This is the best I could achieve to get back actors to the field:
// Get ~Actors~ (Only name in Web from !file! list)
curPos := 1;
ItemList := TextBetWeen(HTML, '<dt>Cast</dt>', '</dd>', false, curPos); // Strings which opens/closes the data. WEB_SPECIFIC
LogMessage('Parsed results List Actors: ' + ItemList + '||');
// Remove " See all credits" if it exists
curPos := Pos(' See all credits', ItemList);
if curPos > 0 then
ItemList := Copy(ItemList, 1, curPos - 1);
LogMessage('Cleaned ItemList: ' + ItemList);
// Forward the plain text to the field
AddMoviePerson(ItemList, '', '', '', 0); // Use 0 for actors
LogMessage('Added All Actors: ' + ItemList);
The problem is because function TextBetween removes all tags from the resulting substring, and since the actors are separated by spaces only on FA when parsed, it's impossible to distinguish between individual names by space only as delimiter, thus impossible to generate comma separated list.