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Support / Metascore
« Last post by afrocuban on January 04, 2024, 03:36:56 pm »
Hello Ivek. In a new _2b script. metascore import field doesn't work. But, more importantly, when updating older PVD movie entries where I had metascore imported from the times it worked, now when I update with _2b script, the field is overwritten with empty/zero value. How to prevent this please?
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by afrocuban on January 04, 2024, 03:30:44 pm »
Thank you Ivek. It works great! Too bad batch plugins don't work in People view, so we could combine search and people data script at once. It's by unfinished design obviously.
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on December 29, 2023, 10:21:43 am »
To find search results for people, you can use the Imdb.com_People_[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script, which also works in all PVD versions.

People_[EN][HTTPS]_Search_adv script attached.
Support / Re: IMDB People Page is changed
« Last post by Ivek23 on December 28, 2023, 06:39:54 pm »
You can find the new IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script at the link below.,4134.msg21994.html#new
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on December 28, 2023, 04:10:26 pm »
You now have the newly updated IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script version.

IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script attached.
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on December 28, 2023, 04:04:10 pm »
And this one.

If a part of the date is missing in the date of birth or death, the first day of the month or the first month of the year was entered in your record.

Certain settings are set by default. However, everyone can set the yin manually according to their wishes.

If you want to have your birth name in the alternative names fields, change the settings below.
  //BIRTH_NAME_IN_TRANSNAME  = True ; //Use the PVD field ~transname~ for storing the person Birth Name for Biography Pages.
  BIRTH_NAME_IN_TRANSNAME  = False ; //Use the PVD field ~transname~ for storing the person Birth Name for Biography Pages.

It is the same with certain settings for the bio field and change the settings below.
  BIO_INFO_IN_BIO  = True ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for storing the person Biography Info Url link for Biography Pages.
  //BIO_INFO_IN_BIO  = False ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for not storing the person Biography Info Url link for Biography Pages.
  BIO_URL_IN_BIO  = True ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for not storing the person Url's for Biography Info (Mini Bio) for Biography Pages.
  //BIO_URL_IN_BIO  = False ; //Use the PVD field ~bio~ for storing the person Url's for Biography Info (Mini Bio) for Biography Pages.
Support / Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Last post by Ivek23 on December 28, 2023, 03:46:15 pm »
The new IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] script version no longer allows searching for results, because for now the script does not allow the possibility to edit the function for searching for results. The alternative Bing search results were removed, because now the Bing search source code has been edited in such a way that it is no longer possible to update it in the script. The Awards information transfer no longer works, because the source code of the Awards website has been edited in such a way that it is also impossible to update it in the script. This is now also the case with Alternative Names, where it is now possible to enter only one Alternative Name, although there may be several Alternative Names in the record on the website.

In general, the new look of Imdb websites is now adapted to the mobile mode of websites for use on mobile devices, which now causes a lot of problems with new updates of all Imdb scripts.
Support / Re: Skins
« Last post by NetworkShark on December 24, 2023, 09:55:04 am »
Here's my small contribution.

I used CG's Dark People skin and Dave C's gallery skin and combined them. I also rearranged some fields. Hopefully someone will find it useful.

Thanks a lot afrocuban
Support / Re: IMDb
« Last post by NetworkShark on December 24, 2023, 09:53:54 am »
Thanks for help and fix bug.
I'm here to help! 8)

Thanks afrocuban, I made a bugfix to the script released a few posts earlier.
Now only if the urls are from IMDb are used for data retrieval.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you, NetworkShark and Ivek! Best wishes!

Just to let know NetworkShark, that his fix now works if there is one non-imdb link in it. But, if there are more than one links there (in my case, that would be AllMovie and FilmAffinity links), then it crashes PVD again.

Ivek's -b search script doesn't offer right result when multiple choices are, while -a search script offers the right movie among others.


So, generally it looks -a search script is the best to use in order not to miss the result for the movie we are looking for.

Thank you afrocuban, you too!

I can't replicate the error, can you get the log?

Support / Skins
« Last post by afrocuban on December 23, 2023, 04:02:38 pm »
Here's my small contribution.

I used CG's Dark People skin and Dave C's gallery skin and combined them. I also rearranged some fields. Hopefully someone will find it useful.

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