In TheMovieDB API pages, there has been a certain change in both the search results and the API movies pages in the source code. Because of this, searching for results when the IMDB MovieID for a specific movie is not known did not work. Also, the downloads for some information downloads did not work, so these fields were empty.
Now these errors have been fixed in all TheMovieDB API scripts, and some custom fields have been added.
The new custom fields are as follows:
TMDb_APIPage (Custom memo field) - added link to specific TheMoviedbAPIPage web page for specific movie. (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific TheMoviedbPage web page for specific movie.
TMDb Posters (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific Posters web page for specific movie, where it is possible to see if any poster for your country has been added.
TMDb Status (Custom Multiselect list field) - added to movie status for specific movie.
TheMoviedb_Rating (Custom Rating field) - added to Rating for specific movie.
TMDb Features (Custom memo field) - added to TMDb Features for specific movie.
Set URL (Custom memo field) - added link to normal specific Collection TheMoviedbPage web page for specific movie.
Posters (Custom memo field) - added links to all posters for specific movie.
Posters Numbers (Custom Short list field) - added to Posters Numbers for specific movie in specific language script.
Made a change to the Updated custom field. It is now renamed to TMDB Updated custom field.
Made a change to the CHANGE LOG description. This is now located at the bottom of the script.