Solved this one. It didn't happen in The classic skin from download page seems to be outdated. It differs from the one that came with I switched to the one from the beta version and it looks fine, now.
Other things...
- don't know if I do anything wrong, but no matter which export plugin I set to default: after restart PVD always switches to "Export to Mediaportal" (in export drop down list) while the "Execute default export plugin"-button stays with "Export to plain text".
- if I widen the movie list on the left of the window a little bit (by dragging the right border further to the right), after restart of PVD the "Also known as" field disappears completely or is very, very narrow. Only happens in full screen. When windowed, after restart the field is there again (or in full screen if the right border of the movie list was moved back to the left prior to restart). It only happens while looking at movies on top of the list. When restartet with a movie further down near the bottom of the list, everything seems ok. Same behaviour in In it's better: it only happens if the border is moved to the far right (which is not possible in 1.0.2.x) before restart. Only "Also known as" is affected, no matter how far I pull the border. It is difficult to reproduce with less than 1600 movie entries in 1.0.2.x and with less than 500 in PVD My screen resolution is 1280 in width, maybe that matters.