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Messages - Ivek23

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Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 28, 2012, 08:40:42 pm »
I think (i am not sure) in the case of this Lars Von Trier movie, (and probably for many others) it is looking for the original title (Forbrydelsens element), where is should look for the AkA (the element of crime).
 So maybe the scrip has to be changed so that it also looks for the aka's?

No, it is not necessary, is corrected, note is written above.

I also wonder if it is struggling with special characters (titles like "Fortapàsc" or "Frontière(s)".

The problem is solved in a simple way:

1. )
This is the url address
for Web search in PVD (see attached picture).

This is the search url address for Frontière:
For Web search in PVD:
Rotten Tomatoes
Instead of this  " =Fronti%E8re&sitesearch=rt "  insert this "=%s&sitesearch=rt "

2. )
Do the first backup database so that you can do restore database to its original state.  Add an entry in databaso instead title "Frontière" this title "Frontiere" and RottenTomatoes script you will certainly find a movie title (see attached picture). So obtained url address for this movie,  copy to the url field "Frontière" movie, but first do is restore database before copying copied url.

Good luck in this work to you.

Rottentomatoes (1) script is attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 28, 2012, 07:44:07 pm »
I am updating hundreds of movies with the RT script, but for some reason, it does not find some of the movies and does not even suggest titles.

I've been able to find the error, repair it,
this part of code
Code: [Select]
curPos := PosFrom('<a href="/m/', HTML, curPos);
while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('<a id="more_movies" href="#results_movies_tab">More Movies...</a>', HTML, endPos)) do begin
endPos := PosFrom('"  class=', HTML, curPos);
replace this part of code
Code: [Select]
curPos := PosFrom('<a href="/m/', HTML, curPos);
while curPos > 0 do begin
endPos := PosFrom('"  class=', HTML, curPos);
not I have not added Rottentomatoes (1) script , because I tested the search results on about 300 movies.
There is a small cosmetic problem, namely to the first five results (one until five hits - depending on how many are on the All Search Results page) these results again repeat with all the other results in Movies Search Results page (see attached images).
I personally use this Rottentomatoes (1) script only if the basic Rottentomatoes script, if it does not display the correct search movie titles for your search movie or if it does not display all search movie titles for your search movie, including it is also correct title for your search movie.

Script will be added in the next post.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I made corrections to:
  • Top 250
Repaired Imdb Movie(1) Script is attached here.


Thanks for the reported error, error has been resolved. I'm sorry, because I did not with 1.0.23 beta tested script, I tested with, fault was not visible.

Repaired Imdb Movie(1) Script is attached here.

Thank You for quick respons, now it seems to work just fine...

Have a nice day.


Thanks Ivek23!

I found your scripts very useful, but there is something strange with the "Imdb Movie(1) script". when the number of user votes ends with a 0 (zero). It returns a  value divided by 10. (It cuts of the "0")

See attachments

Thanks for the reported error, error has been resolved. I'm sorry, because I did not with 1.0.23 beta tested script, I tested with, fault was not visible.

Repaired Imdb Movie(1) Script is attached here.

I made corrections to:
  • search results
  • Imdb votes
It is also added:
  • ImdbID
  • Top 250

In the search results movies is now available to see if it is:
TV movie or TV series .

For the Imdb votes,  now again is enabled.

Imdb Movie(1) Script is attached here.

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 20, 2012, 01:10:07 pm »
This is what I put for rating in the script.
Are you sure? The rating I am getting is the "average rating", not the "Tomatometer" (in %).

However, it is a small problem, which I will explain later, because I need a little time for a little more detailed insight into the problem.

Thank you for your skin, but I do not want to use it because I want all information to be visible in one page (home theatre), and not in tabs.

Of course, to edit, to make everything visible on one side only. Put this under your skin (home theatre) attached to your post, I edited it so that everything will be on one side.

I don't care about the allmovie/alrovi rating really. And I do not mind loosing it. Also I do not want to loose my other custom fields and I would like to keep the imdb rating.
 So my question is: How can I remove all Allmovie/alRovi ratings from my database?

A simple way to solve this:
the RT script settings only confirm box for an additional rating, then the simply overwrite allmovie / alrovi rating (see image to Tools> Preferences> Plugins).

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:53:14 am »
 Sorry I did not check the forum for a while I was not expecting you to do it.

There is no problem.

Thank you soooooo much Ivek23 this will help me a lot choose the right movie to watch.
 Thank you thak you thank you again


I wonder which part of the rating you are interested in:
first, second or both of the percentages, or anything else
I was interested by the first % which is the tomatometer.

This is what I put for rating in the script.

I managed to get the "average rating" in a custom field called "RT rating" in my movie page (please see attached image), but what I was after was having it displayed just like the allmovie and imdb ratings are displayed.
 Do you know if this is possible?

As far as I understood from the attached image, is used skin pvd_classic_movie. In pvd_classic_movie skin is RT raring custom field visible as is seen in the attached picture.
Of course this can be done, in skin can be added skin is RT raring custom field, but beware, therefore, all other custom fields will disappeared.

How this is done, you can see in my skins in the Scripts and Templates  or  My current skin for Ivek23  you can add more details about the skin in several pictures, as well as a detailed list of custom fields (I think you have 10 custom fields), and I'll do you skin by RT rating, such as you desire, if you can not you know how to edit the skin according to your taste.

 Actually, I think there is a maximum of 3 rating fields, right?
 If so then I would like to remove al the ratings I had added using the allmovie scripts, is this possible?
 This way the field would be blank and would get filled by the RT rating, right

Yes, true, but I recommend that you do not do this (or do that), because you lose some information, which will not be possible to reimburse, but it is better to rearrange the skin, as has been mentioned before.
Option in the skin, however, is that can be blocked IMDb rating, as shown in the code below:
Code: [Select]

   <column width="120" halign="right">
    <fieldlabel field="imdbrating" width="118" wordwrap="true" halign="right"/>

However IMDb rating will no longer be visible.

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 17, 2012, 07:02:12 pm »
Maybe will then simple RT script written to the end of the week.

With a little effort I managed do simple RT script .

For unregistered users:

Code: [Select]


SCRIPT: Rottentomatoes Script
AUTHOR: Ivek23
DATE: 17/11/2012



//Some useful constants


//Script types
stMovies = 0;
stPeople = 1;
stPoster = 2;

///Script modes
smSearch = 0;
smNormal = 1;
smCast = 2;
smReview = 3;
smCredits = 4;
smDVDReleases = 5;
smBiography = 6;
smGenreindex = 7;
smAwards = 8;
smMiscellaneous = 9;
smPoster = 10;
smFinished = 11;

//Parse results
prError = 0;
prFinished = 1;
prList = 2;
prListImage = 3;
prDownload = 4;

//Prefix modes
pmNone = 0;
pmEnd = 1;
pmBegin = 2;
pmRemove = 3;

//Download methods
dmGET = 0;
dmPOST = 1;

//Movie fields
mfURL = 0;
mfTitle = 1;
mfOrigTitle = 2;
mfAka = 3;
mfYear = 4;
mfGenre = 5;
mfCategory = 6;
mfCountry = 7;
mfStudio = 8;
mfMPAA = 9;
mfRating = 10;
mfTags = 11;
mfTagline = 12;
mfDescription = 13;
mfDuration = 14;
mfFeatures = 15;

//People fields
    pfURL        = 0;
pfName        = 1;
pfTransName  = 2;
pfAltNames    = 3;
pfBirthday    = 4;
pfBirthplace = 5;
pfGenre      = 6;
pfBio        = 7;
pfDeathDate  = 8; 
pfComment    = 9;
pfBookmark    = 10;
pfPid        = 11;
pfCareer      = 12;

//Credits types
ctActors = 0;
ctDirectors = 1;
ctWriters = 2;
ctComposers = 3;
ctProducers = 4;

//Script data
SCRIPT_NAME = 'Rottentomatoes Script';
SCRIPT_DESC = '[EN] Get Movie Information about from';
SCRIPT_LANG = $09; //English
SCRIPT_TYPE = stMovies;

BASE_URL = '';
RATING_NAME = 'Rottentomatoes';
CODE_PAGE = 65001; //Use 0 for Autodetect

//Global variables
ELI : Integer;
Mode : Byte;
ExtraLinks : array [smCast..smPoster] of String;

function GetScriptVersion : String;

function GetScriptName : String;
Result :=  SCRIPT_NAME;

function GetScriptDesc : String;
Result := SCRIPT_DESC;

function GetRatingName : String;
Result := RATING_NAME;

function GetScriptLang: Cardinal;
Result := SCRIPT_LANG;

function GetCodePage : Cardinal;
Result := CODE_PAGE;

function GetBaseURL : AnsiString;
Result := BASE_URL;

function GetDownloadURL : AnsiString;
if (Mode = smSearch) then
Result := SEARCH_STR
Result := ExtraLinks[Mode];

function GetDownloadMethod : Byte;
Result := dmGET;

function GetPrefixMode : Byte;
Result := pmBegin;

function GetScriptType : Byte;
Result := SCRIPT_TYPE;

function GetCurrentMode : Byte;
Result := Mode;

procedure ParseMovie(MovieURL : String; HTML : String);
curPos, endPos : Integer;
TmpStr : String;

//Get ~mfURL~ or ~RT Url~
endPos := Pos('" itemprop="url"/>', HTML);
if endPos > 0 then begin
curPos := PrevPos('"canonical" href="', HTML, endPos);
AddFieldValue(mfURL, Copy(HTML, curPos + 18, endPos - curPos - 18));
end else
AddFieldValue(mfURL, MovieURL);

//~Rating~ or ~RT Rating~
curPos := PosFrom('<p class="critic_stats">', HTML, EndPos);
if curPos > 0 then begin
EndPos := curPos;
TmpStr :=  TextBetween(HTML, 'Average Rating: <span>', '/10</span>', True, curPos);
AddFieldValue(mfRating, TmpStr);
AddCustomFieldValueByName('RT Rating', TmpStr);

procedure ParseSearchResults(HTML : String);
curPos, endPos : Integer;
Title, Year, URL, Preview : String;
curPos := Pos('<ul id="movie_results_ul" class="results_ul" ', HTML);
if curPos < 1 then

LogMessage('Parsing search results...');

curPos  := PosFrom('<img src="', HTML, curPos)+10;
endPos  := PosFrom('" width=', HTML, curPos);
Preview := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos));

curPos := PosFrom('<a href="/m/', HTML, curPos);
while (curPos > 0) AND (curPos < PosFrom('<a id="more_movies" href="#results_movies_tab">More Movies...</a>', HTML, endPos)) do begin
endPos := PosFrom('"  class=', HTML, curPos);
URL := ''+Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos+9, endPos - curPos-9));

curPos := PosFrom('"  class="" >', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom('</a>', HTML, curPos);
Title := TextBetween(HTML, '"  class="" >', '</a>', True, curPos);

curPos := PosFrom('</a>', HTML, curPos);
endPos := PosFrom('</span></h3>', HTML, curPos);
Year := TextBetween(HTML, '</a>', '</span></h3>', True, curPos);

curPos  := PosFrom('<img src="', HTML, curPos)+10;
endPos  := PosFrom('" width=', HTML, curPos);
Preview := Trim(Copy(HTML, curPos, endPos - curPos));

AddSearchResult(Title+' '+Year, '', '', URL, '');

curPos := PosFrom('<a href="/m/', HTML, curPos);

function NextMode(curMode : Integer) : Integer;
I : Integer;
Result := smFinished;
if curMode < Low(ExtraLinks) - 1 then
curMode := Low(ExtraLinks) - 1;

for I := curMode + 1 to High(ExtraLinks) do
if ExtraLinks[I] <> '' then begin
Result := I;

function ParsePage(HTML : String; URL : AnsiString) : Cardinal;
HTML := StringReplace (HTML, '', '', True, True, False);

if Pos('Search Results - Rotten Tomatoes', HTML) > 0 then begin
Result := prList;

end else
 if Pos(' - Rotten Tomatoes</title>', HTML) > 0 then
    ParseMovie(URL, HTML);

Mode := NextMode(Mode);
if Mode <> smFinished then
Result := prDownload
Result := prFinished;

Mode := smSearch;
for ELI := Low(ExtraLinks) to High(ExtraLinks) do
ExtraLinks[ELI] := '';

Rottentomatoes script is attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:27:38 pm »
I took a look at that, what you ask, but as far as I see, it will not work.
I use Firefox and there is a similar Greasemonkey script
  shows the same as Chrome extension.

I'll explain for example Casablanca (1942) movie:

So one as another extension in Casablanca (1942) movie for IMDB,  leaves no piece of code in the source code page, that this could be used for example, Imdb Movie script.

It is possible (maybe, we'll see) it would be well done RT script for Casablanca (1942) movie on RT (and other movies).

I wonder which part of the rating you are interested in:
first, second or both of the percentages, or anything else.

Maybe will then simple RT script written to the end of the week.

Feature Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for Ivek23
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:06:33 pm »
No, I do not mind. I need a bit more time for a little more detailed look into this. It is also true, it will be a bit less time to the end of this week. When I know more, I will messages.

When downloaded it actually comes down as Imdb+Movie.psf not "Imdb Movie.psf"

It's impossible. Normal transfer is  "Imdb Movie.psf" or "Imdb Movie" file (checked - attached image).

According to:
Have you changed the name of scripts?
Original name of the script is: Imdb Movie.psf
Yes Thanks this is the problem.  When downloaded it actually comes down as Imdb+Movie.psf not "Imdb Movie.psf" as you stated so I simply deleted the '+' sign instead of replacing it with a space.

So here is was the small problem and glad that is solved.

Thanks Ivek23

Welcome once again.

Now the IMDB rating and votes are updating with only one step.

Simple solutions in a single step.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I advise you to imdb + Imdb Movie.batch open the file with Notepad and carefully check the following line:
Code: [Select]
TYPE=2This is also important because, if instead number 2 there any other number, the imdb + Imdb Movie.batch invisible or also maybe visible.

The above is basically self explanatory.  I put ImdbMovie.psf in the Scripts folder. I put imdb+Imdb Movie.batch in the Plugins folder. I set IMDB [EN] for movie information as default because as your picture it shows IMDB + Imdb Movie Scr as a selectable item, but I don't get this at all to show in Preferences\Plugins screen.

I do not understand what you mean by that
but I don't get this at all to show in Preferences\Plugins screen.
Can anyone help explain to this problem?

I even tried downloading the zip file for placed the above mentioned files as explained above, and copied over the IMDB.dll to update to v0.9.8.5, left all plugins and scripts as they were.  But still IMDB + Imdb Movie Scr... does not show up.
So how can I select it if its not there?

Have you changed the name of scripts?
Original name of the script is: Imdb Movie.psf
If the name of the script such as you wrote here: ImdbMovie.psf ,
you imdb + Imdb Movie.batch file will not be in any case visible and will not work. Even in pvdconf.ini file you will not find imdb + Imdb Movie.batch.

I advise you to imdb + Imdb Movie.batch open the file with Notepad and carefully check the following line:
Code: [Select]
EXECUTE=imdb.dll|Imdb Movie.psfand compare Imdb Movie.psf with your name on the script.
If the names are exactly the same, the error elsewhere, otherwise change the
one of these names and overwrite the other name with exactly the same name (do it in imdb + Imdb Movie Batch file or by Imdb Movie.psf).

For IMDB [EN] I have selected IMDB Votes as the Custom field for votes.  Made changes to the Classic Movie and Classic Movie Tabs skins so IMDB Votes are displayed.  But for what ever reason, this IMDB + Imdb Movie Scr is not too be seen.

It has nothing to do with imdb + Imdb Movie Batch file, whether it is visible or invisible.

Is there an way with XP Pro I can edit the pvdconf.ini file found within the \%UserName%\Applications\Persoanal Video Dadabase folder even though IMDB + Imdb Movie Scr... is not showing up as an item to be selected?

If imdb + Imdb Movie Batch file is invisible, even in pvdconf.ini file you will not find, as is said already with this:
Even in pvdconf.ini file you will not find imdb + Imdb Movie.batch.

Thanks ivek203


I downloaded the and extracted imdb+Imdb Movie.batch to the plugins directory of PVD but how to invoke it to get it to work?

I do not understand completely what you mean by this. Can you explain more about it.

Code: [Select]
NAME=IMDB+Imdb Movie script
DESC=Get movies information from
EXECUTE=imdb.dll|Imdb Movie.psf
If one of the files that are included in the batch file is not in the Plugin or Script folder. Batch file is not visible and does not work.

Batch file works like this:
First Imdb plugin, then Imdb Movie script.

Plugins in Preferences shows the imdb+allmovie selection and there is a imdb+allmovie.batch file in the plugins directory.
Within the plugins directory I also have in addition to yours and the allmovies one listed above aimdb+kinopoisk.batch and a imdb+kinopoisk_people.batch file but in the plugins under preferences there is also no listing for anything to do with kinopoisk.

If I have understood correctly, interfere with Batch files that are associated with kinopoisk script, which probably do not work because they are web sites problematic for data transfer, especially for non-Russian users of their services (I have a lot of experience in this, because these web sites I use to download movie posters and photos of people).

Nostra could explain more about this.

Advice for Batch file or kinopoisk script:
can be deleted or more it is recommended to move to a new folder.

[attachment deleted by admin]

It works, thx alot ivek23

Welcome to the forum, b145a .


 Thanks a lot for stepping in Ivek23 !!


Thank you Ivek23 for the script.
I reverted back to and it works.


For anyone wondering how to use it, follow this:

1. Place the script in the script folder.
2. Download the IMDB Data for new movies normally with IMDB [EN] set as the Default Plugin for Getting Movie Information.
2. In Preferences change the Default Plugin for getting Movie Information to Imdb Movie Script.
3. Select all the movies you would like to update the IMDB ratings for then use the button on top '[EN] Get Movie Information from (Ctrl+Alt+I)'

But if your like me and have made changes to the Skin to insert the IMDB Votes as a custom selection then you will have to once again now change back to IMDB [EN] as the Default plugin for getting movie information and then rescan all these movies once again to put back in the IMDB Votes for the above will take them away. So this would mean having to scan the movies 3 times instead of just the 1 time.

It is true, but there is a simple solution to just 1x rescan all movies, this is the imdb + Imdb Movie Batch file, which unzip and then is copied to the Plugins folder.

For the Imdb votes,  is disabled.

Script and Batch file is attached here.

Until Nostra returns and update Imdb plugin, here is the current solution for Imdb rating. Here is the Imdb Movie script, which I have already mentioned.

Currently it works:
  • search results
and data transfer:
  • URL
  • Imdb rating
  • Imdb votes
Imdb Movie script:
Now, Imdb votes is disabled.

Imdb Movie(1) script:
Currently it works:
  • search results
and data transfer:
  • URL
  • Imdb rating
  • Imdb votes
  • ImdbID
  • Top 250
Imdb Movie(1) script:
Now, Imdb votes again is enabled.

Scripts are from now on to here.

Scripts is attached here.

I updated to with your link above but still, the IMDB rating does not change when I rescan (Ctrl+Alt+I) for movies I already tried to get the IMDB rating for.  So is the problem suppose to be fixed? or Not?

Your update on does not solve problems with IMDb plugin. You will need to wait for the Nostra, to return and that he will do an update for IMDb plugin.

Can you perhaps briefly explain what the difference are between v0.9.9.21 and

For other scripts and plugins is not the best solution or an option. is for scripts used especially for better operation to transfer information and posters for movies and people with these scripts (proxymithron - I hope that I wrote correctly, otherwise someone correct me).

The link to download is primarily for those who use the stable version and scripts to transfer information and posters for movies and people.

BTW: Maybe I'll do this month (or as soon as possible when the time possible) Imdb script for additional information. Since less important additional information is not added, IMDb plugin additional information does not transfer. There will probably added also Imdb rating and Imdb votes.

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