries information is mostly present on web pages. A custom IMDB-Synopsis memo field has also been added, because in some cases Synopsis information is also present on web pages.
The link to the corrected script can be seen below.

You can find the corrected IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_TEST_2b script at the link below.,4134.msg22023.html#msg22023

Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 03, 2024, 07:26:04 pm »
Synopsis data download fixed.

Synopsis data download fixed, so that it now also transfers information to the comment field and to the custom IMDB Synopsis memo field. The Summaries information is now transferred to the comment field. Summaries information is mostly present on web pages. A custom IMDB-Synopsis memo field has also been added, because in some cases Synopsis information is also present on web pages.

You can find the corrected script at the link below.,4134.msg22017.html#msg22017
Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 03, 2024, 10:00:00 am »
Thank you, I wasn't expected you would engage in single user's preferences.

These are the settings that come in handy so that I can solve problems both for you and for other users. For me, it comes in handy, which also means that I can more easily test a certain script and find the right solutions for transferring information.

Your skin was very helpful because I was able to see and add certain fields to the script to transfer information, because before I didn't know which fields needed to be added to the script. Maybe another day or two, depending on how I manage with time (unforeseen things or an event came in the way) for tests to fix possible errors, then it will be available to users.

Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 01, 2024, 08:34:39 am »
Thank you, I wasn't expected you would engage in single user's preferences.

These are the settings that come in handy so that I can solve problems both for you and for other users. For me, it comes in handy, which also means that I can more easily test a certain script and find the right solutions for transferring information.
Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by Ivek23 on March 01, 2024, 08:27:08 am »
Thank you.

I just wanted to say that sometimes it is very difficult to find the right solution for a certain problem.
Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Last post by afrocuban on February 29, 2024, 08:39:37 pm »
Thank you, I wasn't expected you would engage in single user's preferences.
Support / Re: IMDb [EN][HTTPS](series) issues and support
« Last post by afrocuban on February 29, 2024, 08:27:39 pm »
Dear Ivek,

I admit I have big wishes, but with most positive motives for PVD, not to be selfish. I apologize if I sounded ungrateful. I hope after 14 years I am not recognized as such, but will do anything to assure anyone I am not.

Most honestly, any update I consider a miracle, nothing less!

Meaning - you are a Miracle-man, and I mean it, and I know who ever still use PVD think the same. Whenever you stop, you already gave us a dozens of times more than what was real, and expected and as for me, I will never forget what you did for us.

Best regards
Support / Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Last post by Ivek23 on February 29, 2024, 03:39:47 pm »
Please upload your skin to the forum. Then I will see your custom fields and it will be easier to customize your custom fields in scripts as well.
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