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Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 21, 2009, 10:50:47 am »
If I was him I would want to maintain control over how it was presented to the public...

That's fine, and he will always be the ultimate authority. But expecting the exercise of that control will have any particular positive outcome is like expecting to be able to herd cats. Cats, however, can be led. But I'm not even suggesting it's up to nostra to lead. This is his hobby, which I assume he expects to enjoy without undue stress, and it hopefully comes after his family, friends and real job. Perhaps the most important leadership should coming from the users—to ensure we are collectively acting in a way that ensures our developer is not overwhelmed with things that need to be "controlled," and is having too much fun to ever wonder whether his efforts are worthwhile.

Not sure what determines if a pages is added to the contents or not.

That's an optional feature cwdean is working on. The layout of pages in the form of a manual (or book or whatever) has to be configured manually. All the system can do is put the pages in alphabetic order (or hits, date modified, etc).

A few little niggly bits I've noticed so far...

Thanks! My routine of downloading from two sources is concealing some bugs.

1. Box Office doesn't format correctly in the standard field. Works fine as a "short text" custom entry

Yes, I started with a custom field, but then decided I would prefer to use the standard. So I reverted to nostra's code. A simple dollar figure seems to work. But "$106,260,000/ Top grossing film of 1979" becomes "1,062,600,009" (!) Obviously the standard field is numeric. So I added the "+ 1" in the following:

Code: [Select]
//Box office
 curPos := PosFrom('<span>Box office</span>', HTML, EndPos);
 if curPos > 0 then begin
  curPos := PosFrom('<li>', HTML, curPos) + 5;
  EndPos := PosFrom('</li>', HTML, curPos);
  TmpStr := Copy(HTML, curPos, EndPos - curPos);
  curPos := Pos('/', TmpStr);
  if curPos > 0 then
   Delete(TmpStr, curPos, Length(TmpStr) - curPos + 1);     <-----
  curPos := Pos(':', TmpStr);
  if curPos > 0 then
   Delete(TmpStr, curPos, Length(TmpStr) - curPos + 1);     <-----
  AddFieldValueXML('money', TmpStr);

I don't really understand the code (imagine a monkey banging on the keyboard :-[ ), so I'm not sure if that's an appropriate modification, although it seems to work for ones I can find. Allmovies doesn't seem to have much box office data—which is why I decided against an additional custom field. :-\

2. Your MPAA + Reason formatting works okay, but if there is no reason listed, you get an output of "Rated M for ." etc

Yes, just being lazy here. I only use this a backup to IMDb, which normally have exactly the same data (that's where the "Rated X for ..." format comes from). I couldn't be bothered fixing it for the rare case where IMDb would not have the data, and allmovie would have the rating but not the reason. Still, just fixing it would be easier than making excuses...

Code: [Select]
//MPAA Reasons
 TmpStr1 := HTMLValues(HTML, '<span>MPAA Reasons</span>', '</table>', '<li>', '</li>', ', ', EndPos);
 if (TmpStr1 = '') AND (TmpStr2 <> '') then
 AddFieldValue(mfMPAA, 'Rated ' + TmpStr2);
 if (TmpStr1 <> '') AND (TmpStr2 <> '') then
 AddFieldValue(mfMPAA, 'Rated ' + TmpStr2 + ' ' + TmpStr1 + '.');

...well, maybe not. I think that does it, but I'm not sure. :-\

3. I added support for the "Region" field in AMG.

I think that the one that only occurred in 2% of my movies—so I deleted it. There are a number of such obscure items. The site design is very annoying. Tags like that are usually linked to a page with a definition of the term and/or a list of movies with the tag value, but there's no other way to access those pages. In other words, I have to know of a movie tagged with a region before I can find out anything about that tag. To enumerate a few examples...

854: From Play
855: From Poem By
856: From Poem
857: From Screenplay By
858: From Screenplay
860: From Story
861: Lampoons "Name" (?)
862: Location
862: Movie Budget
862: Recognizable Quote...

Sorry—thought I might find "Region" or something interesting if I kept going. I think they're on drugs, or just want to piss-off script writers. ;)

If only we had the entire list of tags and they appeared on the page in tag number order (they don't), that would be a more reliable way to reference these items, and perhaps aggregate some of them into something useful. For example, the "From" ones could be combined into one field populated with "From book ____",  "From play ____", etc. )I combined Book and Story, but I couldn't find the rest.)

4. I seem to get a rating of 10 for every movie... must have a closer look.

Their rating tend to be generous, but that's not right. I don't know why this may cause you a problem, but note the script is using a custom field, rather than the usual (i.e., as in nostra's version) Other rating field.

I'm not sure if it was you or Nostra who added the Reviews and Production Credits functionality, but that's awesome

That would be nostra. I'm hoping you'll study his technique and use it to grab the "Similar Works" entries from the Overview page and save them as Connections. While it wouldn't be quite as useful, it would nevertheless be super-awesome! Besides, there's nothing left to grab, so this one's yours. ;D

Rick, this is great - thanks for sharing.

You're welcome. It was painful, but I figured it was my turn. ;)

Just wondering, do you mainly use allmovies for your metadata?

I use both IMDb and allmovies together—usually run in a batch. IMDb goes first, because it is generally more complete. I let it handle all the people. You can see from my documentation where I use allmovie data to overwrite standard fields which may have been populated by the IMDb plugin. The rest goes into custom fields. As you probably know from doing this yourself, my approach in modifying the script was just to grab whatever I could from the stuff listed in the right-hand column of the page. I do actually have all those custom fields in my database, but only for the sake of being complete. The data elements I appreciate most are the Synopsis and Review (my original reason for going to allmovies), Tones (which I find gives a really good indication of how a movie feels), and perhaps Attributes. The rest is nice to have, but not critical.

My preferences and my skin design probably feed off each other. With that in mind, I'll attach some screenshots so you can see what I mean. We don't yet (as of have the ability to change the placement of custom fields—they're still just dumped into the custom section of the skin. This is why I'm very deliberately placing some allmovie data into standard fields—so I can place them where I want them in my skin. Also, you may note most of the list data goes into Multiselect list fields, even thought they may look better as List or String fields. This is because I don't care so much about looking at them—I'd rather have them take up less space, and be used primarily as a means of grouping.

When I was doing this before, I suppose it got a bit unwieldy. Redoing the script, however, forced me to rethink what I was doing and why. Now it seems to work quite well. I do have to make sure my Overwrite field settings are correct—and stay that way. That can be nuisance when a plugin or script is used for more than one thing (e.g., movies and series). BTW, I think I have nostra partially committed to implementing my fix for that in version 2.0. ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 21, 2009, 03:08:08 am »
While this approach maybe adaptable to a Wiki where posts are mostly of high value, it is contrary to the requirements of an online forum.

My suggestion is in no way intended to address the "requirements of an online forum." It is for one special-purpose forum (among the many on the board). Its sole purpose would be to provide a communication link between the two groups.

However looking through the posts I do get a fairly good impression of the issues being discussed and who writes constructive post.

You've already demonstrated a method for translating foreign-language web pages so you can read them. I agree, one can get a vague idea of what is being discussed. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I find it difficult to imagine machine-translation facilitating actual communication between participants of different languages—especially on technical issues. Can you provide examples of software-support forums that work this way?

nostra can delegate to the degree he is comfortable with but should still be in control. Unfortunately management takes time even when well set up and your workers are keen.

Effective management has nothing to do with control or time. The best possible situation nostra could wish for is a healthy, vibrant user community that takes care of itself.

Within the forum environment that would mean an untranslated thread could have posts in many languages, but all would be machine translated to each users native language.

Okay, maybe I can imagine this—on the basis there are always many conversations going on, and users already decide which ones they want to participate in. So if one chooses not to participate in a Russian conversation because they're unsure of the translation, that's no different than not participating because it's too technical, or simply not a topic of interest.

So if that is a viable option, all the more reason we should try to establish a dialog between the two groups.

However... it doesn't look like SMF offers a solution. I was searching their forum—without luck—and then came across the Language Specific Support section of their forum. This is a collection of child forums for different languages. If that's how they handle multiple languages, I doubt SMF will do it your way.

I would like to see a human translation of the current version of each wiki page when available. If not a machine translated version of the most recent issue of the page or the last human translated English version of the page (toggle between).

The TikiWiki designers apparently agree with me—machine translation is not an effective substitute for human translation. In keeping with the very nature and purpose of a wiki, users are expected to add pages in their own language. Even if understandable, the existence of machine-generated page would discourage them from doing so. They can, however, almost instantly view a machine translation of a page in the editor—where, of course, they are expected to "clean it up" for the benefit of other users of their language. Our wiki already has all the pages written by cwdean translated into Russian.

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 20, 2009, 09:37:07 pm »
Looks like I've somehow stirred up a hornet's nest.

Hey, we're movie buffs. Today it's drama, tomorrow it's comedy...  :( :D

As for the rest of your post, I agree completely. I appreciate both your intent, and all the effort you've put into this.

I'm not sure about the Tikipedia theme (except for the logo, of course ;) )—while more pleasing overall, I wonder if it will be more difficult because the details don't stand out as well. How do you find it from a maintenance point-of-view? Are all the same features there? Does it require a lot of things to be changed so it works?

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 20, 2009, 09:05:36 pm »
In the mean time, I just found a new support forum for PVD.

Trying to read and understand such a translation seems to demonstrate...

all posts need to be automatically translated not feasible. Unless your goal is to start WWIII. ;)

is going to take significant input from nostra to achieve

...which is completely counter-productive. This is something for the user community to resolve—with a primary objective being to relieve an over-worked and under-paid developer of the responsibility so he can focus on... development.

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 19, 2009, 09:40:19 pm »
Having two wikis is definitely not practical.

The issue is bigger than that. I've always been amazed that you're able to service two user groups, making each feel they are "it"—to the point of each forgetting the other exists. But what's happening now is clearly a symptom of this "two worlds" approach. One of the most important purposes of a user-created-and-maintained wiki was to remove that burden from you. Now you're slipping toward the role of referee between groups of feuding geeks who can't even talk to each other.

You might hope this will be resolved by your decision as to which wiki to use. But I think there are two better choices. One is to continue with the "two worlds" approach, and let each user group do its own thing. The other is to find some way to get the two groups communicating, and ask them to work out their differences. I prefer the second approach, especially considering building a truly international wiki reminds us all our "world" is not the only one, and gets everyone focused on communication/translation issues.

I have to wonder... If we were one group using one forum in one language, would the result be the same? I don't think so. I can't imagine anyone reading cwdean's introduction to the wiki and responding, "Bullshit! Your engine sucks, your site is slow and your wiki will never be what I want it to be—so I'm going to make my own! BTW, may I have your content?" But that's not what happened. As far as I can tell, the Russian group was not given that introduction, nor were they given an opportunity to discuss the implementation of a wiki ahead of time. Neither were users here, but that's beside my point ;) —which is this situation could have been avoided with a little trust and communication.

Now I don't know if this line of reasoning is going anywhere near a practical solution. I certainly do not want you spending any time on it (BTW, when will 0.9.9 be finished?). But perhaps there's a user who is fluent in Russian and English who would be willing to facilitate some communication between the two groups. They could be a moderator of a forum in which they provide a translation of each message. I don't know if this is an option in SMF, but it might be the type of forum where nothing is posted until it is "approved" by the moderator (in this case, in order to add the translation). It would also be nice if SMF could be configured to display or mirror one forum on the two boards. Otherwise, the moderator would have to repost all original messages to the other forum. A moderator could easily be overwhelmed with this sort of arrangement. But it might work if there were limits placed on topics discussed, and perhaps on the number of posts (although requiring moderator approval would put a damper on that).

Now here's an irony: Another long-winded post for you to deal with when you should be coding. Maybe you can Google Translate it, post it on the Russian board, and let them deal with it. ;D

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 19, 2009, 07:12:00 am »
Sure. (I need to find some time and post detailed instructions for scripting, templates and skins)
Here are the Date/time functions:

Thanks! I've "fixed" my script. My date Updated field will be somewhat redundant with Last modified, but it might be useful to have a separate date for when the AllMovie+ script was last run.

Detailed instructions would be nice, but when you spoon-feed me like this, my head is less likely to explode. :D

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 19, 2009, 07:00:09 am »
Now adds current date to Updated field.

The updated script is attached to my original message above.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 19, 2009, 02:17:03 am »
It is possible to fill any field with a script.

I need to be more careful with that word, "possible." Consider it my contribution to your "Things to think about doing when I have nothing better to think about doing" TODO list. ;)

The "last modified" field will be available in

Great! I assume that will be a field the program will update whenever a plugin or script adds any information to the record.

Should I still want to get the current date in a script, however, is a date function available?

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:54:57 pm »
And now back to my questions... ;)
Is a date function available? I would like to be able to save the current date in a custom Date updated field.

Now that I'm running out of new things to add, I'm eyeing the Similar Works section (under Plot Synopsis). Is it possible to grab that list and add the movies to PVD's Connections (as a separate section, I suppose)—or is that beyond the scope of a script?

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:48:50 pm »
Yes, that why nostra said "The problems with search results will be fixed in the program itself a bit later." I don't know why, but it's obviously not something that can be addressed in the script itself.

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:43:22 pm »
One of them has already a DokuWiki set up.

Oh, well. Maybe the competition will help. :-\

Hmmm... Maybe that's why Reset is cranking-out page translations at an astonishing rate! ;D

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:19:10 pm »
I am now going by cwdean at both sites...

Is there a story behind your avatar? It looks a lot like a "Starlock" to me.  ;D

added a Site Language listbox that will allow you to dynamically change the language of the site

That's better!

added Online users listbox so that visitors will know who is currently online

Hope you don't mind... I moved that so it appears above the Shoutbox—so we know who we're shouting at. ;)

When I log in, the Babelfish section disappears and is replaced with "Babelfish (debug): Fatal error."

Changing my language preference from Default to English seems to have resolved this. If you can determine that only admins are affected, it's probably safe to ignore the matter.

The Babelfish options appear to be "fixed," in that they don't adapt to language preference. So there's no translation to English.

I should point out, BTW, this feature just translates the entire page using an external service. It must be quite apart from the function of translating a page into another language. I haven't actually tried that, but I assume that's fully integrated—text is translated and tags are preserved, etc.

cwdean, is it possible to make UI look more like Wikipedia? I have got a number of complaints about wiki design from our users...

It's difficult to believe anyone just casually wants something that is not MediaWiki to look like Wikipedia. Are the complaints not really about the selection of software? Perhaps you could diplomatically explain a wiki is finally happening because cwdean volunteered to take it on. Obviously, he has chosen to use the software he is comfortable with and prefers. This doesn't mean others are not "right" in preferring something else. They might, however, try to cooperate in giving TikiWiki a fair trial.

If it really is just a "look & feel" issue, maybe we could try the Tikipedia theme. Although I appreciate what cwdean is saying, and would be surprised if this were easy to implement.

Support / Re: PVD Wiki is now online!
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:38:27 am »
How is this going over with our Russian friends? Perhaps we should have assumed they would feel the same about an English wiki as we would about a Russian. That is, fine—as long as it behaves/performs pretty much the same in our native language—otherwise—we may as well do our own. It appears they are actively translating your pages, so maybe they're happy. Since the wiki will maintain pages in multiple languages, I don't suppose that's the issue. But is the quality of the Russian interface acceptable?

A few things I've noticed...

When I log in, the Babelfish section disappears and is replaced with "Babelfish (debug): Fatal error."

The translation links don't include the option to translate to English. I suppose that's logical—it's recognizing the default language is English, so there should be no need to translate to English. But what if I want to translate a Russian page to see if there's something there I might want to add to the English page (I'm sure those guys have cool tips they're not sharing with us!). My workaround for this is to use the following bookmarklet to send the page to Google Translate.

Code: [Select]
javascript:location='' + encodeURIComponent(location);
My default language is I'm unable to test a lot of this.

Hopefully, there will soon be new pages in Russian only that we will need to translate into English. That should give us some idea. The part we can't experience is the quality of the Russian (or other non-English) interface. BTW, if one doesn't understand English, how do they register and change the interface language to their own? Maybe changing the default language to Russian for a time would make a good test. ;)

The AllMovie site has been replaced by AllRovi. See AllRovi movie script.

Attached is my modification of nostra's script to include additional data for custom fields. Essentially, I changed the script to gather as much data as possible from the left-hand column of the "Overview" page. At the beginning of the script, I've documented the additional custom fields necessary to accommodate this data (see below).

Warning: This script uses the standard Category and Tags fields. Ensure your Field overwrite settings are set correctly to avoid conflicts.

All of the 17 custom fields included are optional. Just add the ones you want to Preferences - Movies - Custom items. There is no need to modify the script for fields you choose not to use. The script refers to custom fields by name, so if you use a different name, you will have to change it in the script.

I've done this largely by copying and adapting parts of nostra's script without understanding exactly how or why it works. :-[  So suggestions or comments are welcome. Questions too—I love to share my confusion. ;D

Here's the documentation:

Code: [Select]

 All custom fields are optional. All standard fields can be suppressed using
 Preferences-Plugins-Overwrite fields. If custom names are changed in PVD, they
 must also be changed where they occur in the body of this script. The type of
 custom field used is also somewhat a matter of personal preference. A list which
 is for viewing only will do just as well in a long text as a multiselect field.


Cast Tab Cast memo
Production Credits Tab Production Credits memo
Review Tab Review memo
Run time Original duration number
Work rating AllMovie rating rating
Attributes Attributes multiselect list
MPAA + MPAA Reasons MPAA standard (IMDb is primary source)
Category Work type select list
Color type Color type select list
Types Types multiselect list
Flags Flags multiselect list
Keywords Keywords multiselect list
Themes Category standard  (sole source)
Tones Tags standard  (sole source)
Moods Moods multiselect list
From book (or story) Book short text
Set in Set in multiselect list
Box office Box office standard (IMDb is primary source)
Produced by Studio standard (IMDb is secondary source)
Release (or Premiere) Released short text
Released by Released by short text
    (Date)     Updated        short text

Current version attached:
09/24/2010 – – Modified ParseCast procedure to save entire Cast tab to custom memo field, as well as individual actors.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 16, 2009, 09:32:44 am »
I can assure you that you can install PVD wherever you want, and, if a valid script with a PSF extension is placed in the \Scripts subfolder of that directory, it will be recognized by the program.

QED. Although running it from the desktop is a rather extreme demonstration.  ;)

I don't know why you had a problem over-writing the old script with the new one. If you had used Explorer in detail view, however, you could have easily seen which was which (perhaps Windows changed the extension, so it wouldn't have to overwrite the existing file). Then it would have been a simple matter to delete the old file, and rename the new one. The point of my earlier rant was, in a misguided attempt to make things "easier," Vista obscures straightforward information you need to know and understand in order to maintain your system properly.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 16, 2009, 05:51:06 am »
Re-installing won't help. In any case, no, the installation package does not include this updated script. You need to slow down and try to gain a better understanding of how your operating system works. If it took you "forever" to build your database, you should not be referring to backup as an "option." Sooner or later, your database will become corrupt, and you will not be able to fix it. If you don't have backup, all will be lost. But even backup won't help you if you don't even know where your data and backup files are stored. So...

Use Explorer's details view—so it actually provides some useful information about files and folders. Is the "Movies" folder your PVD installation directory, or is it something else? Do you see viddb.exe there? Navigate to Computer - Hard Drive - Program Files. Do you see a "Personal Video Database" folder there? If so, is viddb.exe there? Does the folder have "Plugins," "Scripts" and "Skins" sub-folders? Are your plugins, scripts and skins there, or only in your "Movies" folder? And—most importantly—where is your data file? Before you do anything else (using Explorer), you need to find that, and make a copy of it. Making a copy of your data file is actually easier, faster and more efficient way to create a backup than the backup feature in the program.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:14:24 am »
I have poor vision, but I live and learn.

Are you aware of the "full page zoom" feature in the current versions of Firefox, Opera and IE? Using that, you can enlarge everything (i.e., images and graphics—like an attachment icon—as well as text). In Firefox, Ctrl++/Ctrl+- enlarge/reduce, or you can put icons on a toolbar to do so.

Scripts and Templates / Re: (movies)
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:40:12 am »
Here is a screen capture.

Uh-oh. I feel a Vista-tantrum coming.  :-X  It's no use...

What the heck is that?! Where are the file extensions? Surely you're not trusting icons to tell you the file type. Is there a file details mode that will actually reveal a little information about what you're looking at? What is the "Movies folder" (if that's what it is) and what are the files (if that's what they are) doing there? The normal installation directory for the program is C:\Program Files\Personal Video Database. Scripts must be in a subfolder of that directory named "Scripts." Is that what your screenshot is suppose to be of?

...tantrum <off>. Thank you for understanding. I can assure you that you can install PVD wherever you want, and, if a valid script with a PSF extension is placed in the \Scripts subfolder of that directory, it will be recognized by the program.

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