Author Topic: Personal Video Database MOD  (Read 240063 times)

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Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #200 on: July 21, 2019, 06:24:12 am »
I'm having this since two weeks ago.

I'm scanning with IMDB.

Same error:
IMDB_[EN][HTTPS].psf V (10/02/2019)

For now 2 movies triggered the error: Flying Lessons (2010) Ghoul (2012)

Seems the movies with this error have no Plot Keywords

Thanks for the error message. It's true, what you have already mentioned, that your movie titles have no Plot Keywords. I corrected this error.

            V (20/06/2019) Ivek23: ParsePage_PLOTKEYWORDS small corrections and fix in the parts of the code 18-19/6/2019 forum alerts.
Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS(HTML:String):Cardinal; //BlockOpen
    //     Result:=prFinished; Script has finished gathering data
    //     Result:=prError; If ¿any big problem? with exit
    //Retrieve: ~Tags~
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS BEGIN======================|');
    Result:=prFinished;  //It will change to prError if any big problem with exit;   
   //Get "Plot Keywords" info
    curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
    if (curPos=0) then Exit;
   //Get "Plot Keywords" info
   //If Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML)>0 Then Begin
   curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
   If 0<curPos Then Begin   
      Category:=TextBetween(HTML,'<h1 class="header">','</h1>',True,curPos);
      LogMessage('      Get result Category:'+Category+'||');
      Name:=TextBetween(HTML,'<div class="header"><div class="nav"><div class="desc">','</div></div></div>',True,curPos);
      LogMessage('      Get result Name:'+Name+'||');
      AddCustomFieldValueByName('Plot Keywords','<link url="'+GetFieldValueXML('url')+'keywords">'+Category+'</link>'+'     '+Name);
   //Get "Plot Keywords" info
If (Pos('It looks like we don'+Chr(39)+'t have any Plot Keywords for this title yet.',HTML)>0) then Exit;
   curPos:=Pos('<h1 class="header">Plot Keywords</h1>',HTML);
   If 0<curPos Then Begin   
      //Go Tags list
      curPos:=Pos('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>',HTML);
      curPos:=curPos+Length('<table class="dataTable evenWidthTable2Col"><tbody>');
        If 0<curPos then ItemList:=Copy(ItemList,0,curPos-1);
      ItemList:=StringReplace(ItemList,'    </div>','|',True,True,False);               
      ItemList:=RemoveTags(ItemList, False);
      //LogMessage('           Parse results ('+IntToStr(curPos)+','+IntToStr(endPos)+') complex ItemList:'+ItemList+'||'+#13);         
      //LogMessage('           Parse results ItemList:'+#13+ItemList+' ||');
      //LogMessage('           Parse results ItemList: '+ItemList+' ||');
      For index:=Low(ItemArray) To High(ItemArray) Do Begin        //Remember index begin in 0
            If (index=PLOTKEYWORDS_LIMIT) Then break;     //Limited depassed. Compares with = (not with >) because index begin in 0
         ItemValue:=ItemValue+ItemArray[index]+', ';
         LogMessage('    Get result Keyword: #'+IntToStr(index+1)+' | '+ItemArray[index]+', '+'||');
      If ItemValue <> '' then AddFieldValueXML('tags',ItemValue);
      LogMessage('      Get result Plot Keywords: '+ItemValue+'||');
    LogMessage('Function ParsePage_IMDBMoviePLOTKEYWORDS END=====================||');
  End; //BlockClose

It's attached IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] V script.

The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] script is also available via the program's auto-update system.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 04:19:14 pm by Ivek23 »
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline jippo

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #201 on: September 29, 2019, 10:04:33 pm »
I am having these imports with filmaffinity.

Offline jippo

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #202 on: October 07, 2019, 10:49:49 pm »
I am having these imports with filmaffinity.

I think it is a problem related with the filmaffinity headers.

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #203 on: October 20, 2019, 02:17:06 pm »
Debuged Filmaffinity Scripts:
            V (20/10/2019) VVV: Fixed bug of search URL with new API (jippo alert).
« Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 06:16:16 pm by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #204 on: October 20, 2019, 06:15:38 pm »
  • MOD V.2019.10.20; Ivek23, VVV: Debuged new versions of IMDB and Filmaffinity.
Last version always in the first post

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #205 on: December 24, 2019, 01:20:57 am »
Just my 2 cents. If for someone is more convenient, I made PVDportable.exe of portable.bat with simple bat2exe converter. Just unpack it and run it instead portable.bat.

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #206 on: December 24, 2019, 08:46:06 am »
Just my 2 cents. If for someone is more convenient, I made PVDportable.exe of portable.bat with simple bat2exe converter. Just unpack it and run it instead portable.bat.

Thanks for this, but it doesn't work on my 32 bit Windows. It requires checking what version of OS you have. It may also be possible to make a 32 bit OS version.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #207 on: December 25, 2019, 02:41:16 am »
You're welcome. Here is 32-bit version.

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #208 on: December 25, 2019, 07:35:06 am »
You're welcome. Here is 32-bit version.

Thanks a lot.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #209 on: December 26, 2019, 03:30:28 am »
Anyone could do that, no big deal.
Best regards

Offline RazorHall

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #210 on: December 27, 2019, 06:03:49 am »
Hey, guys.  I just downloaded the MOD and moved my collection file over, but when I opened it up, I have a list of 53,931 movies instead of the 9,000 or so that I actually own.  In the list, my owned movies are highlighted in blue while the rest are in gray.  What's the easiest way to get rid of all those that shouldn't be there?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 08:33:32 am by RazorHall »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #211 on: December 27, 2019, 08:27:41 am »
Hey, guys.  I just downloaded the MOD and moved my collection file over, but when I opened it up, I have a list of 53,931 movies instead of the 9,000 or so that I actually own.  In the list, my owned movies are highlighted in blue while the rest are in gray.  What's the easiest way to get rid of all those that shouldn't be there?

It's simple. Do as described below and should be as before updating to MOD version.

You now have the filter set to make all movies visible, and now in the Filters tab, switch to Visible and only see blue-highlighted movies.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline RazorHall

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #212 on: December 27, 2019, 08:35:14 am »
You now have the filter set to make all movies visible, and now in the Filters tab, switch to Visible and only see blue-highlighted movies.

Thanks!  Never would have found that otherwise.  :-)

I'm also getting the following error message when I try to import using the IMDB plugin:
"This script needs the external file for work.  PVdbDownPage.exe  Read script text for further information."
Where can I find this file?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 08:41:01 am by RazorHall »

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #213 on: December 27, 2019, 09:06:58 pm »
I'm also getting the following error message when I try to import using the IMDB plugin:
"This script needs the external file for work.  PVdbDownPage.exe  Read script text for further information."
Where can I find this file?

They are found in the Scripts folder, which is a PVD program folder. If it's not there, use the link found here
and download PVD MOD again. Then unzip it and find the Script folder and then copy PVdbDownPage.exe to your PVD Script folder.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline RazorHall

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #214 on: December 28, 2019, 12:46:55 am »
My anti-virus program kept quarantining that file for some reason, but once I made it an exception it seems to be working.  Thanks, Ivek!

Offline Ivek23

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #215 on: December 28, 2019, 09:09:01 am »
My anti-virus program kept quarantining that file for some reason, but once I made it an exception it seems to be working.  Thanks, Ivek!

I am glad that the problem has been solved and that everything is working properly now.
Win 10 64bit (32bit)   PVD v0.9.9.21, PVD v1.0.2.7, PVD v1.0.2.7 + MOD

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #216 on: January 08, 2020, 08:46:27 pm »
Only for afrocuban: ;)                     FilmAffinity_[EN][HTTPS]-afrocuban
            V (08/01/2020) VVV: Added support for custom field named ''.

The difference is only in the name and version and line 777 has been added:

If you add the attached file in yours script folder and you have the custom field  '' in your movie data base it must work ... but I can't try it because my movie database hasn't this custom field.

Offline VVV_Easy_Programing

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #217 on: January 08, 2020, 08:49:18 pm »
If you want a live or working link you only must change that line adding the html code (in bold), then:

AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="'+ StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+ '"></link>');
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 08:53:15 pm by VVV_Easy_Programing »

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #218 on: January 09, 2020, 12:15:27 am »
Thank you so much Easy! God bless you!  :)

It just looks that custom field piece of code has to come at the beginning of ~url section:

//Get ~url~
AddCustomFieldValueByName('', '<link url="'+ StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+ '"></link>');
        if (0=Pos(BASE_URL,StoredURL)) then begin   //Write the url if not exists (Spanish or english)
            LogMessage('      Get result url:'+StringReplace(DownloadURL,BASE_URL_PRE_TRUE,BASE_URL_PRE,True,False,False)+'||');

This is how it works flawlessly.  Thanks again!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2020, 12:30:50 am by afrocuban »

Offline afrocuban

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Re: Personal Video Database MOD
« Reply #219 on: January 09, 2020, 01:10:01 am »
Oh, and one more question: when future FA script update happens, I guess I'd have to manually make a copy of it and add piece of code above?

Best regards