English > Feature Suggestions

Update IMDB-Ratings?


Is there any plugin, that only reads the main IMDB page of the selected movie(s) again?

Just run the same plugin again. Consider setting up overwriting fields you need in Tools -> Preferences -> Plugins -> IMDB

Ah, cool, didn't know you could configure that one. I'm just missing the option to disable the picture download? It's always downloading about 5 URLs for each movie :/
And since it got a login feature you could somehow bring in a IMDB-vote feature?

I'll consider implementing these features in future.


--- Quote ---I'm just missing the option to disable the picture download?
--- End quote ---

It seems to me the question is: might the plugin be significantly faster if it ignored the pages/images it did not need to download because the relevant field overwrite settings are "off." The checking for posters is the obvious one, as it seems to take several seconds. But checking the "business" and "awards" pages also takes a second or two each.

--- Quote ---And since it got a login feature you could somehow bring in a IMDB-vote feature?
--- End quote ---

This has been requested before (IMDB Voting Integration). It could be a very interesting feature, but how far should it go? Should it be a two-way synchronization where the user rating in one updates that in the other? Which one has priority? And then there's the possibility of a much broader integration with the IMDb My Movies feature.


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