Nostra would you be willing to change pvd_classic skin to have "aka" section use this.
Use what???
Sorry Nostra,
I should have made myself far more clear.
i would like to limit the
"Also known as:" field for movie entries.
When importing a well known movie, you may get 20+
"Also known as:" entries for the movie as it has been released in different languages. This pushes other information down and off the screen.
Some fields have a little
"+" next to them (such as writers,producer,actors) to allow a summary ("+") or expanded ("-") list.
I am trying to get the "+" button in against the "Also known as:" field for movies.
I modified your skin to:
<column width="120" halign="right" valign="top">
<fieldlabel field="aka"/>
<human category="0"/>
This produced the desired results
I now have a little "+" next to "Also known as:" field
im assumming the
<human category="0"/> produces the "+" - but i'm not sure if it is the best way of doing it
I love your default skin and would like this to be included as a default for future releases.
Begging your humble indulgance, i would like to see this made as a default for this skin
PS thanks for the info on skin tags - GREAT