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Messages - Pacifist

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Support / Re: IMDb
« on: October 28, 2020, 10:53:22 am »
How can I make sure that the IMDB scripts do not span two posters? Moreover, they are absolutely the same !!! What settings should the scripts have? Script versions have been updated to the latest. Thanks.

I will make tables for plug-ins and scripts in the near future, if they are still useful and in what way and with what (which program) they work.

I am currently busy with several script projects at once and also the new coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is taking up a lot of my time. There may be more time in the fall-winter period to prepare this for all PVD users.

Thanks. Are looking forward to.  :) I wish you great health!!!

Support / Re: How do you do series?
« on: October 10, 2020, 08:32:38 am »
P.S. Can't you collect all the scripts and updates to them in one place, please? ??? ??? ???

Something like your request you already have it in the Script Links board.
Thank You!!!  :D

Support / Re: How do you do series?
« on: October 07, 2020, 10:23:19 am »
Unfortunately, information about the creators of the film (TV series) is not imported from the IMDB website! The script for the site TheMovieDB generally displays the message "No results"!!!!  :'(
Thank You!!

The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script correctly to download all information for your Glitch Tehch title of series (see sshot-55) with for me.

As for TheMovieDB pages, however, TheMovieDB_ [EN] [API] script transfers information only to movie titles, but does not download information or display search results for series titles.
The tmdb.dll plugin will to display search results or will to download information for titles of series only to with using Proxomitron.

Yes, thanks for reminding me of the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020).psf script. But this script never learned to download information about the number of seasons and episodes for TV series (! Pic 1). P.S. for the series "SCRUBS" nothing was downloaded at all !!! (! pic 2) P.P.S. Right during a conversation with you, information about TV series has completely stopped loading. :-(

IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) scripts does not transfer number of seasons and episodes. This requires an IMDB Movie (episodelist) script or TheTVDB.dll plugin, which works using a proxomitron.

The IMDB Movie (episodelist) script and more detailed explanations can be found at the link below.,4044.msg21078.html#msg21078

The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script correctly to download all information for the "SCRUBS" series (see sshot-56).

Thanks. Something happened with the program settings. Reinstalling the program helped. The information began to be updated again. What could have happened that caused the information to stop being imported? I do not understand. Sorry. :-(
P.S. Can't you collect all the scripts and updates to them in one place, please? ??? ??? ???

Support / Re: How do you do series?
« on: October 06, 2020, 01:57:17 pm »
Unfortunately, information about the creators of the film (TV series) is not imported from the IMDB website! The script for the site TheMovieDB generally displays the message "No results"!!!!  :'(
Thank You!!

The IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) script correctly to download all information for your Glitch Tehch title of series (see sshot-55) with for me.

As for TheMovieDB pages, however, TheMovieDB_ [EN] [API] script transfers information only to movie titles, but does not download information or display search results for series titles.
The tmdb.dll plugin will to display search results or will to download information for titles of series only to with using Proxomitron.

Yes, thanks for reminding me of the IMDB_ [EN] [HTTPS] (series) (Miguelh1020).psf script. But this script never learned to download information about the number of seasons and episodes for TV series (! Pic 1). P.S. for the series "SCRUBS" nothing was downloaded at all !!! (! pic 2) P.P.S. Right during a conversation with you, information about TV series has completely stopped loading. :-(

Support / Re: How do you do series?
« on: October 03, 2020, 11:41:18 am »
Unfortunately, information about the creators of the film (TV series) is not imported from the IMDB website! The script for the site TheMovieDB generally displays the message "No results"!!!!  :'(
Thank You!!

Support / Re: https script
« on: July 03, 2020, 09:04:59 am »
TheTVDB plugin now only works with Proxomitron, so below is the code for Proxomitron, which you will add to the default.cfg file under " [HTTP headers] ". The entire default.cfg file will also be added.

Thank you, very much!

Support / Re: https script
« on: June 28, 2020, 09:03:10 am »
Sorry for my "French" (Google translate) ;), but neither the new script for cinema search from the English branch (pic2.jpg), nor the new update from Djek-Ural :( (it didn’t work at all for me). If you don’t touch the captcha problem, then in the previous version of the script for KP, you only need to fix the problems with loading the year of release of the film, its genre, Country of production, Original language, and most importantly, change the source of import of information FOR SERIES. They moved to the section SERIES / 1198083 /. Although is displayed in the search line. The problem with the series is the biggest (after captcha). None of the scripts, both from Russian and English, are branches. it’s not pulling episodes, even the new imdb_episode, which used to be made up with the TheTVDB plugin, but they changed something there too and now we see "IOHandler value is not value".
P.S. Now in the Russian branch you have to use PVD (MOD) -> a bunch of TheMovieDB + IMDB (HTTPS) -> manually (in order to bypass the captcha) import the rating, number of votes and Russian description from the KP.

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