Author Topic: Episodes TV Series Problem  (Read 49796 times)

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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2020, 04:59:22 pm »
I just thought, given what has been described, that the series has over 10 seasons. In this case, IMDB Movie (episodelist) script will never download seasons 1 & 2. If possible, however, the source code on this site does not allow it to be a download of all 11 seasons of the series.
    <div id="title-episode-widget" class="table full-width">

        <div class="seasons-and-year-nav">
                <h4 class="float-left">Seasons</h4><hr />
            <div  >
                <h4 class="float-left">Years</h4><hr />
            <br class="clear" />
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=11&ref_=tt_eps_sn_11"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=10&ref_=tt_eps_sn_10"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=9&ref_=tt_eps_sn_9"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=8&ref_=tt_eps_sn_8"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=7&ref_=tt_eps_sn_7"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=6&ref_=tt_eps_sn_6"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=5&ref_=tt_eps_sn_5"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=4&ref_=tt_eps_sn_4"
                                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?season=3&ref_=tt_eps_sn_3"

                                <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?ref_=tt_eps_sn_mr"
>&hellip; See all</a> &raquo;
            <div  >
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2020&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2020"
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2019&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2019"
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2018&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2018"
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2017&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2017"
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2016&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2016"
                                                            <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?year=2015&ref_=tt_eps_yr_2015"
                                    <a href="/title/tt1442437/episodes?ref_=tt_eps_yr_mr"
>&hellip; See all</a> &raquo;

Sorry, but according to what you described, you didn't read Reply # 3
Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #3 on: 13 February 2016, 14:10:00 »
in the link below, which is detailed for series with more than 10 seasons.,4044.msg19493.html#msg19493

This is also useful for other users.

EDIT: I found a workaround, but it would be nice to set the script to do that automatically.

Workaround, for those interested in:
1. Edit Series URL field and substitute series link with season link, for example
2. Set PVD -> Preferences -> Internet connection -> Use proxy server to at port 80, meaning through Proxo.
3. Set overwrite options for the selected plugin - IMDb Movi Script (episodelist): Click ALL then manually uncheck all fields, except field Episodes which has to remain checked with check mark.
4. Import data - episode list for season 1 will be imported.
5. Edit Series URL field, delete season URL and bring back series IMDb URL, for example
6. Uncheck proxy in Internet connection
7. Now you can select all episodes in a season and with a single click to import data for all episodes with IMDB[EN](HTTPS) script, without Proxo.
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Offline afrocuban

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2020, 08:04:06 pm »
Oh, thnaks. You are right. Even if I did read, it was 4 years ago and I'd for sure forgot it. I just rarely have series in my database. Well, it is important that there is workaround at least. Not meany series last for more than 10 seasons anyway.
Thank you for your devoted work!

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2020, 10:05:52 pm »
IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script
DATE:      02/05/2020

IMDB Movie (episodelist) script
DATE:      02/05/2020

I fixed the IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script and the IMDB Movie (episodelist) script, which now works with Proxomitron. A detailed description for use can be found at these links.,4044.msg19493.html#msg19493,4044.msg19501.html#msg19501

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie (episodelist) script is attached.

Hello Ivek. Can you please explain what's the difference between these two scripts? What one can do what another can't? I'm trying to get the largest possible set of data, but I am lost in a "forest" of scripts. Also, I would use your answer for "How To" messages HERE

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2020, 06:56:02 am »
IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script
DATE:      02/05/2020

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script adds a URL series address in the URL normal box. Script transfers the total number of episodes of a particular series in Seasons-Episodes memo custom field.

IMDB Movie (episodelist) script
DATE:      02/05/2020

Yes, now after several days of tests, there is a solution for the transmission of the list of seasons and episodes.

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script adds a URL series address in the URL normal box. Script transfers the total number of episodes of a particular series in Seasons-Episodes memo custom field.

This is important because you will IMDB Movie (episodelist) script uploaded a list of 10 or less of seasons and episodes. However, if the existing list of seasons and episodes of higher than 10 seasons, then just download the last couple of seasons for certain series.


Stargate SG-1 series has 10 seasons, the script will download a list of all 10 seasons.

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service series has more than 10 seasons (13 seasons), the script will download of seasons from 5 of the season ahead. There is a solution for the other 4 season from the list by script does not transferred.

The solution is as follows:

Such a url addres " " add this one part of the url addres " episodes?season=1 ". Now the url addres had such an appearance: " " and the script will download a list of episodes for season 1 series. Repeat for all missing the season series.

List of missing seasons and episodes it will not be visible until PVD program again will be re-start. When you do so, the list of missing seasons and episodes become visible.

Another thing, you first use IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script then only IMDB Movie (episodelist) script.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Kariput

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2020, 12:25:04 am »
I want to try the fix but I don't remember how to update the script.  It has been several years since I had to do it.  What files do I search for on my computer?

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2020, 10:48:10 pm »
Thanks for the explanation

IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script adds a URL series address in the URL normal box.

Doesn't regular IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script already do this?

Anyway, the second and the last difference as I understand is that (a) script adds total number of episodes in a custom memo field.

Is it the problem this piece of code to include in regular IMDB Movie (episodelist) script v, so we'd have only one script for episodes then, or we have to have both episodes script?

Thank you for your great work, Ivek

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2020, 09:13:23 am »
I want to try the fix but I don't remember how to update the script.  It has been several years since I had to do it.  What files do I search for on my computer?

In the PVD program folder, there is a Scripts folder where you copy the IMDB Movie (episodelist) script and the IMDB Movie (episodelist) script. You also need Proxomitron to make your scripts work. The Personal Video Database MOD will also work for you if the use of a proxy server is embedded in Internet connection PVD settings.
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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2020, 09:47:04 am »
Anyway, the second and the last difference as I understand is that (a) script adds total number of episodes in a custom memo field.

Hold on to what was mentioned. It also adds the starting year of the series (for example: NCIS 2003). You also immediately see if the series has more than 10 seasons.

Is it the problem this piece of code to include in regular IMDB Movie (episodelist) script v, so we'd have only one script for episodes then, or we have to have both episodes script?

It is possible, but the IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script more displays results when searching for results. The IMDB Movie (episodelist) script displays only a few titles in the results. Titles are filtered.
   If Pos(' (in development)',Title) OR Pos(' (TV Movie)',Title) OR Pos(' (Video Game)',Title) OR Pos(' (Video)',Title) OR Pos(' (TV Special)',Title) OR Pos(' (TV Short)',Title) OR Pos(' (Short)',Title) < 1 then   
   If Pos(' (TV Episode)',Title) < 1 then

Thank you for your great work, Ivek

Thank you very much.
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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2021, 11:05:12 am »
IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script

I fixed the IMDB Movie (episodelist) (a) script so that it is now compatible with the new IMDb layout and works and downloads certain batch information. Now the script in the Seasons-Episodes memo custom field transfers the total number of episodes, how many seasons and seasons year information. The script also downloads the year of the start of the release, rating for the series, the localized title for the series, the description for the series, the genre of the series, the release date for the series. However, the following custom fields are also added, which are listed below for certain information (it is good to have them just in case for certain series and for later use in IMDB Movie (episodelist) script information transfer), which you already have or use for movie downloads information.

CustomField :

MID ID:                        ----> Number
NUM ID:                        ----> Number
EPNUM ID:                        ----> Number (works in episode)
Updated                        ---->  Short text
IUpdated or IUpdated0                        ---->  Long text
IMDB Release Date and IMDB Release Dates                        ---->  Short text
IMDB_Movietype                        ---->  Multiselect list
IMDB_Votes or IMDB Votes or IMDB Votes:                        ----> Number
IMDB Synopsis and IMDB-Synopsis                       ---->  Memo
IMDB Plot Summary                       ---->  Memo
Localized title                       ---->  Memo
IMDB Rating or IMDBRating                       ---->  Rating
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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2021, 11:14:07 am »
IMDB Movie (episodelist) script

I fixed the IMDB Movie (episode list) script so that it is now compatible with the new IMDb layout and works and downloads certain batch information. The script now downloads all seasons with episodes for each series as well as the Unknown season if that season exists.
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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2021, 11:31:29 am »
IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

IMDB Movie(episodelist) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

Another thing, you first use IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script.
Then I recommend that due to the possible increase in the number of seasons of one series and also the temporary freezing of the PVD program, only then use the IMDB Movie(episodelist) script to transfer the information of a particular series.

Both scripts only work with the Proxomitron program.

IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script is attached.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 04:42:07 pm by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Pacifist

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2021, 07:35:29 am »
IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

IMDB Movie(episodelist) script
DATE:      04/09/2021

Another thing, you first use IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script.
Then I recommend that due to the possible increase in the number of seasons of one series and also the temporary freezing of the PVD program, only then use the IMDB Movie(episodelist) script to transfer the information of a particular series.

Both scripts only work with the Proxomitron program.

IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script is attached.

Hooray! Finally! Thank you very much!!!  :)

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2021, 07:41:22 am »
Hooray! Finally! Thank you very much!!!  :)

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2021, 08:12:06 am »
At the moment, I can only test certain scripts because I am waiting for the HDD that was in my Win 7 computer (this computer stopped working for me). Only after I get this disc (most likely I will get it this or next week), only then will I be able to get to the other scripts and data on it.

Then I will also update the other IMDb scripts as soon as possible and it will be possible to update them to the new IMDb layout.
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Offline Miguelh1020

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2021, 03:43:28 am »
Great job Ivek!
I've been trying the new scripts and they all seem to work fine.

I still have trouble with season trees in series:
When I run the new IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script using proxomitron I get the error message HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.
What seems to be the problem?

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2021, 08:27:09 pm »
This problem only happens with a specific series or with each series where you want to download information. Such a message appears if the url address is not valid. It would be nice to look at the log file that you will find in the PVD program folder to see what the problem is and when this problem occurs.

Then it will be easier to maybe solve the problem.

Alternatively, you can go to the Personal Video Database alternate Forum where you will find the downloaded Proxomitron files and download them. There may be a problem with the Proxomitron program.
You may need to register there first. Then write in the Personal Video Database alternate Forum that you have registered and I will approve your account.

The link below will take you to the Personal Video Database alternate Forum topic.,4181.0.html
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Offline Miguelh1020

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2021, 12:34:56 am »
This happpens with all series when I try to run IMDB Movie(episodelist) (a) script and IMDB Movie(episodelist) script.
I can run IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](series)_RC, IMDB_[EN][HTTPS](episodes)_RC and IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]_RC3, and they all work fine

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2021, 08:19:03 am »
Imdb Movie Info-2a script and IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script can be found at the link below,4153.msg21404.html#msg21404

Also try these scripts, which you can find at the link below, if here too the same problem with the same error and message. If it will, then the problem is with Proxomitron programs or the problem is somewhere else.

I also need a log file, to see what is written in it when an error occurs.
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Offline Miguelh1020

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2021, 09:34:39 pm »
I can run IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]-a script, but the Imdb Movie Info-2a script gives the same error message. I guess the problem is with the Proxomitron. I'll try to get the new files for it.

I don't know which one is the log file.
I have a log.txt but it is empty

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Episodes TV Series Problem
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2021, 07:05:00 am »
I don't know which one is the log file.
I have a log.txt but it is empty

Run PVD in debug mode with the debug.bat file, only then will the log file (log.txt) no longer be empty.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

