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Hello,SOPA block downloading infos with script iafd_people !You must deactivate all part in the script related to search photo and change in parse page : result := prfinished and not prdownloadThe info are good but no photo!
parse page : result := prfinished and not prdownload
PhotoURL := BASE_URL + Copy(HTML,curPos + 6, EndPos - curPos - 7);
PhotoURL := BASE_URL + Copy(HTML,curPos + 6, EndPos - curPos - 28);
Preferences > Plugins > IAFD,COM > Overwrite fields to control how these items are to be updated.
//Foto curPos :=Pos('src="/graphics/headshots',HTML);
To have photo modify this to the original iafd_people script:Code: [Select]//Foto curPos :=Pos('src="/graphics/headshots',HTML);