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curl - solution for https

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--- Quote from: Ivek23 on November 18, 2016, 03:56:08 pm ---
--- Quote ---It's a good idea to include a Bing search in the script for advanced search but I had tried and this is a very rare case.
A lot of films are found with the script in normal search ¿can you write me the name of the film that needs advanced search?
--- End quote ---

Not yet, because I'm still in the initial phase of testing script.
--- End quote ---

This movie title
--- Quote ---Blood Diamond


Comanche Territory
--- End quote ---
is found only with the help of advanced search (Rottentomatoes_simple_Bing_Search script), but still can not find the bottom limited changes.
--- Quote from: Ivek23 on November 18, 2016, 03:56:08 pm ---
--- Quote ---I think that must be another problem ¿the title of your films are in english?
In the search the script use 'title' in place of traditional 'origtitle', you can change it in the code:

--- Quote ---end else begin  //The movie URL not exist, search mode needed. Downloand the search page. 
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

This option changes work when "origtitle" in the second line, but does not work if "origtitle" field is empty or if the "origtitle" in the first line, before the change is operated. This means that this change, should not be correct.
--- End quote ---

VERSION: (23/11/2016) -> VVV: Added Advanced Search with Bing (http search engine) and some code improvements.

Preview poster in search list is disable with // because give me problems

Quote for Ivek23: But with those three movies the RT search work for me. I had must try the bing search with a roundabout (not present in the attach script) so test it in real conditions.

Also, I got this in non-https rottentomates script:

--- Code: ---//Get ~mfURL~ or ~RT Url~
endPos := Pos('" rel="canonical" itemprop="url"/>', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('</title> <link href="', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, Copy(HTML, curPos + 21, endPos - curPos - 21));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('Rottentomatoes.com', '<link url="' + MovieURL + '">Rottentomatoes.com</link>');
--- End code ---

is it possbile to include it in [HTTPS] script?

Thank you once again, you're really doing great job for all of us who can't imagine movies without PVD.

Added in final version.

Thank you immensely, Ivek!


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