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Topics - Robbie62

Pages: [1]
Feature Suggestions / Usability for Disabled People
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:32:33 am »
I have set up PVD for a disabled person who is limited to using a stick in his mouth and a keyboard (no mouse control at all).

Would it be possible to map the Play Video button and also the 'Seen' checkbox (as a toggle) to two of the unused function keys so he can play a video and then select it as 'seen'  to track which movies he has watched? Play video currently has a short cut key combination but, of course, he cannot press two keys at once.

Also a delete movie from the database function key, which also removes the actual movie file, would be very helpful, but not as essential as the first two. This is so he can remove those movies he didn't like and clear space to add more movies down the track without one of us having to sit down and go through every movie to see which he liked and which he didn't, in order to delete them, to make more space for newer movies.

He really doesn't need any more functionality than that.

Thanks kindly in advance.

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