Author Topic: Personal Video Database MOD  (Read 240175 times)

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Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Personal Video Database MOD
« on: June 16, 2018, 09:31:27 am »
The last oficial version has been the published in the 05 November 2013 by Nostra, the oficial programer and owner of the program.
After this date, the information providers has changed his pages and, the more important, they have passed to a secure protocol HTTPS:  PVD is not prepared for this protocol and crashes with a “IO Handler Value is not Valid” error.

Ivek23, the person that have supported the forum and the scripts programs with a important personal effort, thank you very much, has surrounded this problem installing and configuring a proxy, Proxomitron, but this require some computer skills and PVD is no longer portable.

So, we have made a MOD version of PVD with the next characteristics:
  • Portable (run with portable.bat) and not others installations needed
  • Clean of not working plugings and scripts providers.
  • Script over Plugin preference. This allow open source code of scripts.
  • Secondary, designed for basic use and in connection with KODI.
To surround the HTTPS problem, it has been necessary to make an intermediate download in the file of the pages. This makes HTTPS scripts slower than with the Proxomitron solution, you must choose which solution to use because they are not compatible (but the working scripts can be easily adapted for exchange).

Until Nostra awakens from his Odinsleep, we pray to God that it will be soon, this is our humble contribution to this superb program, the most flexible and powerful movie data base:

(The author strongly recommends using the SyMenu free launcher to install and keep updated the portable Personal Video Database MOD version. It's easy and completely free without charges, advertisements, etc. (same philosophy as PVD) and perhaps you discover other advantages (for instance the Win10 users don't need use the infamous Windows Tiles))

Note: By Ivek23 request, below is included the adaptation of version  It does not have the same guarantees as especially because this version of PVD has a different scripting engine and the People part is less

Temporal Acumulative Scripts Patch date: Not needed

You can also find more information about Custom Fields in the topic Possibles improving Custom Fields working in MOD version.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 06:09:35 pm by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2018, 09:31:52 am »
  • Download and unzip the last version file included in the first post.
  • Run PVD in portable mode (portable.bat) with internet connection.
  • Selecting a movie or a person, launch the first Import script "**** Scripts Configuration ****" in order to adapt the scripts to your own needs (for instance, uncheck "Active" box for no used languages) Example
  • The rest operations are the same that PVD
Important advice: TheMovieDB is the recommended script, for speed and reliability. Take notice, that your are downloading full pages of internet with images, ad's, etc. For instance if you retrieved all IMDB info, your are downloading 1+5 pages for each movie.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 09:25:16 pm by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2018, 09:32:47 am »
MOD version Update:
If you use MOD version and you wants update to the newer MOD versions by yourself (advanced users) you could do the following steps (let us know your problems to be able to improve the guide):
  • Important: Make a secure copy of your actual working PVD installation version
  • Unzip the downloaded file new version and change the folders: Scripts and Plugings of your actual working PVD.
  • The last MOD version has updated the dll files. You can copy and paste overwriting those files if you wants the dll actualization not really needed.
(Remember: For normal users, the author strongly recommends using the SyMenu free launcher to install and keep updated the portable Personal Video Database MOD version)

Moving from original PVD version to MOD version.
Perhaps, there may be many PVD users who have a movie collection in a PVD original installation and don't want to start over. For them, we suggest the following steps.

"Slow Copy-Paste" own PVD installation/collection adaptation for normal users (not work with
  • Important: Make a secure copy for your own actual PDV installation.
  • Install the last PVD MOD version (with SyMenu or downloading)
  • Run your actual original PVD copy
  • Run PVD MOD (with SyMenu or with 'portable.bat')
  • In your actual collection selects a packet of movies records (try first one by one movie for learning and after increase the number), and Copy with the option in the right mouse button
  • Pass to the PVD MOD and Paste with the option in the right mouse button
  • Wait more or less two minutes (it depends of PC), go with the next packet and so on just to finish.

"Dirty" own PVD installation/collection adaptation for advanced users:
  • Important: Make two copies a secure copy and a test copy of your own actual PDV installation.
  • Unzip the downloaded file version and change the folders: Scripts and Plugings of your test copy.
  • Run PVD in portable mode (portable.bat)
  • In Preferences/Movies/Custom Items add the fields:
    Set (Short Text), Updated (Short Text), TOP_250 (Number), IMDB_Votes (Number), TheMoviedb_Votes (Number), FilmAffinity_Votes (Number)

    (If you have some equivalent fields and you want to preserve your data, you can do it without data loose in Preferences/Movies/Custom Ítems, selecting the field, pushing the “Rename” button and writing the new standard MOD name)

    The last MOD version has updated the dll files. You can copy and paste this files if you wants the dll actualization not really needed.

Controling the retreived information in PVD MOD:
There are two way to control the saved of information in the PVD database.
a) The PVD standard with the 'Set Overwrite Options for the selected plugin' (the "Calendar" button, at right of the script 'Import name').
b) The custom fields and others options aren't included in this menu so the scripts have hardcode parameters to managed it.
Now in PVD MOD can be easily changed launching the first script '**** Scripts Configuration ****'. These are its powerful capabilities and how use it:
•) Launch the PVD MOD Configuration Script (you must have selected one movie or one person):

•) Then the PDV MOD Script Configuration windows opens:

1) Choose the script configuration sheet (Orange arrow)
2) You can activate or deactivate a script checking the Active box (Blue oval). The activate scripts are showed in PVD.
3) Check or un-check the desired option (Green oval). In the example you can avoid download all the IMDB information pages so the script will go faster. This is interesting when you are updating only some particular info, for instance the IMDBRating, than you don't need the actors.
4) There is other numeric parameters that you can change, for instance, the number of actors saved in PVD.
5) Finaly you must saved it (vertical Red arrow). PVD MOD restarts in the same position because it needs compile the scripts with the new parameters.

The author recomends you strongly use **** Scripts Configuration ****. You can gain a lot of time.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 09:26:57 am by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2018, 09:39:03 am »
  • MOD V.2019.10.20; Ivek23, VVV: Debuged new versions of IMDB and Filmaffinity.
  • MOD V.2019.03.08; Ivek23, VVV: A lot of corrections and improvements (read PVD forum). Update "mandatory"  ;D
  • MOD V.2018.11.01; Ivek23, VVV: Important corrections and improvements (read PVD forum).
                                           IMDB_[EN][HTTPS]+IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] New parameter USE-SAVED-PVDCONFIG for avoid download page if
                                           the Overwrite Options of the Script in the pvdconf.ini are 'Do Nothing'. Remember that PDV only save the pvdconf.ini in exit.
                                           For recover Toolbar new 'pvdconf.ini' file and Tabs folder.
  • MOD V.2018.09.22; Ivek23, VVV: A lot of corrections and improvements (read PVD forum). Update "mandatory"  ;D
  • MOD V.2018.08.08; VVV, Ivek23: Proxy support (if configured in PVD).
                                           IMDB Movie now retrieve Movie Technical Specs page (Ivek23) and use EventYear in awards.
                                           IMDB People now retrieve full biography page (Ivek23), use EventYear in awards and image bug with full awards solved.
                                           FilmAffinity change the ~poster~ begin string because API change.
  • MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
                                           Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
                                           IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
                                           Other little improvements.
  • MOD V.2018.06.16; VVV, Ivek23: First public working release.
Last version always in the first post
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 06:12:42 pm by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2018, 11:39:26 am »
Other solutions and scripts will be ready for the near future, according to the users' wishes. You can also visit the VVV_Easy Blog web site of our VVV_Easy_Programing user at the link below.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2018, 11:49:33 am »
In the field NEWS I gave this record to all users of our forum as a notice.
Personal Video Database MOD is now public available:

No more.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 09:50:45 am by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline meriator

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2018, 01:20:55 pm »
thank you   :)
I will try it out as soon as possible
while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward

Offline Am-rA

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2018, 08:38:47 pm »
thanks my friends, i´m  impressed, in a moment i install it

Offline clandher

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2018, 11:52:21 am »

This is a very good job, but I have a simple question. How could I made a simple search using a word to know if there is or not in the database (titles) ? I couldn't find this option.


Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2018, 09:54:00 am »

This is a very good job, but I have a simple question. How could I made a simple search using a word to know if there is or not in the database (titles) ? I couldn't find this option.


Search tab, then proceed as shown in the picture [Title and to write the title of the movie you want to check in the empty box  (see sshot-52)] for an example of a Robin Hood title search. This should give you a result if a particular address is already in your database.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 09:59:27 am by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline clandher

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2018, 01:56:18 am »
Thanks and sorry. It was my mistake. Some how I downloaded and install PVD_0.9.9.21_MOD-V.2018.06.16

Offline jondak

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2018, 01:30:35 pm »

When opening the database i had used till the mod in it gave the error that is found in atachement..

I just replaced fbembed.dll with the one from the default install that is version 2.51.26351 and it open the database without problems.

I don't remember if I updated the file manually or was updated when i installed firebird server or when i tested 1.0.27 version.

So in case someone has a similar problem this can help.


its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2018, 02:17:45 pm »


its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?

Yes, of course, open the script, find the '' // Get ~ imdbrating ~, ~ IMDB_Votes ~ '' code section, and add or change [(depending on you) - see the added quote code section]. You can then use the original IMDB Votes custom box.

Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
    //     Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
    //     Result:=prError; If not results
    //Retrieve: ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~ / ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~ (Custom Field) / ~TOP_250~(Custom Field) /
    //          If Not(GET_FULL_CREDIT): ~crew~ctDirectors,ctWriters,ctComposers,ctProducers(Not in base page), ctActors
    //         ~description~ / ~category~ "keywords" / ~tagline~ / ~genre~
    //         If Not(GET_FULL_MPAA) ~mpaa~
    //         ~country~ / ~rdate~ in contry provider local IP geolocation
    //         If Not(GET_FULL_AKA) ~aka~.
    //         ~budget~ / ~money~ / ~studio~ "Production Co"
    //         If GET_FEATURES ~features~
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMovieBASE BEGIN======================|');
    //Because the script don't retreives the data in the page order a token search for the first curPos position or block select is mandatory
    //Get ~title~, ~year~, ~origtitle~, ~poster~
    //Get all "raw" title summary (in raw because we need the hidden links, we avoid "complete" token in strings which opens/closes)
    ItemList:=TextBetWeenFirst(HTML,'<div class="title_wrapper"','div class="plot_summary_wrapper">'); //WEB_SPECIFIC.
    If (Length(ItemList)>0) Then Begin           
        titleValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<h1 itemprop="name" class="">','<');       //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        LogMessage('      Get result title:'+titleValue+'||');
        ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'(',')');                                 //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        LogMessage('      Get result year:'+ItemValue+'||');
        ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,'<div class="originalTitle">','<');          //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        If (Length(ItemValue)=0) Then ItemValue:=titleValue;                           //Provider hides the original title if same that title. WEB_SPECIFIC
        LogMessage('      Get result origtitle:'+ItemValue+'||');
        ItemValue:=TextBetWeenFirst(ItemList,BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE,'.');                 //Get poster code. Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
        If (Length(ItemValue)>0) then begin
            ItemValue:=BASE_URL_IMAGE_PRE_TRUE + ItemValue;                             //Base poster URL without '.jpg'. WEB_SPECIFIC
            // Avoid HTTPS redirection: Download https image to file  OutPutFile=
            If (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin  //Dowload in the selected user max size. WEB_SPECIFIC
                AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile);    //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
                LogMessage('      Get result poster:'+ItemValue + '._V1_UY' + IntToStr(MAX_IMAGE_HEIGTH) + '_.jpg'+'||');
            end else if (1=DownloadImage(ItemValue +'.jpg',ImageFile)) then begin  //Dowload in the web base size. WEB_SPECIFIC
                AddImageURL(itPoster,ImageFile);    //Get the photo from a file even if the next line we log the true URL.
                LogMessage('      Get result poster:' + ItemValue + '.jpg'+'||');
    //Get ~imdbrating~, ~IMDB_Votes~
    curPos:=Pos('<span itemprop="ratingValue">',HTML);                      //WEB_SPECIFIC.
    If 0<curPos Then Begin                         
       ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span itemprop="ratingValue">','<',false,curPos);   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
       ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','.',True,True,False);                           //Decimal comma spanish separator to point english separator.
       LogMessage('      Get result imdbrating:'+ItemValue+'||');
       ItemValue:=TextBetWeen(HTML,'<span class="small" itemprop="ratingCount">','</span>',false,curPos);   //Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
       ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,'.','',True,True,False);            //Remove thousand point spanish separator.
       ItemValue:=StringReplace(ItemValue,',','',True,True,False);            //Remove thousand comma english separator.
       AddCustomFieldValueByName('IMDB Votes',ItemValue);
       LogMessage('      Get result IMDB_Votes:'+ItemValue+'||');

Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline jondak

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2018, 05:40:13 pm »
Thank you Ivek23. Modified and works well.

Found a minor bug:

Movie:  Ratatouille (2007)

MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action                                                                        Edit     

It adds the "Edit" at the end of the MPAA rating retrived. Other movies works well. Will continue testing.


Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2018, 06:00:01 am »
Found a minor bug:

Movie:  Ratatouille (2007)

MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action 

A minor bug will be corrected at the next update of the script.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2018, 08:54:49 am »
Thank you Ivek23. Modified and works well.
Found a minor bug:
Movie:  Ratatouille (2007)
MPAA retrieved: Rated PG for mild action                                                                        Edit     
It adds the "Edit" at the end of the MPAA rating retrived. Other movies works well. Will continue testing.

When you post this bug I read the IMDB page and I saw that there was a commentary in the Parents Guide that said "Proposed MPAA: Rated PG for mild action". I think that this caused the confusion of the script. Today this comment has disappeared and I am not able to reproduce the error for correct it.
Thank you very much for your alert.

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2018, 12:15:25 pm »
When opening the database i had used till the mod in it gave the error that is found in atachement..
I just replaced fbembed.dll with the one from the default install that is version 2.51.26351 and it open the database without problems.
I don't remember if I updated the file manually or was updated when i installed firebird server or when i tested 1.0.27 version.
So in case someone has a similar problem this can help.
its there a way to rename the IMDB_Votes custom field to IMDB Votes that i had from the original script?

You give me a idea: In the next MOD version I'll tried to update all possible dll. Please alert me if with this change appears news bugs.

BTW, I advise you to keep the names of the fields instead of changing the scripts: It’s to work once but it remains forever.
If you want to preserve your DB, you can do it without data loose in Preferences / Movies / Custom Items, select the field, push the “Rename” button and write the new standard MOD name.
The use of spaces in the name of fields is not a very good idea. I changed it many years ago, I think because it gave me problems with the Export Templates.

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2018, 01:41:27 pm »
  • MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
                                           Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
                                           IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
                                           Other little improvements.
Last version always in the first post

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2018, 06:49:59 am »
  • MOD V.2018.08.01; VVV: DLL renovation (Firebird and SQLite).
                                           Change values of CHEAT-PREFIX-URL (better server the ancient sometimes fails in Win10) and DUMMY-HTML-FILE (always Portable.bat).
                                           IMDB_People_[EN][HTTPS] Awards retrieve developed.
                                           Other little improvements.
Last version always in the first post

An error in IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] for the transfer of awards where the year of the prize is missing.

AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, EventYear, AwardWon);

AddAward(EventName, AwardName, AwardCategory, AwardRecipient, '', AwardWon);
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2018, 07:44:24 am »
Really this is a correction of a first version error. The Script Manual says:

    procedure AddAward(Event, Award, Category, Recipient, Year : String; const Won : Boolean);
    Adds an award to a record. Parameters:
    Event = name of the event
    Award = award name
    Category = award category
    Recipient = for movie records this variable should contain the name of a specific person who won the award and
                     for people records the variable should contain the title of a movie for which the person won the award
    Year = release year of a movie (only applicable when adding award to a person record)
    Won = set to true if the recipient won the award and to false otherwise

In the first version the movie script added the "EventYear" (normally is the next year of the movie). But now we can add awards with the people script and then the year must be the movie year so we could have the same award with different years. So, in order to respect the Script Manual, the movie scripts doesn't write the year and is the people scripts who writes the year.
BTW, I have hesitated to write the year of the movie instead of leaving it blank but I do not know the consistency of the data. What do you think?

