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Messages - svenne

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Ok, I just made the "tag cloud" backlink permanent...

- bugfix ;): newlines were treated as white space...
- new feature ;D: when navigating on a list filtered by tag cloud a backlink to the tag cloud will appear on the upper right corner. It will disappear if tag cloud filter is not active anymore (after "show all entries", for example)


HTML Frames:

- new feature: pimpHTMLframesExport.exe will scan the tag fields, too, and add a tag cloud now (which afterwards can be reached by a link "navigate by tag cloud..." on the initial HTML page of your exported data). Genres and categories are incorporated into the tag cloud as well. Additionally the most frequently appearing actors and directors will find their way into the tag cloud.
There are some options for tag cloud generation. You may alter them in file "tags.ptx":
processtags - if 0 then tags are ignored and not incorporated into the tag cloud
processgenres - if 0 then genres are ignored and not incorporated into the tag cloud
processcategories -  if 0 then categories are ignored and not incorporated into the tag cloud
numberofmostprominentactors - tells pimpHTMLframesExport.exe how many actors should show up in the tag cloud
numberofmostprominentdirectors - tells pimpHTMLframesExport.exe how many directors should show up in the tag cloud
prefixforpersons - you can add a prefix for actors and directors, default is "Person: " (so Alfred Hitchcock would appear as "Person: Alfred Hitchcock" in the tag cloud).

- bugfix: an unwanted ">" appeared with languages of audio streams (at least in the english template)

- bugfix: the menues sometimes did not disapear as they ought to (when clicking somewhere else)

HTML List and HTML Frames:

- date problem fixed (I hope so ;) ): resorting by "Date added" or "show newest 25 entries" could have unexpected results (since date format in Personal Video Database depends on your system settings and the export template could not handle them all). A better approach for recognizing different date formats is used now. Should be quite reliable, but if you still encounter some kind of strange sort behaviour, please let me know. By the way: Even with previous versions of the templates, if the exported HTML files work well on your computer they will work fine even if transferred to a computer with different regional settings, no matter what. Problems occured due to the regional settings at the time of export, only.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:54:31 pm »
Yes, I'm from germany.
When installed I set the language in PVD to English
Me too.
Which PVD version do you use? or Beta? Perhaps there's a difference? Elsewise it might be the Windows version or the Windows language version?
For now, I will have to do lots of other work... :( but soon I will test different system settings to see if they have an effect...

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:38:34 pm »
There are at least two... on my computer it's hh:mm:ss

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:28:21 pm »
Yikes... the firebird database (PVD uses this) seems to have it's own set of standard date formats:

So, if I would support the third one, too, would the template work all over the world then?

Nostra might know more about that... Nostra? HEELLLLLP!  ;)

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:46:47 pm »
So the template now can handle 'multi date formats'?
No, only the two formats mentioned.
It is too difficult to determine wether the format is dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy...  :-\
I will see if there is a possibility to read out the system's settings or to get the date from PVD as seconds since 1970 or something like that...

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:25:14 pm »
Ok, got it! :)
The date's format seems to be dependent on system settings.  ::)  The template could only handle the format... hh:mm:ss
...but not...
m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss [AM/PM]

Just saw that my templates also will not process the timestamp down to the second, but to the minute. But I think that should be sufficient.

So, here are the new versions. Hope it works fine now.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:09:09 pm »
Ok, the error shown when switching tabs has nothing to do with the export template and I don't think it has an effect on it.
Try to reload the exported HTML page and see if there are errors in the error console (don't mind two or three warnings showing up). If there aro no additional errors the javascript part seems to work.

By the way, "Show newest 25 entries" would have no effect if "Date Added" (including the time stamp down to the second!) is the same for all exported database entries.
I changed the export templates now. With the new versions, even in this case, only 25 entries should be displayed. Try it. Can the list be trimmed down to 25 entries, now? Than at least the javascript does it's job. But the main problem (the javascript function still being not able to discriminate between newer and older entries) would persist. If you want to you might send me a PM with the exported list (for smaller size leave out the images folder) and I will try to identify the error.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 28, 2012, 09:14:05 pm »
Are there problems in "HTML List" or "HTML Frames" or in both? Doesn't happen anything at all?
Both work fine for me on IE and firefox.
"Show newest 25 entries" should display the last 25 movie records added to your database (this refers to the field "Date added" in Personal Video Database).
Do you use firefox? Then type Ctrl+Shift+J. The error console pops up. Delete the log, retry "show all" and "show newest 25 entries" and tell me if errors show up.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: February 21, 2012, 04:27:42 pm »
The code looks confusing. But it is not as complicated as it seems. There also is a newline character that might add to confusion...
Ok, we want to have some HTML code exported along with a value (whenever it is not empty)...

The exported HTML code should look like this:

  <h2>Header a</h2><p>Value a</p>\n
  <h2>Header b</h2><p>
Value b</p>\n
  <h2>Header c</h2><p>Value c</p>\n

Note that I added \n to visualize the newline characters.
The blue HTML code is the one associated with {%value=b}. It should be added to {%value=b} if not empty.

We can use ConditionAdd to add the trailing </p> to the value:
{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=b}' '</p>'}

(<> '' = "if it is not empty")

If  {%value=b} is empty then the whole statement will result in an empty string. So we can use ConditionAddFirst with that statement in the same manner to add the other part of the HTML code:
{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=b}' '</p>'}' '\n  <h2>Header b</h2><p>'}

Remember: \n is a newline character. So in fact the code looks like this:
Code: [Select]
{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=b}' '</p>'}' '
  <h2>Header b</h2><p>'}

Let‘s add this to the example given in the beginning. It must be added directly to the previous HTML line:

  <h2>Header a</h2><p>{%value=a}</p>{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=b}' '</p>'}' '
  <h2>Header b</h2><p>'}

  <h2>Header c</h2><p>{%value=c}</p>

The same code without colors:
Code: [Select]
  <h2>Header a</h2><p>{%value=a}</p>{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=b}' '</p>'}' '
  <h2>Header b</h2><p>'}
  <h2>Header c</h2><p>{%value=c}</p>

Any idea what was changed since your last export?
Since {%value...} and %fname% was not replaced by PWD’s export engine there might be a more severe problem... not only affecting the files folder.
Aren't there problems with other export templates, too?

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:40:28 am »
You're welcome! :)
...movieiframe.ptm (...) conditional statements (...) [viewdate] (...) [rating] (...) [imdbrating]...
I didn't forget about that. Will be addressed soon...

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:38:31 pm »
To have the viewdate appear above 'Original Title' replace the following line (quite at the end of "HTML Print Layout.ptm", line 275)
Code: [Select]
      <h3 class="genre">Genre</h3><p class="genre">{#StringReplace '{%value=genre}' '{%value=genre}' '('}{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=genre}' ')'}</p>{#StringReplace '{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=origtitle}' '</p>'}' 'with
Code: [Select]
      <h3 class="genre">Genre</h3><p class="genre">{#StringReplace '{%value=genre}' '{%value=genre}' '('}{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=genre}' ')'}</p>{#StringReplace '{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=viewdate}' '</p>'}' '
      <h3>Seen Date</h3><p>'}' '
      <h3>Seen Date</h3><p>{%value=title}</p>' ''}{#StringReplace '{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=origtitle}' '</p>'}' '
It looks complicated because of the StringReplace statements. I added those so that empty fields (including their headers) aren't displayed at all. Here, I made viewdate behave the same way now.

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: January 18, 2012, 01:18:38 pm »
After export (when opened in your browser) the functions are integrated into the menu on the right... Did you replace the old plugin in .\Plugins\Templates\?

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:02:56 pm »
Hi lch,

I added two additional functions to print layout now:

- you can set maximal poster dimensions (max-width, max-height)
- you can trim the actors lists to a maximal number of entries

I think I won't add the viewdate now (the idea rick mentioned was to include this and the personal rating, not too bad... but I'm short on time now. Perhaps I will add this in february, combined with a function that allows to show or hide it).

But if you tell me where you want the viewdate to show up (just below the title? Or below the file specs?) I will tell you where you'd have to add what line... It won't be complicated, I promise!  ;)

Solved, I'd think... ;) I changed my templates according to your proposal:,1844.msg14395.html#msg14395

Also I don't understand why the generated index pages the titles aren't in an alphabetic order...
(At least with my templates...) The title index will be sorted the way it was in PVD when you invoked the export.
In Web Pages(Index&Movies).ptm or any other template you can resemble this by removing explicit sort commands. In Web Pages(Index&Movies).ptm you would remove
Code: [Select]

There still is an issue with titles beginning with uppercase/lowercase letters or special characters. As a workaround for the "HTML Frames" template you may copy the titles from the index file (in your browser), start Excel, insert them into the first column. Then take a text editor (like notepad) and cut all <li>...</li>-lines below <div id="list"> from the (exported) HTML source code. Paste them into the second column in Excel. Let Excel sort everything alphabetically according to the first column's data and reinsert the sorted <li>...</li>-lines
back into the HTML source.

Hi fejao,
if...else would be nice, of course...  ;)  However, things can be done with #StringReplace. It looks a little bit more complicated, though. The file of interest is movieiframe.ptm...
Code: [Select]
{#StringReplace '{#ConditionAddFirst <> '' '{#ConditionAdd <> '' '{%value=origtitle}' '</p>'}' '
  <h2>Original Title</h2><p id="otitle">'}' '
  <h2>Original Title</h2><p id="otitle">{%value=title}

The statement will be processed from inner to outer {}-brackets. Newlines within single quotes are treated just as newline characters.
#StringReplace... will replace the whole thing with an empty string if <h2>Original Title</h2><p id="otitle">{%value=origtitle}</p> equals <h2>Original Title</h2><p id="otitle">{%value=title}</p>.
#ConditionAdd... and #ConditionAddFirst... are for the case that the "original title" field is empty in the first place. Any HTML code that would be associated with it should then be omitted.

- I updated all of the templates: "HTML Frames", "HTML List", and "HTML Print Layout".
- I changed the behaviour of the menu in "HTML List" as I already did with "HTML Frames".

Scripts and Templates / Re: Export template: HTML List (English + German)
« on: October 28, 2011, 01:49:27 am »
You're welcome! Thanks for the kudos!  :)

Feature Suggestions / Re: New version? [1.0.0 to be released in 2011]
« on: October 23, 2011, 09:48:08 am »
Sounds great anyway! I was afraid this project already might be abandoned... :-\  Coding is a (spare) time consuming matter...
So then, do we abolish the plan of kidnapping nostra and tying him to a computer in some dirty rotten earthhole to code us a new version 'till christmas? ??? ;D

New versions:
- HTML Frames: I changed the behaviour of the menus. Now they disappear if you click somewhere else on the page. Found it quite annoying that I could only get rid of them by choosing something or pressing the "Further options..." button again.
- writers, composers and producers will be exported if the fields in Personal Video Database are not empty
- pimpHTMLframesExport processes exported credits for writers, composers and producers
- nonalphanumeric characters in the language field should not be a problem anymore

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